
School listening and evaluation activities can not only talk about shortcomings, but not talk about advantages

author:Wang Ying commented on education
School listening and evaluation activities can not only talk about shortcomings, but not talk about advantages

School listening and evaluation activities can not only talk about shortcomings, but not talk about advantages

Wang Ying (Special Commentator)

Recently, during a school survey, the principal of the school told the author that in order to help teachers improve the level of classroom teaching, their school stipulates: In the daily teaching and research group and the lesson preparation group held in the listening and evaluation activities, the teachers involved in the evaluation of the class are required to only talk about the shortcomings and not the advantages when evaluating the class. The author does not agree with this approach.

The purpose of the school's listening and evaluation activities is to summarize the successful experience of teachers' classroom teaching, discover the problems existing in teachers' teaching, or discuss a topic in teaching. Therefore, when evaluating lessons, we must not only truly affirm the advantages of teachers' classroom teaching, but also sincerely point out the problems exposed in teaching and put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement. Not only to affirm and encourage teachers, but also to supervise and spur them, not only conducive to teaching teachers to carry forward their strengths and improve their shortcomings, but also to make teachers' interpersonal relations harmonious and form a healthy and upward team culture.

In his book Guide to Teacher Development in Germany, the German educator Tistolhuy specifically discusses the "relationship between teachers and colleagues". He proposed that teachers should unite and help each other, communicate with each other, learn from each other's strong points, and often exchange teaching experience, so that the two sides can complement each other and improve the level of teaching. He believes that young teachers should set aside one evening a week to invite a few close friends to gather together: to study basic subjects, to discuss them in order, preferably according to a teacher's teaching notes; to exchange experiences, especially some details... Spend one day or half a day a month attending teachers' federation activities and participating in all group activities. It can be seen that only under the infiltration and influence of team learning, teachers' personal growth will have rich soil and suitable climate.

School listening and evaluation activities can not only talk about shortcomings, but not talk about advantages

The evaluation is also a teaching seminar. Sukhomlinsky pointed out in his discussion on teacher training, "If you want the work of teachers to bring pleasure to teachers, so that attending classes does not become a monotonous and tedious obligation, then you should guide every teacher on the path of research." Listening to and evaluating lessons is an effective way for teachers to carry out teaching research. Through the evaluation of lessons, teachers can reflect on the problems they encounter in teaching, think about the next step of teaching improvement measures, and accept the rational suggestions of peers, which is actually a fun teaching and research process.

In terms of the evaluation of a lesson, it can be said to be a matter of opinion. In some classes that seem bad to leaders and peers, there may also be some advantages. Similarly, even the most perfect lesson will always have a little flaw. Therefore, whether it is a school leader or a teacher who listens to or evaluates lessons, he must hold a realistic attitude, sincerely raise questions, communicate and dialogue with lecturers, and put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement. Only in this kind of evaluation activity can we achieve a real purpose.

In short, it is not enough to evaluate lessons, only to talk about shortcomings, and it is not enough to talk about advantages, but to do a good job on the word "discussion".

(The author is Wang Ying, a special commentator on Dandelion Review.) This is the first work of the Dandelion Review Website, please be sure to indicate the source when reprinting, and violators will be investigated. )

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