
I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

author:Keep walking

Yang Yu (Original)

Saturday, November 6, 2021

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

In the early days of resuming the college entrance examination, in two dilapidated caves, Teacher Wang Feifei ironed her pants on a bulky old desk in her bedroom, which was separated by holes. A teapot was burned on a small gas stove, and a flat-bottomed white porcelain belt held the drinking cup in his hand, pushing it back and forth vigorously in order to squeeze out a suitable pleat, and in a moment, from Wang Feifei's canvas shoes to the hem of The white cloth shirt, two straight trouser lines could be seen. All we can know about this modification of replacing an iron with a drinking cup is limited to this. It was difficult for her to be both depressed and elegant, and had to think of some shabby workarounds. When we saw her again, she was already neatly dressed, meticulous, serene, generous, and dashing down the steps of the office, just like Snow White, with a slightly arrogant look, standing out from the crowd.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Wang Feifei's salary is eighteen yuan per month. She works as a private teacher at Liuzhuang Middle School in Lingzhou County. She was only twenty-two years old; she was an old high school student; she couldn't compare with college students—but within lingzhou—she was one of the best—both cultured, young, and beautiful private teachers—and even rarer in Liuzhuang.

  Wang Feifei set aside two yuan from her monthly income. After four months, she used the accumulated additional funds to go to the Lingzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperatives with her colleague Li Mei on Sunday to buy hair cards, handkerchiefs, and shell oil. They dressed themselves up as Miss Qianjin or white-collar workers, and went to a very splendid place where life in Lingzhou was very splendid, where they ate a delicate and luxurious dinner. A person with eight dollars can carefully act as a wealthy idle class for a few hours. That's enough money to cover a carefully deliberate meal, a decent bottle of wine, round-trip fares, and general incidentals.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  From four months of classes, lesson plans, and homework changes, to capture a pleasant day, for Wang Feifei, it is the source of happiness that is always new. Entering the social world like a famous bridesmaid is not a few times for a village teacher who is stretched thin; perhaps at the age of white hair, they still regard that bold action as the only thing worth remembering. Wang Feifei looked forward to the joy brought by every four months, strong, excited and fresh.

Together with people who pay attention to food, sitting in a brightly lit and crowded environment, looking at the beautiful men and women who are talking and laughing, and at the same time making themselves the object of their viewing, what is this hard-earned eight dollars?

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Wang Feifei and Li Mei, an office, walked on the cement street south of the Bell Tower Cave, compared with those who really worked in the Lingzhou organs, tonight, the difference was not so obvious, enough to be confused. The economy did not allow it, and he could only have such a night in half a year, and when he returned to school, he would wear old pants and old shirts that did not seem to rot, and eat a meal in the crappy teacher's stove, or have a little fast food at the small rice stall in the supply and marketing yard, or nibble corn in his bedroom and drink boiled water. He did this carefully because she wanted to be a white-collar worker in the city of Lingzhou. For her, a single day of limelight is enough to make up for many bleak days in Liuzhuang Middle School.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Wang Feifei and Li Mei slowed down and walked to Renmin Road Street, where People's Square and Shaqu Market meet. It's still early, and every four months a man who spends only one day in the lights of the city always loves to prolong his joy. All sorts of eyes, bright, melancholy, curious, envious, provocative and charming, came upon them, for their dress and grandeur showed that they seemed to be the true owners of the city.

  They stood on a corner, wondering if they were going to go back to the Lingzhou lamb stew restaurant that they took care of every time they came back. At that moment, a girl ran briskly around the corner, slid on a piece of frozen snow, and fell on the sidewalk with a bang.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Wang Feifei quickly and politely helped her up, looking vague as if she were Wang Ni, a classmate of Lingzhou High School. The girl limped toward the door of the Palace Hotel, leaned against the wall, and thanked them demurely.

  "I probably sprained my ankle." She said. "I stumbled when I fell."

  "Does it hurt so much?" Wang Feifei asked.

  "It only hurts when you're working hard. I thought I'd be able to walk in a little while. ”

  "You seem to be Wang Ni, I am Wang Feifei, and we have a class at Lingzhou Middle School," Wang Feifei suggested, "For example, if you don't want to send you home in the near future, or—"

  "Oh, old schoolmate." The girl whispered earnestly. "Don't bother. Only blame myself for being careless. My shoes are no longer practical, and I can't blame my heels. ”

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Wang Feifei looked at Wang Ni and found that if the two were sentenced to two in the past, it was really three points of human-like and seven points of dressing. Wang Ni has a delicate beauty; her eyes are pleasant and kind. She wore a rose-colored dress, dressed like a goddess of heaven. Her long shawl hair was beautiful and beautiful, and her shiny dark brown mane looked very beautiful, and a pair of red high heels were transparent and shiny. She is probably the finest example of self-reliant working women.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

