
Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

by Song Xinrui

Kumquat 800 g

Rock sugar 120 g

Water 180 g

Maltose 100 g

Powdered sugar to taste

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

1: Soak the kumquat with salt and wash it

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

2. Cut in half and remove the seeds

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

3, non-stick pan with water, rock sugar, maltose,

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

4: Pour in the kumquat, turn on the low heat, simmer while stirring, until the water is dry, the kumquat is transparent

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

5, like this shiny

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

6: Place in a baking sheet, oven dried fruit mode, bake at 90 degrees for 90 minutes

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

7: Remove the surface and sprinkle a layer of powdered sugar to prevent stickiness

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

8, kumquat preserves are ready, sweet and sour super delicious

Kumquat compote: cough and phlegm

9, put in a sealed tank refrigerated for three months no problem.

1. Beauty and skin care

Kumquat prevents pigmentation, improves skin radiance and elasticity, slows down aging, and avoids sagging and wrinkled skin.

2. Appetizing

Kumquat as a dietary health care product, kumquat compote can be appetizing, drinking kumquat juice can quench thirst, adding radish juice, pear juice can cure cough. Kumquat medicinal sweet and warm, can rationalize qi and relieve depression, phlegm.

3. Prevention of chronic diseases

Kumquat has a certain effect on maintaining cardiovascular function and preventing diseases such as arteriosclerosis and hypertension.

4. Anti-cold

Kumquat can enhance the body's ability to resist colds, can prevent colds, and reduce blood lipids.

5. Consume food and decanting

It is suitable for people with chest tightness, do not think about eating, or eat full, drunk and thirsty.

Eat kumquat for an hour before and after drinking milk, because the protein in the milk will coagulate when it encounters the fruit acid in the kumquat, it is not easy to digest and absorb, it will be bloated and sad; before meals or on an empty stomach, it should not eat more kumquat, because the organic acid contained will stimulate the gastric wall mucosa, the stomach will be uncomfortable; when the throat is itchy and coughing, it is not advisable to add sugar when drinking kumquat tea, and the sugar is more likely to produce phlegm.

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