
"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

author:The breeze blows music to the north

As a popular web drama that is being broadcast in recent times, "Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" has officially entered the countdown to the finale, although the length of this drama is not long, there is no way to tell it like "Qing Ping Le", but it is a real restoration of the original work, retaining a lot of the plot in the original, and the real scene layout and special effects of this drama are highly praised, the plot is not delayed, the rhythm is bright, exciting and thrilling.

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

As for acting, although it has suffered some controversy, it is generally good, and there is no particularly obvious failure. It is worth mentioning that the current Douban score of this drama is still stable at about 8.2 points, and the rating at the beginning of the broadcast has not changed much.

Therefore, it is obvious that this drama has successfully passed the test of the original fans. It is undeniable that "Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" is the well-deserved first word-of-mouth masterpiece of the "Ghost Blowing Lights" series. In fact, the drama is not only quite wonderful in the plot, but even several major characters have been performed with "inner taste", and it is worth investigating deeply.


For example, Wang Fatzi, Jiang Chao used solid acting skills to shape this role, which can be described as both form and god, and his existence also brought a lot of fun to this tomb robbery trip, and the tense atmosphere was effectively alleviated. It can be said that although Wang Fatzi is a bit "gag" and "loves money like life" on the surface, it seems particularly wordy, but he also has a rich inner, life experience is not lost to Hu Bayi, he is also very good at human feelings, meticulous, and can even be said that he is a person with a deep city government.

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

But it is undeniable that he really attaches great importance to brotherhood, and when Hu Bayi came to him, he loyally followed "Hu Bayi" without saying a word. And how could he, who was meticulous in his mind, not know that the place he was going to this time was likely to be the abyss? But he followed his brother without hesitation, so although he was a shrewd person, he was also a man of great affection.


There is also the plot of this drama, relative to some weak, so added some of the villains in the original, as a difficulty to resist the decent. For example, this time the greedy and lustful "Ma Bold", in the original work, he was already "chopped" to death by Lei because of greed for money, so this time he made some changes to his ending, using him as a "guide" to guide "Hu Bayi" and others to Shaanxi, and finally almost led to the destruction of the "tomb robbery group".

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

The reason why many people regard "Ma Bold" as the biggest "villain" in the whole drama is precisely because he is the "culprit" who induced "Hu Bayi" to go to Shaanxi, and this character has its own evil appearance. But this is not the case, because in the original work he is just a robber himself, and his initial purpose is only to deceive Hu Bayi's treasures and treasures, so how could such a greedy person think of such a big plan.

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

However, he is not a good person, nominally a professional coffin opening craftsman, in fact, he is a robber who secretly steals the tomb and eats black, and he is also a scum who has done all the bad things, so he finally ended up with such a fate. But in a sense, he is not the "biggest villain" of the show, he is at most an "interlude".


As a tomb robbery theme TV series, the biggest villain behind "Longling Labyrinth" is related to tomb robbery, it is undeniable that many fans of the original have known the biggest villain of the show, he is Professor Sun, who has been ignored by everyone. Although he has always followed "Hu Bayi", no one knows his true purpose.

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

However, for the audience who has seen the original work, it is bound to know one or two, his real identity is actually the only descendant of Guan Shan Taibao, and he is proficient in witchcraft, so he can read the words on the tomb robbery documents, and when Shirley Yang came to him, he had already had the idea of stealing the precious documents in the coffin of Wuxia.


Therefore, it is obvious that Professor Sun is the biggest villain of this drama, and in the whole road of tomb robbery, he has been hiding his identity, calculating the "Iron Triangle" organs along the way, almost killing them, which can be said to be extremely vicious. Of course, the bad guy has no good rewards, this is common sense, in the original work, his results are very miserable, it is also a self-inflicted blame, I thought I could use the hands of others, I did not think that I was already a "person in the bureau".

"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable
"Dragon Ridge Labyrinth" Professor Sun's true identity exposed: along the way, the organs are exhausted, and the ending is doomed to be miserable

In the ending of the original work, he personally extinguished his three life lamps and inserted three bayonets, and later he crashed into the wooden beam of the dragon gate, and the needle in his brain did not know where to fall, so in the second half of his life, he could only be a walking dead person, and finally he learned that his time was short, and specially let the monkey give the corpse poison antidote to "Hu Bayi" and others, which was also considered to be the atonement for what he had done before.

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