
I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

author:Honey Film and Television Entertainment

Watching Hu Ge's interview, watching crying. The brain is clear and transparent, and people live simply and kindly. In response to these two questions, sugar broke the defense.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

In an interview with the media, Hu Ge was asked "Want to go back to 20 years old?" Seeing this problem, Sugar chuckled in his heart, if it was someone else, there was nothing wrong with this problem, but it was placed on Hu Ge's body, like a knife, cutting an old scar in Hu Ge's heart.

Hu Ge, 24 years old, had a serious car accident and had more than 100 stitches all over his body. Although he was seriously injured and even disfigured, fortunately, he broke through the ghost gate.

But the blow of disfigurement made him depressed for a while. Encouraged by family and friends, he returned to show business. But for a long time, he used bangs to cover the scars in the corners of his eyes during the play.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

Later, he starred in the drama "Like a Dream", playing "Patient Five", a role that confronts life and death. Through his understanding of the role and the long reading and thinking, he accepted his past and reached a reconciliation with himself.

So in "Langya List", he tied up his hair in a high bun, revealing a scar at the corner of his eye. Like Mei Changsu, who is reborn in Nirvana in the play, he will not live up to the life after rebirth.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

After the car accident, Hu Ge said 2 sentences, and Sugar still likes it: "If the skin bag can't be repaired, fill him with thoughts." "The broken exterior needs to be restored, and the withered soul needs to be reshaped." He even used this sentence to persuade friends who were inferior because of their appearance. No matter how beautiful the face, it will pass with time, but the older the thought, the more attractive it is.

It can be said that this period of time in his 20s is the haze that Hu Ge has lingered in his life. So for the question of returning to 20 years old, Sugar thinks it is somewhat sloppy.

What is even more heartfelt is that hearing this question, Hu Ge asked incomprehensibly, "Why go back to 20 years old?" The host said: "Is there anyone I miss in particular who wants to meet?" ”

Well, it's really heartwarming.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

But Hu Ge's answer was very gentlemanly and polite. But looking at him with his head up and laughing as he spoke, Sugar's tears came out instantly: "I still don't want to go back." If I go back to 20, I'll know that in the twenty years from 20 to 40, I still have a lot to lose. And if I go back to 20 years old, these friends I have now may not be seen. So why bother. ”

Use a pretentious and relaxed attitude to say the most heart-wrenching words. People want to hug him across the screen.

This answer is also very transparent, cherish the present, do not look back on the past. Nor is it a waste of energy to think about what cannot happen.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

Hu Ge is really a man with a poetic and bookish temperament. His answers all have a charm that makes people think unconsciously.

The host asked the question of "using three words to describe yourself", he answered with "greed, anger, and delusion", often heard the zen word, but when asked this question, people who can blurt out these three words are rare in the red dust world.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

Therefore, Hu Ge's charm has never been the appearance, but his thoughts, and he feels that listening to him is a kind of enjoyment, which will make his thinking more divergent, and will produce a sense of strength to read well.

During the interview, the photographer who was admitted to college under the influence of Hu Ge told Hu Ge that it was his blog, which gave himself a lot of positive energy. So she decided she had to go to college. When he heard this true matter, Hu Ge was excitedly a little confused, and Hu Ge, who had always talked about it, finally stuttered and said: "I try... I strive to be your... (Light)"

Doing your best to pass on positive energy to people who like you is what Hu Ge has been doing.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

Before that, a girl with leukemia posted: "It is Mei Changsu, who was reborn in Nirvana in "Langya List", which gave me the courage to laugh at the disease. ”

After Hu Ge saw it, he sent a private letter to her, invited her to see his "The Beauty of Dreams", left a ticket for her, and stressed that he was really Hu Ge and not a liar. It was just lovely. Later, the girl said that after receiving the message, she hugged her family and cried. Hu Ge reserved 3 tickets for her and her parents after receiving the reply.

From hu ge's message, it is like a close friend, hoping to give the other party some warmth and strength in his own way. Just, it's really good to cry.

I cried after being watched by Hu Ge's latest interview, looked up and smiled and replied why I didn't want to return to 20 years old, and my heart was heartbroken and realistic

Hu Ge's feeling is like a candle, there is a heat, a light, giving people light, giving people warmth. Although he didn't think so himself, he always did this.

【Today's Topic】

When were you fanned by Hu Ge?

I am Honey Film and Television Entertainment, regular Amway Film and Television Roundup, continue to share star anecdotes, if you like text, remember to pay attention to likes and shares ah ~ ❤️

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