
NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

author:Pick a ball

Superstars like LeBron James have reached the Finals 10 times in their careers, but have also won only 3 championship rings. For most role players, winning a championship can mean they need to provide the team with critical defense, reliable rebounding and three-pointer threats. But some players in the NBA contribute little to winning championships, and it can even be said that they are "lying and earning" championships. Spencer, a basketball expert at the US media "Clutchpoints", gave 30 such players, some lying to earn 1 championship ring, some 2, 3, and two lucky to lie and earn 4.

NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

1. Lie and earn 1 overall title: Brian Scalabrain, Scott Pollard, Munch Battle, Sun Yue, Isaiah Leder, Eddie Curry, Jack Harry, Dako Milisic, Jordan McRae, Jacques Vaughan, Aaron Baynes, Jeremy Lin, Danny Ferry, Tony Marchenberg, Vien Simeon, Brian Cardinal, Justin Holladay,

Scarla Bryan and Pollard lay earned the 2008 Celtics championship ring. The Celtics, led by Pierce, Ray Allen and Garnett at the time, beat Bryant's Lakers in six games in the Finals, the first Celtics championship since 1986. When we talk about championship rings, it's crazy to realize that Scara Bryan and Pollard have more advantages than superstars like Maddie, Barkley and Nash.

Battle and Ferry earned the 2003 Spurs championship ring, Battle didn't perform well in the regular season, Popovich no longer delegated responsibilities to him in the playoffs, and Ferry was equally non-existent. But they can still claim to be champions, with Butler holding one of only three NBA championship rings in Asia. In addition to Battle and Ferry, Massenberg lay to earn the Spurs championship in 2005, Vaughn to earn the Spurs championship in 2007, and Baynes to earn the Spurs championship for 14 years. These players have all benefited from the powerful combination of Greg Popovich and GDP, who have witnessed and experienced the Spurs dynasty.

NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

Sun Yue and Leder earned the Lakers' championship ring, Sun Yue is a member of the Lakers' 2009 championship, Kobe, Fisher and Gasol's outstanding performance, so that he won the NBA championship as a "cheerleader", which is also the second championship ring of an Asian player. Leder was also lucky, he was a Lakers player during the era of the OK group's domination of the league, and when they won their first championship ring, Leder naturally became a championship player as well.

Simion and Curry earned the Heat championship ring, and Simion was able to get a championship ring thanks to Wade's canonized performance in 2006 and O'Neill's dominance in the paint. Simeon didn't stay in the NBA long as he played just eight games in the Heat's second season before bringing his talent to Spain. Curry is a steady center, but the 12-year Heat have James, Wade and Bosh, Curry has no chance to perform, and he brought his talent to China after the Big Three won the championship.

Harry Lay earned the 1996 Bulls Championship Ring, Milisic Lay earned the 2004 Pistons Championship Ring, McRae Lay earned the 2016 Cavaliers Championship Ring, Cardinal lay earned the 2011 Lone Ranger Championship Ring, and Holliday Lay earned the 15-year Warriors Championship Ring. Jeremy Lin earned last year's Raptors championship ring, which is also the third NBA championship ring in Asia in the us media.

NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

2. Lie and earn 2 championships: Mark Madsen, D.J. Mbenga, Luke Walton, Josh Powell, Adam Morrison, Juvan Howard, James McAdoo, Chris Boucher

Madsen is earning the first two championships of the Lakers OK group's triple-title, and he should be thankful for the dynastic dominance of O'Neal and Kobe Bryant at the peak. And Mbenga, Walton, Powell, Morris lying to earn the Lakers Kobe and Gasol era of the two championships, when the Lakers faced the final opponents are Celtic and Magic, Celtics have three giants, Magic's Howard is at its peak, and the Lakers sit kobe, Gasol Bynum, Odom, Fisher and other tough players, Mbenga, Walton, Powell, Morris in the playoffs have no chance to perform, but lying to earn two championships is really cool.

Howard Lay earned two consecutive championships from the James Wade and Bosh periods, and McAdoo earned two championship rings from the Warriors' 15 and 17 warriors. Boucher is clearly luckier than the first two, because the Warriors signed him as a lost draft in 17 years, and he eventually won the championship in his rookie season under the protection of Durant, Curry, Thompson and Green. The Warriors gave up on him after winning the championship, and the Raptors brought him under his command, and in 2019, with Leonard's help, Boucher got his wish to become the player who won the NBA championship in the first two seasons.

NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

3. Lie and earn 3 championships: Dick Simpkins, James Jones, Patrick McCaw

Simpsins lay earned the bull dynasty's second three-year crown. Jones earned two consecutive championships and a 2016 Cavaliers championship ring from the Heat's Big Three, and Jones' lucky star is James, because all three championships were led by James, and he has the same championship honors as James.

The most amazing thing is McCaw, who is even luckier than Boucher, because in Durant's first year with the Warriors, McCaw won the championship with the Warriors for two consecutive years. After winning two championships, McCaw signed with the Cavaliers in the 18-19 season, and the Cavaliers later traded him to the Raptors, where Leonard led the lucky god duo of Mike and Boucher to win another championship, making McCaw the first player in the NBA to win the championship in the first three consecutive seasons.

NBA 30 lie to earn championship players, Sun Yue big Bahrain surroot on the list, the two lie to earn 4 crowns

4. Lie and earn 4 championships: John Sairee, Will Perdo

The NBA won the most championships with almost no effort being Sely and Perdo, who lay and earned 4 championship rings. Sairee was a member of the pistons' two-game winning streak in the '80s, the first player of Jordan and Pippen's second triple title, and the first crown member of the Lakers' OK triple crown, and he witnessed the iron-blooded style of Thomas and Dumas, as well as the unstoppable power of Jordan and Pippen and the dominance of O'Neill and Kobe.

The four championships that Perdo has earned are obviously much simpler, and he was a witness and participant in Jordan and Pippen's first triple title. In addition, he also witnessed the scene of Duncan and Robinson teaming up to win the first title for the Spurs, which also made the Spurs show great competitiveness for the next 20 years.

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