
Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

author:Yoyo chatter

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Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Have you ever encountered such a scene on the highway: the traffic is weaving, but there are always a few old drivers, who maintain a speed of 100 kilometers per hour steadily, not in a hurry or impatient. What's the secret behind this?

Many netizens shared below, which made me suddenly realize

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

This is called an old driver? This is the old barricade, and the person I hate the most is the person who drives like a turtle. The car is a means of transportation, it is to bring people to the destination safely and quickly, what kind of highway do you get on when you drive so slow, climb on the national highway.

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Seriously, not many people care if you drive fast or slow.

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Some mobile roadblocks always occupy the fast lane, and they also have to be fuel-efficient

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

This is not the old driver, this is the old Biden

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Actually, I'm curious, if you drive slowly in the left lane, and someone keeps overtaking, aren't they afraid?

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

If nothing else, driving with one hand at high speeds is extremely dangerous, because if there is an accident, you will not have time to react, and the error rate of one hand is almost 100%! Such as avoiding obstacles urgently, such as a flat tire! The real hand is tired and goes to the service area to rest. Don't drive with one hand at high speeds! Don't drive with one hand at high speeds! Don't drive with one hand at high speeds! Don't mislead others! Thank you!

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

That's right, even those "old" drivers who use the excuse of driving 100 to 120 is essentially driving the entire lane less efficiently for their own selfish gain.

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Totally agree、The most annoying thing about high speed is to walk side by side、It's easy to form a car dragon。 Someone wants to run side by side with me, even if they drive 160, they have to dump this idiot

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

I know what you say, but I just hate those unqualified drivers who drive 100 on the far left!

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

That's not an old driver, that's a fool

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Answer: What is the problem with the main 100 running the second lane? If you scold at the speed of overtaking, it doesn't matter, if you don't scold, I want to scold. The second lane is not overtaking and forcing endlessly, and there are really a lot of people rushing to reincarnate.

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

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Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

It's not terrible to drive 100, it's terrible to squat on the left to drive 100, and it's even more terrible to drive 100 with the trucks on the right, and the most terrible thing is to drive 100 with a bunch of two goods. In fact, most of the time they just claim to drive 100, and when a group of two goods are together, there are 80 and 60

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

How much do you drive a year? We are at a high speed of hundreds of kilometers every week, and we have always sought stability. The speed limit range of the overtaking lane is 100-120, as long as the other party does not fall below 100, your accusation can only show that you are too angry

Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see

Yes, it's no problem to drive 120 away from traffic!

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Why do some veteran drivers only drive at 100 kilometers per hour on the highway? Netizen: I see