
Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

author:Catering pioneer

Cinnamon fish is also called mandarin fish. Anchovy, carnivorous, scaly fish; belongs to the taxonomic lipoaceae. Mandarin fish have flattened bodies, raised backs, thicker bodies, and pointed tips. It is one of the "four major freshwater famous fish" in China. Mandarin fish meat is delicate, less thorns and more meat, its flesh is petal-shaped, delicious taste, is actually the best of the fish.

The Famous poem written by the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Zhihe in his "Fishing Song" is "The egret flies in front of xisai mountain, and the peach blossom flows and the mandarin fish is fat", which praises this fish.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

nutritive value

1. Mandarin fish contains protein, fat, a small amount of vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients, the meat is tender, easy to digest, for children, the elderly and weak, spleen and stomach digestive function of people, eating mandarin fish can not only make up for the deficiency, but also do not have to worry about digestive difficulties

2. Eating mandarin fish has the role of "tuberculosis", that is to say, it is conducive to the rehabilitation of tuberculosis people

3. Mandarin fish meat is not high in calories, and is rich in antioxidants, which is an excellent choice for women who are greedy for delicious food, want to be beautiful and afraid of obesity.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Ingredients: 1 piece of cinnamon fish, 10 grams of starch, 3 grams of chicken powder, 25 grams of white vinegar, 3 grams of pine nuts, 30 grams of tomato paste, 20 grams of sugar.


1. Remove the fish head and fish bone, and take the fish meat cutting knife (do not cut the skin of the fish).

2: Add 1/3 tbsp salt, 1/5 tbsp chicken powder and 1 tbsp cooking wine to the processed fish, and cover the fish with starch.

3: After the oil is hot, put the marinated fish in the pan and fry until golden brown, you can fry it twice or again in hot oil to make its color more bright.

4, 30 grams of water and tomato sauce into a thick tomato juice, add 7 spoons of sugar, 8 spoons of white vinegar, 1/3 spoon of chicken powder and 1/3 spoon of salt to stir, add some starch water to add some hot oil before the pot to make the taste more intense.

5: Pour the sauce over the fried fish and sprinkle the pine nuts on the fish.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish
Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Freshly squeezed lemon is seasoned with sauce, poured into steamed cinnamon fish, and then placed in fresh diced lemons when plated, which is fresh and sour, and has a very Thai style.

Ingredients: 1 cinnamon fish (weighs about 1200 grams).

Seasoning: 30 grams of cinnamon fish juice, 25 grams of fresh lemon diced, 15 grams of chives and ginger slices, 15 grams of white green onion, 3 grams of yellow pepper shreds and red pepper shreds.

Production Process:

1: Slaughter and clean the cinnamon fish, type a flower knife every 3 cm of the fish body, rub the surface with ginger slices and chives to remove the fishy smell, and then apply a layer of fine salt inside and outside the fish body, marinate for 5 minutes until the taste.

2: Put the cinnamon fish into the steaming box with ginger slices and chives, and steam on high heat for 8 minutes.

3: Take out the steamed cinnamon fish, pick off the green onion and ginger, sprinkle the surface with white strips of green onion, red and yellow pepper shreds, and then pour in the cinnamon fish juice, stir in 20 grams of hot oil to make the incense.

4: Place diced fresh lemons around the fish (10 green-skinned fresh lemons washed, cut into 2 cm square cubes, put into a crisper box and refrigerate and store, take as you go).

Cinnamon fish sauce preparation: steamed fish soy sauce, fish sauce each 300 grams of na pot, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, white vinegar each 100 grams and stir well.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish
Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Ingredients: 400 g of stinky cinnamon fish.

Seasoning: ginger slices, garlic, millet pepper, dried chili, tempeh, bean paste, steamed fish sauce, red oil 10 grams each, broth 80 grams, cooking wine 30 grams, green and red beauty pepper 15 grams each, green garlic minced, beautiful fresh soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce 5 grams each, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence 2 grams each.

1: Wash the marinated mandarin fish in 50% hot oil, fry until crispy and out of the pan.

2: Add 20 grams of salad oil to the pot, add ginger slices, garlic and sauté, add millet pepper, tempeh, bean paste, dried chili pepper and stir-fry, add broth, cooking wine, add steamed fish soy sauce, beautiful fresh soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, oyster sauce to taste, collect the juice and put on the plate.

3: Add red oil to the pot, sauté the green and red beauty peppers, sprinkle on the mandarin fish, when serving, sprinkle with minced garlic.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish
Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Ingredients: 1 cinnamon fish, 50 grams of green quincess peppers, 10 grams of green peppercorns.

Seasoning: 100 grams of homemade tempeh sauce, 10 grams of wood ginger seed oil, 15 grams of soy sauce sauce.


1: Slaughter the fish, slice the fish and sizing it, spread 100 grams of self-adjusted tempeh sauce, steam in the steaming box for 8 minutes, and remove.

2: Heat the pot with wood ginger oil, add green pepper rings and green peppercorns to stir-fry, pour on the fish, and then drizzle the hot soy sauce around the periphery.