Wang Feifei suddenly had a thought. They wanted to invite the classmates who worked at the county government to dinner together. Her daring feats are painful, but the lack of an identity factor always makes people feel uneasy; to see how different she is from real white-collar workers, it is better to be with this educated old classmate and learn her hand. He was sure that Wang Ni was cultured—her attitude and conversation had already shown it. She dressed up in fashion, and Li Mei also felt that it would be pleasant to be able to eat with Wang Ni.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  These thoughts flew through her mind, and she decided to invite Wang Ni. Yes, this practice is a bit abrupt, because people are graduates of prestigious universities and they are private teachers. There is a feeling of low voice and low breath when climbing high and expensive in this way; if people are unwilling, it is counterproductive. Wang Feifei's eight yuan, if used properly, would be enough for the three of them to eat a beautiful meal. There is no doubt that this Wang Ni is the embodiment of city life, and this meal can make them learn a lot of things like the old hat; or gratitude to them can also increase Wang Ni's happiness. Because girls of the same age, or old classmates, are born with a common language, it is not very good to have two more friends!

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

   "I think," Wang Feifei said frankly and solemnly to Wang Ni, "your feet need to rest for longer than you think." Now I propose a way to get the best of both worlds, you can both give it a break and give me a face. You just ran around the corner wrestling and we were about to go to dinner. Old schoolmates! You go with us, let us have a comfortable meal, and have a pleasant conversation. After eating, I think your sprained ankle is almost recovered. ”

  Wang Ni quickly raised her head and glanced at Wang Feifei's kind face, a little embarrassed, just now she couldn't take care of the pain, and didn't recognize her old classmate. Her eyes flashed very brightly and she smiled innocently.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  "But your private teachers are paid less—that's not good, is it?" Or I please! Wang Ni said generously.

  "Nothing bad." Wang Feifei said bluntly. "Allow me to introduce you—Li Mei." We are teaching together in Liuzhuang Middle School, you don't think too much, we rural people, just like cadres like you. ”

  "Oops! Old classmate. Wang Ni glanced at Li Mei's meticulous clothes and said, "I saw it earlier, only you rural girls dress like this!" ”

  "That's why." Wang Feifei wanted to stop talking and said happily, "I'm sorry, we just want to learn from you, old classmate, you are a very well-dressed person, we are ashamed of ourselves." ”

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  "My ankle does hurt." Wang Ni tried a step and admitted. "I think I'm willing to accept your invitation, Wang Feifei." If there is something, go to the Lingzhou County Government Office to find me. ”

  "Then go, Wang Ni," Wang Feifei said. Li Mei said with great interest but very politely, "You don't have to walk a lot. Another street junction is Lingzhou lamb stew. I'm afraid you're going to hold my arm—right—and walk slowly. It was so boring for the two of us to eat. You slipped on the ice, but it kind of completed us. I have one more friend in the city. ”

  The three of them were seated in the Rose Hall on the second floor, and a young and beautiful waiter was attentively waiting nearby. At this time, Wang Feifei felt that it was worth the trip, and the old classmates were almost unrecognizable and pulled up the relationship. Friends come from afar and are happy!

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  The magnificence of this restaurant is not as gorgeous as the Yahua Hotel that Wang Ni has always liked, and the one where Wang Ni fell, but it is also clean and neat. The restaurant is full of well-dressed customers, the waiters are wearing blue suits and white shirts, the gestures are decent, the service attitude is superb, and the cooking level is also blameless. Miss Wang Ni, generous and generous, has a charm of her own, which sets off the natural charm of her appearance and body. It is safe to say that when she looked at Wang Feifei's vigorous and composed attitude, it could be seen that she was a regular visitor to such a place, and there was a feeling of standing out from the crowd compared to their cowering in front of people.

  Then, I ordered the best meal in the restaurant, and the three people couldn't eat much. Soon after, a bottle of Lingzhou wine was drunk, and the riots of self-disturbance and smugness, the bragging bacillus, and the pretend stuttering filled the hall. At this moment, on Lingzhou Street, there is a bustling party around, the Shaqu Night Market is full of people, and the People's Square is shoulder to shoulder.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

