
Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

author:Qin'an Strategy

As the deadline for the Biden traceability order approaches, the US government instructed CNN to eagerly disclose the important information of the "Biden Traceability Report" in advance, with the intention of guiding world public opinion to focus on the virus traceability event to China. At the same time, countries around the world, including the United States, have set off a wave of calls to investigate the Biological Laboratory in Fort Detrick in the United States.

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

On August 8, the Association of French Citizens issued a petition asking the French government to investigate whether the coronavirus originated in the United States. On August 9, the Chongyang Institute of Finance of Chinese University, Taihe Think Tank, and Haitu Guozhi released the "America First" in Beijing. The Truth About the Fight Against the Epidemic in the United States" research report, which is the world's first think tank report to expose the truth about the fight against the epidemic in the United States. As of August 6, 2021, the total number of signatures of the "Open Letter of Chinese Netizens Requesting WHO to Investigate the Biological Laboratory of Fort Detrick in the United States" published by the Global Times WeChat public account has exceeded 25 million. Almost at the same time, people from all walks of life in the Philippines launched a joint campaign calling on the World Health Organization to investigate fort Detrick, a U.S. biological laboratory, on the traceability of the new crown virus. Not long ago, the American media "Boston Globe" published an article entitled "The United States has its own virus secrets", which pointed out that Fort Detrick has the world's deadliest pathogen, and its experiments on viruses and bacteria have lasted for several generations.

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

Stephen Kanazawa, a senior researcher at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University in the United States, recently revealed that Fort Detrick in the United States not only has a long history of studying deadly pathogens, but also produces various biological weapons and poisons. The article said it should be investigated neutrally. According to foreign media sources, more than 60 countries have formally requested "Tedros" to carry out a thorough investigation of the United States, focusing on fort detrick, including Japan and South Korea. According to Russian media sources, the think tank launched a global poll in six languages, and in the statistics of the major websites called "Whether you want WHO to thoroughly investigate the US laboratory", more than 80 people believe that the pace of investigation of the United States must be accelerated, especially a detailed virus survey should be conducted in Fort Detrick...

In the next twenty days, the contest between the origin of the Virus in China and the United States will be white-hot, and the result will reshape the structure of the international public opinion field and the pattern of the Sino-US game. In fact, the crimes against humanity committed by US politicians on the issue of fighting the epidemic have been exposed, and it is time to liquidate US politicians.

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

The United States began with the genocide of the Indians, which constituted the original sin against humanity in the United States.

In the sense of the causes of the global spread of the new crown virus, after World War II, the United States established the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory for the purpose of developing biological and chemical weapons on the basis of the complete acceptance of the legacy of Japan's Unit 731.

The U.S. media and U.S. authorities have exposed too many events in the U.S. in 2019 that have constituted a complete chain of evidence that unmistakably points out that the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory in the United States is the laboratory that leaked the new crown virus. The U.S. government is secretive about this, calling on the international community to investigate this laboratory pretending to be deaf and dumb, and reversing the fact that the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory is the laboratory that leaked the new crown virus. Isn't allowing viruses to leak equal subjective and deliberate poisoning?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

After the sudden closure of the Fort Detrick laboratory, the United States broke out of "unexplained" respiratory diseases such as influenza and e-cigarette pneumonia, resulting in more than 10,000 deaths, and the relevant departments such as disease prevention in the United States did not take measures to identify the cause of the disease, nor did they have any measures to prevent the spread of the virus, but connived at the spread of the virus across the border to all parts of the world. It spread to Italy around September 2019 and to China in December. Doesn't allowing the virus to spread is not the same as spreading poison to the whole world?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

After China's frontline medical personnel and the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention discovered that this was a brand new coronavirus, they made a human-to-human conclusion on January 20, 2020, and at the same time reported the relevant information of the virus to WHO and relevant countries, and immediately launched anti-epidemic actions. As a self-proclaimed "leader" in the world, the United States not only does not actively help China fight the epidemic, but also tries its best to hinder China's fight against the epidemic. In the face of a brand new virus, it takes time for scientists to judge its contagiousness and pathogenicity, and it is common sense that the government cannot take hasty measures until the disease prevention and control department has not made a conclusion. However, at this stage of research and judgment, US politicians encouraged the US media to carry out crazy public opinion attacks on China. On the one hand, Chinese researchers are slandered for only caring about their own articles and are slow to make the conclusion of "human-to-human transmission", on the other hand, they attack government departments for not taking measures to stop the spread of the epidemic, regardless of whether the people are dead or alive. And when the Chinese government adopted the strict epidemic prevention measures that are so far recognized as the most effective, they were slandered as human rights abuses and dictatorship. In short, in the eyes of American politicians and the American media, China is doing nothing wrong. The behavior of US politicians in stigmatizing China's fight against the epidemic has seriously poisoned Chinese public opinion and world public opinion, and seriously interfered with China's anti-epidemic work. Isn't interfering with the fight against the epidemic the same as letting the virus harm humanity?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