Home-blended tempeh sauce: 2 kg of dried tempeh from Xinjin, Sichuan, add 50 grams of chicken juice, 30 grams of abalone juice, 100 grams of minced ham, 200 grams of broth, 100 grams of oyster sauce and mix well into a sauce.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Wild mushroom soup Gui borrows the practice of court cuisine, using mellow soup to make a golden soup, but also permeated with the aroma of dried scallop juice and ham juice, and the fish fillet is smooth and tender in the mouth, which has a unique taste.

Ingredients: 1 cinnamon fish (weighs about 600 grams), 10 grams of goji berries, 4 sticks of French incense. Rare mushrooms (55 grams of slippery mushrooms, 15 grams of old man's head mushrooms, 45 grams of chicken fir mushrooms, 60 grams of small white mushrooms)


Ingredients (5 g salt and MSG each, dry starch 15 g, egg white 1 pc)

Ingredient b (salt 2 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, sugar 3 g)

Ingredient c (salt, sugar 3 g each, monosodium glutamate 10 g, chicken fat 30 g, dried scallop juice, ham juice 50 g each)

Homemade soup 500 g, wet starch 20 g.

1, the mandarin fish slaughtered and cleaned, cut off the head and tail, take the clean meat, slice into large pieces, add a material to sizing, marinate for 10 minutes, into boiling water to cook, fish out the control of water.

2. Wash the head and tail of the fish, put them in boiling water, fish out the controlled water, swing the tray; wash the rare bacteria separately, put them into boiling water, and fish out the controlled water.

3: Bring 300 grams of homemade soup to a boil, season with ingredient b, simmer for 3 minutes, remove and put on a plate and add fillets.

4, another pot, into the homemade soup 200 grams boiled, into the C seasoning, with wet starch hook second-rate mustard, out of the pot poured on the fish fillets, sprinkled with goji berries, with the use of incense garnish.

Homemade soup:

1. Remove the head, tail and claws of the net old hen and 1500 grams of the net old duck, chop them into pieces weighing about 200 grams, purify the blood water, and fish them out and put them into the soup bucket.

2, respectively, the pig cavity bone 2 kg, peeled elbow 1500 g washed, chopped into large pieces, into the boiling water remaining thoroughly, fished out into the soup poke, add 25 kg of water, simmer for 6-8 hours, and then boil on high heat, keep boiling state for 1.5 hours, let cool from the fire, remove the oil slick (about 15 kg of soup).

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish
Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Ingredients: 1000 g of cinnamon fish.

Ingredients: 20 g of pickled red pepper, 10 g of pickled root, 10 g of pickled sauerkraut, 1 piece of curd milk, 10 g of ginger, 10 g of garlic, 30 g of yellow gong pepper, 10 g of bell pepper, 15 g of millet pepper, 3 g of chives, 1 g of finger pepper, 3 g of lemon, 750 ml of broth.

Seasoning: Chicken essence 5 g, sugar 3 g, peanut butter 50 g, LKK Shacha sauce 50 g, LKK Fortuna oyster sauce 10 g, LKK pure fragrant sesame oil 10 ml, salad oil 50 ml.

Preparation Method:

1. Cut the yellow pepper, bell pepper and millet pepper into small pieces and mix into chili paste.

2. Heat the pot with rapeseed oil, ginger slices and chili sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add the broth, add the pickled red pepper, pickled lotus root, pickled sauerkraut, bring to a boil over high heat and season.

4. Boneless cinnamon fish, sliced and plated.

5. Mix the saucer (peanut butter plus Lee Kum Kee pure fragrant sesame oil mixed well, diluted into sesame sauce dipping sauce, Lee Kum Kee sand tea sauce added to Lee Kum Kee Fortune Oyster Sauce mixed well, diluted into sand tea sauce dipping sauce), serve on the table.

Features: traditional bowl dish, sour soup new flavor type.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Yellow braised cinnamon fish blazing

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Ingredients: 4 wild cinnamon fish (about 750 g)

Accessories: 20 grams of green pepper, 10 grams of ginger slices, 5 grams of fresh perilla

Seasoning: 30 grams of tea oil, 1000 grams of chicken broth, 12 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of Jimba chicken juice, 5 grams of sugar

1. Slaughter the osmanthus fish and slice the green peppers for later.

2. Take the pot into the tea oil and fry the cinnamon fish, add the broth, cook for 8-10 minutes and add green pepper slices and the above spices.

3. Heat the flavor in a vessel with shiso.

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Raw cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Bad sneak live cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Grilled pepper large cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Three-flavor steamed cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Hanging pot of cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Pepper cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Yellow pepper sauce features steamed cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Steamed cinnamon fish with pepper buds

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Passion fruit cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Style cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Sour papaya boiled cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Dried roasted cinnamon fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Tomato in thick soup soaked in cinnamon fish balls

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Teppanyaki fish

Make a thorough dish of ingredients - cinnamon fish pine nuts cinnamon fish fresh lemon steamed cinnamon fish pan stinky cinnamon fish fresh pepper cinnamon fish wild mushroom thick soup cinnamon fish sour soup shabu cinnamon fish

Farmhouse sauerkraut cinnamon fish

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