
Why China, carrying thousands of years

author:Shaanxi Net

"I came from Zhengzhou, Henan Province to play, and I took my family to experience the charm of the Millennium Grand Canal, especially the night view." On both sides of the Huai'anli Canal Cultural Corridor, many tourists are gathering to take pictures and check in.

Why China, carrying thousands of years

The Huai'anli Canal Cultural Corridor starts from the Huai'an Locks in the east, passes through the Li Canal and the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal to the mouth of the Five Rivers, and goes south through the Erhe, Hongze Lake Embankment, Jiangba, Maba, and Guantan to Guishan Village, Laozishan Town, and is about 125 kilometers long along the water, connecting the historical and cultural landscapes along the Huai'an Grand Canal.

In 2014, China's Grand Canal was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List. Qingjiangpu is one of the important nodes of the Grand Canal, and one node includes two World Cultural Heritage Sites, Qingjiang Gate and Qingkou Hub.

Why China, carrying thousands of years

Night view of Qingjiang Gate Photo by flower gardenia

Get on the boat from the east ferry port of the Li Canal, travel for 10 minutes, and it is the Qingjiang Pulou inscribed by Emperor Qianlong. Qingjiangpu Tower was built in the seventh year of Yongzheng, and Qingjiangpu as an ancient place name, the approximate range is the area west of the Confucian Temple, south of the Li Canal, east of the ancient Qingjiangpu Building, and north of Huancheng West Road, Qingjiangpu District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.

Why China, carrying thousands of years

Night view of Qingjiang Pulou Photo by flower gardenia

On the night tour of the canal, you can see the lights of the surrounding ancient temples, the restaurants and night markets are full of tourists, and the nightlife is modern and prosperous. There are many stalls set up by young people on the cultural corridor, selling traditional rice grains, intangible cultural heritage products lacquer fans, coffee, milk tea, bracelets, cultural and creative ornaments, etc., which attract many tourists to check in.

Why China, carrying thousands of years

The canal cultural corridor and night market are full of tourists, provided by the Huai'an Cyberspace Administration of China

It is the purpose of inheriting and developing urban culture and cultivating and nourishing urban civilization to show the cultural characteristics and spiritual temperament of the city with cultural people, benefiting the people with culture, running the city with culture, and developing the industry with culture. Historical and cultural attractions such as Ciyun Temple, Guoshi Pagoda, Guanyin Nunnery, Qingjiang Gate, Qingjiang Pulou and other historical and cultural attractions connected by the Huai'anli Canal Cultural Corridor are also presented in front of you like calligraphy and painting scrolls in the boat. On the shore, the flashing lights and laughter of young people are combined with the lights of the night scene to form a beautiful modern picture.

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