The Chinese government has paid little attention to the wanton attacks of the US government and the media, and has divened into the fight against the epidemic. The people of the whole country were widely mobilized, and with support from all sides, medical workers from all provinces, cities and troops gathered in Wuhan to quickly control the epidemic. At this time, the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States, the number of infections and deaths soon became "America First". The Trump administration did not lead the people to fight the epidemic, but tried every means to plant bribes against China, and with the help of Western public opinion, China was almost labeled as the "source country of the virus". Trump's rumors must be called "Wuhan virus", and the US media is even more crazy to plant bribes. However, as the epidemic in the United States worsened and China returned to normal, Chinese public opinion began to reverse under the strong contrast. The broad masses of the people feel that their lives are cherished, while the lives of the American people on the other side of the Pacific ocean are being trampled on. Isn't planting bribes the same as escaping from crime?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

The United States has more than 200,000 new confirmed cases every day, and the total number of deaths is approaching 500,000. Trump not only took the lead in opposing social distancing measures such as wearing masks, but also suppressed people of insight who advocated the fight against the epidemic, misled the people to drink disinfectant, and performed a farce that pretended to be infected quickly to dilute the people's awareness of prevention. This is tantamount to inducing people to accept the virus infection, putting people's lives in an environment where the virus is raging, and trump's behavior towards the American people is not equivalent to inducing killing?

As the election approaches, the donkey-elephant bipartisan struggle has reached a fever pitch, and no one cares about people's lives. The Trump administration is preoccupied with the election, allowing the death toll to run toward six hundred thousand. After Biden took office, thanks to vaccines, the epidemic was once under control. Biden, on the other hand, was overwhelmed and devoted most of his energy to containing China, ignoring the invasion of delta, a new mutant virus, resulting in nearly 200,000 new additions in the United States and nearly 620,000 deaths. Recently, it was exposed that the Ramda mutation virus, which is more powerful than Delta, has invaded the United States, and the United States is still tearing each other up for wearing masks, and the governor of Florida has actually used administrative measures to prevent teachers and students from wearing masks in primary and secondary schools. Is it really inconceivable to be anti-intellectual to such an extent, is this the freedom and human rights that American politicians flaunt? How should American politicians face the six hundred and twenty thousand lives lost? Shouldn't the international community hold Us politicians accountable for committing suicide?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the US government has deliberately interfered with other countries' fight against the epidemic and international cooperation against the epidemic. Refusing to pay the fees owed to WHO to withdraw from the organization deliberately creates obstacles for WHO to coordinate its global response to the pandemic. Although Biden rejoined WHO, he did not cooperate with WHO's anti-epidemic work. The first is to hoard a large number of vaccines, vigorously engage in vaccine diplomacy, and use vaccines as a tool to seek US interests; second, to form gangs, promote gangster politics, and tear apart the international community, so that the international community cannot unite to fight the epidemic; the third is to coerce and bribe the head of the WHO, vigorously politicize traceability, and undermine international anti-epidemic cooperation. Shouldn't the international community hold US politicians accountable for undermining international anti-epidemic cooperation?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

As of August 10, 2021, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide reached 202608306, and the number of deaths reached 4293591. Thinking that at the beginning, the epidemic in China occurred, Trump immediately declared China as an epidemic area in a high profile, restricted the exchange of Chinese and American personnel, and demanded that Americans in China leave the country. Is this really about protecting American lives? Absolutely not, but for his political ends – he thinks he has found another opportunity to suppress China in all its aspects. In fact, Trump has repeatedly declared to the American people that the new crown epidemic is a big flu and will soon disappear mysteriously. This means that he does not think that the new crown virus is more pathogenic than the ordinary flu, and his overreaction to the outbreak in China is a pretense. Fact two, after the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States, Trump did not prevent Americans from traveling, but instead made irresponsible remarks about countries that restricted American entry. This shows that he continues to condone the global spread of the virus. In other words, he doesn't care if the virus will kill people, he wants to use the virus as a political tool to control the world. Biden took office to announce that he would no longer call the "Wuhan virus", which made many kind Chinese think that he would change from evil to righteousness, and the facts once again proved how unrealistic fantasies it was to expect wolves not to eat people! Not only has Biden not corrected Trump's mistakes, but has gone further and further down the wrong path. U.S. support for international anti-epidemic cooperation is still only a rhetorical one, and U.S. vaccines still shoulder the heavy political task of suppressing China. China has provided 2 billion doses of Chinese vaccines to the international community, helping many developing countries out of the predicament. The United States is currently suffering from the backlash of his export of the virus, delta virus and Ramda virus are invading the United States, and the number of confirmed infections in the United States has once again exceeded 200,000. The United States' export of the new crown virus has not only harmed itself but also the whole world, is this behavior not equivalent to global murder?

Mu Lin: The cry was overwhelming, pointing directly to the ten major crimes of US politicians, the time to liquidate their crimes against humanity has reached the first, the United States is second in the original sin against humanity, the new original sin against humanity in the United States is the third, the crime of allowing the virus to leak is the fourth, the crime of conniving at the spread of the virus is the fifth, the crime of stigmatizing China's anti-epidemic crime is the sixth, the crime of planting bribes is seventh, the crime of inducing homicide is eighth, the crime of grass is the ninth, the crime of undermining the international fight against the epidemic is tenth, and the crime of global murder is the tenth

Whatever the truth, the global covid-19 pandemic has caused a major catastrophe to the people of the world, and American politicians have deliberately contributed to it, exacerbating the deterioration of the situation and committing another crime against humanity. On the issue of fighting the epidemic, US politicians have become the enemy of mankind. The time has come to liquidate the crimes against humanity committed by American politicians.

Note: The author of this article is Mou Lin, a core member of the "American Working Group" of the Qin'an Strategy.

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