
Fiction: The Diary of a Long Worker 13 Busy Summer Vacation

author:Faintly Bright Moons people

(This story is purely fictional, please do not enter the seat)

Author: Faintly Bright Moon Si people

From the summer vacation to the present, Changgongwei has been learning to cook.

Now Changgongwei has learned to scramble eggs with tomatoes, mix cucumbers with cold sauce, stir-fried potatoes, fried meat with garlic moss, diced spicy chicken, braised pork, and seaweed egg soup.

This summer, Chang Gongwei has become a chef, and he is no longer the helper who only does miscellaneous work.

The family's financial conditions are not good. He must share more for his parents and honor them well in order to repay their parents' nurturing grace.

Chang Gongwei has cooked a large pot of braised pork and is about to start selling box lunches. Chang Gongwei should set the dishes well. At this time, my sister came back from outside, pulled Chang Gongwei, and said, "There is a drum team coming from outside!" Go and see the drums! ”

"I'm not going! Sister, you go and see! I still have to work! ”

"Hurry up, hurry up!" The sister pulled hard to pull the long Gongwei. The long worker slipped his hand. With a "whoosh" sound, a pot of braised pork was knocked to the ground.

"Wow—" My sister cried in horror! Chang Gongwei saw the braised meat rolling down the ground, and his heart tightened, so he quickly picked up some clean braised meat from the ground to see how much loss he could recover.

Tu heard the voice come and looked at it, and his face turned red with anger.

Chang Gongwei said, "My sister pulled me, and I accidentally overturned." ”

Tu comforted her sister and said, "It's all right! It's okay! unafraid! Mom brings you candy to eat! "She took her sister away.

After a while, the soil returned, and without saying a word, he kicked the long worker to the ground.

"Do you know how much this pot of meat costs?"

As soon as the words fell, the second kick was kicked in the head of Chang Gongwei.

Chang Gongwei covered his head and shrunk his body into a ball. Kick after kick, kick on his arm and leg.

"You haven't grown this thing. Selling you is not worth the pot of meat. What a sin I have created to raise you such a curse!" You roll me! Don't come back! ”

Endured the pain, The Long Worker Wei got up and picked up the braised meat on the ground into the basin. Bring the basin to the counter. And then continue to serve. Pot after pot. He was very aggrieved, but he did not dare to cry, because he still had to do business, and customers did not like to see children crying and crying.

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