
Novel: Mr. An, the girl you have been looking for for five years has appeared, and there is a child who looks like you

author:Listen to the rain dwelling

Huang Lei's face was full of disdain: "Don't glance at yourself so cleanly, in the name of everything for me, haven't you always been jealous of Shen Biwei being better looking than you?" That's why I wanted to ruin her, didn't I? ”


Being poked at the center of the matter, Lin Lin was so angry that she could not speak.

"What are you, since Shen Biwei did not succeed in accompanying Brother Long for one night, you will go by yourself this evening, and brother Long originally looked up to you at the beginning."

"Huang Lei, don't go too far!"

In the quarrels that came from the room, Shen Biwei also roughly understood.

It should be that Huang Lei owed a large amount of gambling debts to a casino, and could not repay the money, the other party in order to collect debts, three days at both ends of the door to find the door, this time also put down the harsh words, two days do not pay off the gambling debts, he chopped his hand.

Two days! Where did Huang Lei go to collect such a large amount of money, and in a hurry, he told Lin Lin about this matter.

The last time Lin Lin accompanied Huang Lei to the casino, there was a land snake, that is, Brother Long, who took a fancy to Lin Lin's beauty and declared that he was willing to pay a high price to buy her for one night.

Brother Long's high price was enough to pay off Huang Lei's gambling debts, but Lin Lin naturally would not agree to commit herself to accompanying a middle-aged man, so she hit her girlfriend Shen Biwei.

But under the wrong yin and yang, Lin Lin sent Shen Biwei to the wrong room, so there was a scene now.


Shen Bi leaned slightly against the door frame, as if watching a good play, and slapped the handboard a few times.

"Lin Lin, Lin Lin, your acting skills can go to the Oscar."

"Shen Biwei? You, how did you get here? ”

Lin Lin had just designed Shen Biwei, and at this moment, facing her, she still had a little bit of weakness.

"If I don't come, how can I see this good drama?"

Shen Biwei sneered, looking at the pair of men and women in front of him, a wave of anger suddenly rose.

"Huh! It just so happens that you have also come, and since you already know the truth, stay and pay me off the debt! Huang Lei immediately gave Lin Lin a look on the side, and took out the rope and wanted to grab Shen Biwei.

Who knows, Shen Bi slightly twisted a foot, and then kicked at Huang Lei's crotch.

Huang Lei quickly covered his legs and suddenly fainted on the ground.

When he fell to the ground, he rolled his eyes, and you can imagine how painful it was.

Shen Bi snorted coldly, and the old lady dared to calculate, go and die! I really thought that the title of the old lady Hercules was called in vain...


Five years later, Tongcheng, a chess and card room.

"Two tubes!"



"Uncle Three, every time you win, can this card still be played?"

Shen Biwei was wearing a pair of cool slippers, she had a toothpick in her mouth, she had just lost two hundred yuan, and she was in pain and irritability, after all, she only spent a hundred when she slept with that ascetic beauty.

When Shen Biwei was thinking about how to turn over, the logistics called: "Miss Shen, the refrigerator you set has been sent to the outside of your community, do you need to help you send it in?" ”

"No, just put it in the security room, I'll carry it myself later."

Shen Biwei spit out the toothpick in his mouth, casually threw a mahjong out, and scolded in his heart, what kind of ghost card is this.

The courier staff kindly reminded: "Miss Shen, I think I need to remind you that this refrigerator has a hundred kilograms." ”

"Only a hundred kilograms?" Just leave it there! ”

Who is Shen Biwei, born with divine power, even the doctor said that this is the mana given to her by the heavens, how could she put it in her eyes for a hundred kilograms, thinking that when she raised her motorcycle with her bare hands, the group of courier staff were still playing with mud!

"Miss Shen... this...... Well, then we'll help you put the refrigerator in the security room, and you remember to pick it up. ”

"Hmm." Shen Biwei hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, and continued to start a new round of fighting with the group of bosses.

After a few laps of mahjong, it seems that it is time for dinner, and the bosses are going back to their respective homes, and Shen Biwei thinks about carrying his own refrigerator.

Shen Biwei came to the security room, and the refrigerator she had set blocked the door of the security room.

As soon as Uncle Liu, the security guard at the door, saw Shen Biwei, he immediately called her over to let her quickly move the refrigerator away, such a huge object was too much of a obstacle to put here.

After Shen Biwei thanked him, he dragged up the refrigerator and carried it on his body.

The refrigerator had just been put on her body, and there was a shelf behind the refrigerator, and as soon as the refrigerator was taken off, even the shelf fell down and fell directly on her feet.

"Ah!" A terrible cry of pain suddenly resounded throughout the security room.


My legs hurt!


It's like a broken bone!

Oh, my God!

How could I be so unlucky today!

Shen Bi's slight leg was fractured, which frightened Uncle Liu, the security guard at the door.

Picked up Shen Biwei, stopped a taxi, sent her to the car, and reported the address of the nearest hospital to the driver.

After sending Shen Biwei away, the security uncle who guarded the door reacted to this, and Shen Biwei's refrigerator was still in the security room.

In a hurry, uncle security guard hurriedly spread his legs and chased after the taxi while shouting: "Xiao Shen, your refrigerator -"

But the taxi has long since disappeared, but the refrigerator is still in place...

Here, An Dongni just returned from the United States and was invited by YW, the strongest financial company in Tongcheng, to serve as a trader in the company's venture capital group.

He came back this time only because of a sentence from his subordinates—

Mr. An, the girl you have been looking for for five years has appeared, and there is a child who looks like you.

Because of the haste of returning, the relationship of rushing to work, I can only rent an apartment to live in.

Although the traffic near this community is not very convenient, it is resistant to greenery and is the most satisfactory set of houses that An Dongni has ever seen.

So when I signed the contract at that time, I was also very happy, and I signed it directly for three months.

Unexpectedly, on the first day he moved into his new home, when he entered the elevator, he saw a little boy who looked like he was more than four years old pushing a large refrigerator.

There was also a little chubby girl standing next to her, with a lollipop in her mouth, shouting slogans to the little boy with a look of adoration: "Vigorously and vigorously miracle, vigorous brother come on!" ”

An Dong Ni couldn't help but frown, which adult was so irresponsible to let such a small child push the refrigerator.

Just when he was trying to help, the little boy had already pushed the refrigerator into the elevator with ease.

At the end, An Dongni saw clearly that there were several small round steel pipes under the refrigerator.

The steel pipe uses a strict physical structure to combine, and the refrigerator is placed on the steel pipe of this combination, forming the most labor-saving way, not only is it more labor-saving than the general trailer, and the risk of the refrigerator falling down is also close to zero.

This combination of models is something that those who have studied advanced physics may not be able to apply flexibly.

Looking around, there was no one around except a few workers who moved for him, could it be that this child himself was too smart, right?

Compared with my own childhood, it is simply more than enough.

"Uncle, please help me press the thirteenth floor."

A second later, Shen Wei'an's voice instantly pulled An Dongni back to his senses.

After pressing the floor for the other party, An Dongni found that the little boy and himself actually lived on the same floor.

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