
How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

Today there is a temple fair in my hometown. The village begins to get lively at dawn. It was light, and I was blown up by the sound of firecrackers. My aunt mysteriously told me: There are good-looking Eight Immortals Temple at the mouth of the village today!

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

The Temple of the Eight Immortals, when I was a child, I felt that there was infinite mystery there. When I went out, there was a strong wind, and I pedaled my bicycle and smelled to see what was going on... Along the way, more and more people. At the entrance of the temple, the little granddaughter walked briskly with her white-haired grandmother, as if to occupy a place.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

Sure enough, the old ladies who basked in the sun in the corner of the wall on weekdays gathered at the Eight Immortals Temple early, some were buying yellow paper, and some were setting off firecrackers.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

Soon, a group of rural ladies held Luo in their hands, shook their heads and danced a "chic" dance...

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

When I inquired about the elders in the village who were watching, I realized that this was an old tradition in the countryside: "Teachers and mothers pray for blessings." Shi Po belongs to one of the traditional Chinese female occupations "Three Gu Liu Bo", that is, witches who specially draw spells to cast spells and ask gods for orders.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

Their bodies trembled like chaff on a sieve, but they were unusually rhythmic.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

After a while, the wind was getting stronger, and they did not hesitate.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

Immediately after, it is the good man and woman who put the money in their hands into the public morality box, generally pay 5 to 10 yuan, and there are words in the mouth, I generally listen to whoever comes to burn incense for you, you remember the point, who goes out to bless them. After returning home, my mother said- "Since I can remember, I have believed in teachers and mothers here, and I am deeply influenced by Indian culture!"

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?

But so what? Instead of blindly exploring the truth and falsity of the master and mother-in-law and abandoning the superstitious dross, it is better to look at the essence through the surface, understand the ancient Chinese folk culture from it, and talk about the most simple reverence of rural people for nature. Moreover, this form of song and dance is also counted as the earliest form of human art, and prayer reflects the yearning of the suffering elders for a better life. And now, the policy is good, and the good days are still coming.

How long have you not seen the scene of "master and mother dancing" in the countryside?