
"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)

author:Salted Fish Teahouse

Sun Yaozu, whose real name is Feng Xuewu, a descendant of Guan Shan Taibao, he is the ultimate boss of the hidden, but in "Longling Labyrinth", he only knows the Iron Triangle, and the stage that really belongs to his performance is the last four parts of "Ghost Blowing Lights", especially the finale "Wuxia Coffin Mountain", Professor Sun has reached the highest realm of immortality, just like the white bone essence.

"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)

Guanshan Taibao is the most mysterious faction outside the four major tomb robber sects. Guanshan Taibao's real name is "Coffin Mountain Taibao", which is inherited from the "Fengshi" line, and the ancestors have lived in Wushan Coffin Gorge for generations. The terrain in that gorge was sinisterly peeled off, and there were countless "hanging coffins", and the ancestors of the Feng clan once stole many "Heavenly Books and Strange Instruments" in the "Coffin Gorge", using this to learn many long-lost witchcraft, and then obsessed with the "Art of Fire".

"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)
"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, it was passed down to the generation of fengwang li, who called himself "Coffin Mountain Taibao", and mastered the "Coffin Mountain Finger Riddle Technique" to secretly excavate ancient tombs in various places.

One day, the head of the Feng family was summoned into the palace by the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who ordered him to build an imperial mausoleum, and when he met the Hongwu Emperor, he saw a "Guanshan Bone Thief Map" in the palace, which depicted the scene of how the Coffin Mountain clan stole the hanging coffin.

At that time, fengwang li's soul was scattered, thinking that the robbery of the tomb of the fengjia family was known to the emperor, and he wanted to exterminate them. As a result, This was Liu Bowen's intention to shield the Feng family, because at that time, Liu Bowen was tormented by Zhu Yuanzhang to build the imperial tomb, and he had the intention of retiring in his heart, so he wanted to push this errand to the Feng family. Liu Bowen called the scroll "Guanshan Robber Bone", and did not famously say that it was actually "Coffin Mountain Robber Tomb".

After that, Feng Wang Li explained his family's feng shui secrets, and had unique features in the structure and site selection of the mausoleum, which made the Hongwu Emperor very satisfied, and the royal conferred the pure gold waist plate of The Crown King Li and several of his disciples, from then on, called "GuanShan Taibao", stayed in front of the palace to listen to and use, and built the mausoleum for the royal family full-time.

"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)

When Zhu Yuanzhang talked to Fengwangli about how to prevent the imperial tomb from being stolen, Fengwangli made it bad at this time, and gave Zhu Yuanzhang all the four gate sects of Faqiu moving mountains and mountains to touch the gold, and supported how to deal with the four gates.

Therefore, later, the People of Qiling were expelled and suppressed, and the Faqiu Seal Touch Gold Charm was destroyed on a large scale, leaving only the last three left in the world, which was the credit of the Feng family, and later the Jianghu regarded it as an "anti-tomb robbery" sect, and the descendants of the Four Gate Sect also hated it to the bone.

During the Wanli Dynasty, Guanshan Taibao was named Fengshigu, because the emperor ignored the government and gradually alienated the Feng family, so Fengshigu planned to go to the tomb of the Wuyang King in coffin gorge to find immortals, and the clan was divided into two veins at this time, one of which entered the Dixian Village with Fengshigu. The other vein, led by Feng Shiqi, began the life of wandering maps. However, Feng Shiqi left a testament, so that future generations could find an opportunity to quietly enter the "Ancient Tomb of Dixian Village" in accordance with the "Guan Shan Finger Fan Endowment" to see the end, if Feng Shigu had already turned into a demonized thing, he must think of a way to eradicate it, so as not to harm the human world.

During the Republic of China, Feng Shiqi's descendant was "Feng Sibei", he read a lot of Daozang in his life, because he remembered the legacy of his ancestors, he repeatedly entered the "Coffin Gorge", but he could not enter the "Coffin Gorge", and finally sat in the tunnel, and told his two sons, if the descendants of the Feng family did not except the "corpse immortal", do not bury him, he wanted to bury his bones here, he wanted to die here, and watched with his own eyes that someone found the entrance to the "Ancient Tomb of Dixian Village", the tunnel at the end of the "Hundred Steps Bird Road", and there was a corpse at the tombstone, which was this person.

Feng Sibei had two sons, one named Feng Xuewen and the other named Feng Xuewu.

The elder brother Feng Xuewen joined the Xieling people, and later because the leader Chen Yulou disappeared, Feng Xuewu went to the northeast to join the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and later participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and during the special period, because the bandit thing was shaken out, he was sent down to the orchard for transformation, where he met his younger brother Feng Xuewu. When his younger brother Feng Xuewu was a child, he was inherited to the landlord Sun Family and renamed Sun Yaozu (that is, Professor Sun in the TV series). The two brothers went to Wushan to explore the Dixian Village, and the eldest brother Feng Xuewen went first, because he could not break the lock, and he died on the spot in a hurry.

"Ghost Blowing Lights" hides the big BOSS - Sun Yaozu (Wushan Coffin Gorge where the Guanshan Taibao people found)

Feng Xuewu saw his brother die tragically and did not dare to take any more risks. Feng Xuewu tricked Hu Bayi and his gang to solve the mystery of the Dixian Village for him, and finally successfully entered the Dixian Village, in which Feng Xuewu was possessed by a corpse ringworm and became an immortal and painless zombie. Hu Bayi used the Dragon Charm to attract thunder and fire, destroying all the corpse ringworms, preventing them from scattering into the human world, and turning the world into a Busan trip.

In the end, bashan monkey stayed in the mountains with Professor Sun, and wrote a letter to Hu Bayi in Beijing, telling the truth and the matter, and returning the dragon rune and the ancient mirror to Commander Hu, and said that I was dead and did not look for me again.

Here is a suspense, Professor Sun should be in the state of the living dead, but the whereabouts are unknown, it is estimated that if you want to write a sequel, you will start from him.