
Autumn is coming! There is a good way to fight off autumn dryness

author:Wuhan Evening News

Wuhan Evening News (reporter Wang Chunlan correspondent Jiang Hongying Chen Shu) for several consecutive days of sunny weather, so that the air in Wuhan is very dry, many citizens feel dry mouth and nose, lips peeling, and even itchy skin. Wuhan Third Hospital Shouyi Branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Zan Junjie introduced that dry climate is the main feature of autumn, commonly known as "autumn dryness", the natural world is less moisture moisturizing, Chinese medicine believes that "dry wins dry", dry and dry, easy to hurt jin liquid, we can start from the diet and living habits, alleviate the dry situation.

Autumn is coming! There is a good way to fight off autumn dryness

Wuhan has been sunny for days, making the air very dry. Photo by Wang Chunlan, reporter of The Yangtze River Daily

Eat: Eat lightly and eat less grilled

Avoid eating dry goods, nuts, fried barbecue, beef and mutton, spicy and other foods that help heat up the fire;

Diet should be light, eat more fruits and vegetables, and provide sufficient vitamins for the body. Recommendation: water chestnut, sugar cane, pear, can quench thirst, nourish yin and dry;

・If you have time, you can cook some moist soup, recommended: rock sugar Sydney pear silver ear soup, you can also add lilies, lotus seeds, shellfish, etc.

Drink: It is advisable to drink clear hot and dry tea

Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day, which can fill the body with water and help hydrate;

In autumn, you can drink some hot and moist tea, recommended: mulberry leaf chrysanthemum tea, reed root grass root tea, gardenia buckwheat tea, gardenia lily tea, gardenia wheat winter tea.

Care: Lipstick, body lotion to use

When the air is too dry in autumn, some people will have chapped lips, and in severe cases, they may break and bleed. It is recommended to apply lipstick regularly, and it is also possible to massage the lips with glycerin before bedtime to help moisturize;

Citizens with dry and itchy skin should reduce the number of baths, use less soap and shower gel, and apply body lotion in time after bathing to take good care of the skin.

Moving: Sweating is more conducive to preventing "dryness"

Recently, wuhan has sunny weather and fresh air, which can appropriately increase outdoor exercise, and it is advisable to sweat slightly in the body. At this time, the pores of the skin are opened, which is conducive to the upward propagation of lung qi and the spread to the periphery, helping the normal operation of water metabolism in the body and the dispersion of jin fluid.

Press: These acupuncture points can be healthy

It can massage sanyin jiaojiao acupoints, Taixi acupoints, Lianquan acupoints and other acupuncture points. According to the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine, these acupuncture points have the effect of gold and water, nourishing yin and tonifying kidneys, nourishing the lungs and moisturizing the lungs, and can be massaged 2-3 times a day.

【Editor: Fei Yinmei】