
"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

author:Deer delicacies

With the passage of time, we are about to usher in the arrival of the first solar term of winter "Li Dong", when we will really have to face the cold winter, I believe that during this time, most people often buy some warm supplemental meat to "paste autumn fat", so that the body's physique is improved, it is easier to resist the cold, such as lamb, chicken, beef, sea bass and other home-cooked meat, but in vegetables, like white radish, which is a cold ingredient, why is there a saying of "eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer"?

In the cold winter, still eating cold food, doesn't that make the body more uncomfortable?

In fact, this all depends on the nutritional and edible effect of white radish.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

The cold nature of white radish is well known, but have you ever thought about it? Usually, the meat we eat in the "paste autumn fat" is warm food, the greasy feeling is a little, coupled with the cold in autumn and winter, so that we have less opportunity to go out to exercise, so that the internal heat accumulated in the body is very thick, and the stomach is also very greasy.

So don't look at eating nutritious meat often, but it will make the heat accumulated in our body higher, easy to indigestion, and even have problems such as gas stagnation and coughing.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

And "eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer" because white radish contains rich dietary fiber, vitamins, glucose, plant protein and other substances, comprehensive and rich, and there is also a saying called "little ginseng", autumn and winter often eat white radish, not only taste the sweet and delicious white radish, but also play a cool heat dissipation, digestion and swelling, cough and diuretic effects.

So whenever we are in the autumn and winter, after eating the white radish can feel a lot of ease, especially with the white radish stew, the soup taste fresh and not greasy, full of drink a large bowl of warm soup, the body is warm and comfortable, this issue of the fawn to share a few white radish home stew method to everyone, do not miss, "winter eat radish summer eat ginger", 3 kinds of radish stew, the taste is great, improve the physique and warm the body.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

Type 1: stewed crucian carp soup with shredded radish

【Ingredients】: Crucian carp, white radish, green onion ginger, chicken essence, salt, white pepper

【Method】: After the crucian carp is slaughtered and bought home, first clean the inside and outside, if there is a black film in the inner cavity, it must be removed, and then the two sides of the fish are flowered with a knife, and then evenly smeared with a little cooking wine, white pepper, the fish cavity is stuffed with ginger slices, green onions are marinated for 15 to 20 minutes, after marinating, the crucian carp is fried in the oil pan until both sides are golden, put ginger slices and green onions into it, pour in enough boiling water and boil, continue to keep the fire on fire for about 10 minutes, stew the fish soup out of the milky white soup color, and then put the cut white radish into the soup. Continue simmering for 10 minutes, season with salt, white pepper and chicken essence, sprinkle with green onions and coriander and taste.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

Type 2: White radish stewed lamb

【Ingredients】: Fresh leg of lamb, white radish, green onion, ginger slices, salt, spice packets (peppercorns/white peppercorns/white root/nutmeg/tangerine peel/hawthorn)

【Method】: After the fresh lamb is bought home, simply divide into several pieces, soak in clean water for an hour to filter out the blood water, wash the cold water into the pot, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine, ginger slices, sprinkle a small amount of peppercorns for regular boiling water to remove the body, boil the lamb blood foam out, fish out and wash; add enough water to the soup pot, boil the lamb, spice packets, ginger slices together into the pot, simmer for 30 minutes, open the pot into the white radish pieces, continue to stew for 60 minutes, Simmer for 1.5 hours, add salt to taste, sprinkle with green onions and coriander.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

Type 3: White radish stewed pork rib soup

【Ingredients】: fine ribs, white radish, green onion and ginger, salt, white pepper

【Method】: Cut the ribs into inches in length, put them into the water, sprinkle some salt into it and grab and wash it by hand for a while, grab out the blood and water contained in the ribs and wash it, blanch the water in the pot again, fish it up and wash it; boil the water in the pot, put the ribs, white radish pieces, ginger slices, and white pepper grains into the pot together, bring it to a boil, turn the heat to low for 50 to 60 minutes, open the pot under the salt to simply season, and then sprinkle the green onion on the surface according to preferences, and a pot of fresh white radish stew ribs can be cooked.

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer", 3 kinds of radish stewing method, the taste is great, improve physical fitness and warm up

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