
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem

author:Tongpu Railway is connected to Pingyao
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem
Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem

Tomorrow will be winter, the haze will rain in the evening, the darkness will be mixed with snowflakes, and the earth will melt before the snow falls. The work group has continuously checked the specific trains taken by the employees, and the epidemic seems to have a tendency to spread again. There is also a work arrangement, about each other time is not sure, the weather is not good, has been at home until more than five o'clock in the afternoon, go to the office to talk about the mind to settle down, only the rest of the time to go for a walk, writing.

When the first snow came, the air was unusually fresh, and I walked to Longtan Park for a turn, and there were more than 8,000 steps back and forth. The temperature has not yet reached the cold uncomfortable, the park exercise people have very few, and the rain and snow have a relationship, in fact, such weather has a different atmosphere, the heart of the heart without worry walking in the rain and snow, less crowded noise, you can enjoy a tranquility.

The song dynasty text with the same poem "First Snow" may be to express such a mood. "A cloud of gloom covers the sky, and the powder is chaotic. I don't know where the rangers will be, but they have lost the Southern City Jade Pillar Peak. "The clouds cover the sun, the first snow is coming, the Yuzhu Peak in the south of the city is covered up by the "pink and English crumbs" and cannot be seen clearly, xinma is walking in the flying snow, wen tong feels and enjoys this tranquility exclusively. Although the rest of the poem is not explained, those who have experienced some can appreciate how rare this tranquility is under the worries of public and private affairs, no one can get rid of the troubles of the world, and it is a beautiful pleasure to sneak around in the snow. In the evening, I learn to copy the text and the poem "First Snow" and remember this moment of peace and relaxation. #Taiyuan Side Matters##Taiyuan ##书法 #

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Taiyuan first snow is coming Longtan Park pink Ying Qiong crumbs are chaotic scribbling text with the first snow poem

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