Therefore, Wang Ni began to boast to Wang Feifei about nightclubs, tea parties, mahjong halls, ballroom dances, foreign tourism, etc., while also vaguely talking about the development of Shenzhen and the ten thousand yuan households in Lingzhou. Wang Feifei found that this kind of endless conversation was deeply moved, so she also said some words hinting at great wealth, and Wang Ni affectionately proposed the names of several well-known characters on the streets of Lingzhou, and the two of them knew nothing, and they couldn't stop nodding their heads to show that they knew. This is a rare opportunity for Wang Feifei and Li Mei to seize the opportunity and try to squeeze out the maximum pleasure. Wang Ni's self-intoxication cast a fog net between him and everything, and Wang Feifei and Li Mei saw Wang Ni's innocence radiate out of the fog net.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  "This way of life you are talking about," said Wang Feifei, "sounds so empty and meaningless." Don't you have any other work to do in the world that makes you more interested? ”

  "My dear old classmate," Wang Ni shouted, "work! If you think about it, I commute to work every day, you are in the countryside of Liuzhuang - backward and poor, we are not married, we do not enjoy it, are not living in vain? Private teachers, you are the hardest working people in the world. Relax in time. ”

  At the end of dinner, Wang Feifei paid the bill generously, and the three of them came to the corner where they had just met. At this time, Wang Ni had already walked very well, and she couldn't see any inconvenience in her steps.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  "Thank you for your hospitality, old classmate," Wang Ni said sincerely, "now I have to hurry home." It was the most meaningful meal I had ever eaten. ”

  They smiled kindly, shook hands with Wang Ni and said goodbye, and Wang Ni said that there were a few girlfriends waiting for her to play mahjong, waved her hands, and left. They looked at Wang Ni's back for a while, then walked quickly to the east, then to the bus station and slowly returned home.

  In the closet of the office, Wang Feifei and Li Mei collected their clothes and let it rest for four months. He did it thoughtfully.

  "An amazing girl." Wang Feifei said to herself. "The future is immeasurable, and I dare to bet that she will rise step by step in the future." If in her place, it wasn't worse than hers, I might—but, go for it! Who told me that I had low status and low salary? ”

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

The residential students who returned home returned to school with rations on their backs, and the evening self-study bell of Liuzhuang School rang once a day. Wang Feifei is the first class teacher of the second grade, and Li Mei is the second class teacher of the second grade. They returned to Lingzhou string, the problem of the car, missed the time, half an hour late, hurried to the classroom, Wang Feifei ran to the stairwell on the second floor, a girl in a student uniform was looking anxiously outside. He is the squad leader chosen by Wang Feifei.

  She and the child walked up, the class leader returned to the classroom, and the teaching director Wang Xia came out and whispered, "Yo, you are back in the city again," and her face was very ugly. At the same time, with a dismissive look, look at Li Mei, who rushed up behind him. "You and Li Mei are always like this, there is a problem with the work attitude, when can we change it?" As a teacher, dressed in fancy clothes, dressed like a monster, running around, it has been half an hour. The student is not taken care of, who is responsible for her problem? I was told how to explain to my parents, I really had no brains. Wang Xia said as she walked away without turning her head.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

Wang Feifei walked into the classroom angrily, her face gloomy on the students' faces, scanning one by one. Afraid that everyone was angry, they didn't dare to come out, and the class leader only promised, "Teacher Wang, we didn't tell Director Wang, she came up by herself." ”

  We didn't know it yet, and she crept into the classroom. Seeing that you are not there, just call me to shout, our discipline is very good. When Director Wang came, we were quiet. Anyway, she looked unhappy. ”

  "Good boy, wronged you, I am not right, it has nothing to do with you."

  "I went back to Lingzhou, bought a little stuff, and came back to the car by mistake. I am very happy that everyone can consciously abide by discipline, and in the future it should be like today, I don't know, that bad bus, will be delayed for so long. Wang Feifei said to the students.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

  Sitting in front of the lectern, Wang Feifei's mood could not be calm. The same woman, who works in the government, is a private teacher. With a small income and low social status, she imagined it.

After studying in the evening, back to the office, she said to Li Mei, "If one day I am with Wang Ni, people in society look up to me, I can live in high society every day." Like Wang Ni, someone stuttered, please eat. ”

  "Haha, you hurt from a meal. I'm out of half of it! Li Mei said with a smile.

  "Old girl, Wang Ni is beautiful, kind, and does not show off her style." With ambition, with goals, the county government goes to work, and it is an old classmate that I invited her. Wang Feifei said, twisting on Li Mei's face.

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

The lights went out and the students went to sleep. Lying on the bed, Wang Feifei turned over and over and couldn't sleep, for the sake of stinky beauty, unwilling to go back to the city lonely, not once criticized, tomorrow's teachers' meeting, certainly the same as before, reported criticism that death is not repentant, I expressed my position, these are nothing, after all, I am late, there are no rules and no squares. Wang Feifei thought: Anyway, I will have eight yuan a month, I must go to Lingzhou Street for a walk, the most important thing is that the next time I have better luck, the shuttle bus should not be mistaken!

I Have Eight Dollars (short story)

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