
Proposed to protect the red line female former residence The developer demolished and built a new building without approval

author:New Express
Proposed to protect the red line female former residence The developer demolished and built a new building without approval

■ The former residence of Ma Shizeng and the Red Line female couple before being demolished.

Proposed to protect the red line female former residence The developer demolished and built a new building without approval

■ The former residence of the Red Line Woman was demolished without authorization, and the glass house was built without approval.

Located in Yongqingfang, the former residence of Ma Shizeng and The Red Line female couple is a green brick house in the Republic of China period, the municipal leaders have issued instructions for protection, experts have demonstrated that the original site should be retained, but it was demolished by the developer without authorization, and a new glass house was built on the original site, the planning department confirmed that it did not have planning permission, and the members of the Mingcheng Committee who participated in the demonstration requested to deal with it according to law.

The New Express reported that the original site was preserved

The area around the Enning Road Historical and Cultural Block, where Yongqingfang is located, was once one of the birthplaces of Cantonese opera where the stars gathered, and the former residences of more than 190 Cantonese opera, quyi and Cantonese music artists were scattered, witnessing the glory of Cantonese opera, a world-class intangible cultural heritage.

On April 26, 2019, the New Express reported that within the scope of the second phase of the renovation of Yongqingfang, there are still 10 famous former residences such as Ma Shizeng and Red Line Woman, some of which have been abandoned for many years or are facing demolition. (For details, see the New Express News on April 26, 2019, "10 Former Residences of Cantonese Opera Celebrities in the Enning Road Renovation Area, Calling for Protection, and The Cantonese Opera Cultural Belt With Yue Bo and Bahe Guild Hall")

Under the leadership of Pan Guangqing, an expert in the literature and history of Xiguan and director of the Liwan District Housing Management Bureau in the 1950s, the New Express reporter went to the site of Ma Shizeng and Hongxin Female Former Residence at no. 2 Huiyuan Bridge On Enning Road to investigate, when the former residence had been expropriated, vacant for many years, surrounded in demolition ruins, and the doors, windows and balcony railings had been damaged. Pan Guangqing still remembers the scene of that year:

"In October 1950, they returned from Hong Kong for the first time, and this one was rented by them, when their son Ma Dingsheng was also brought back. At that time, the provincial radio station came here to record, designated the red line woman to sing "No Jeans", and asked me to listen, and at that time the central government proposed to defy imperialism. ”

In the enning road historical and cultural resources survey report completed by the Liwan District Cultural and Guangdong New Bureau in 2018, the building was selected into the list of tangible cultural heritage.

Dr. Zhang Zhimin of South China University of Technology, who is responsible for recommending the list of historical buildings in Guangzhou, believes that the preservation of the residential building is worrying, but the green brick wall, the second floor retains the Western-style balcony, the railing is exquisite, the wooden doors and windows are retained locally, and the architectural shape is simple, which is a typical combination of Chinese and Western style residences in the Republic of China period.

In the report, on behalf of the Cantonese opera community, as well as a group of cultural and historical, architectural experts and cultural protection volunteers, the Bahe Guild Hall appealed: to protect the former residences of Cantonese opera celebrities around Enning Road, hang signs at the former residences to tell the stories of the famous people, make a map of the former residences, and string together the Cantonese opera cultural belt with the Cantonese Opera Art Museum and the Bahe Guild Hall, inherit traditional culture, Xiguan culture, and preserve urban memory.

After the "New Express" reported, the leaders of Guangzhou Municipality gave instructions and conducted research.

On June 25, 2019, at the expert demonstration meeting of the Yongqingfang renovation plan, the developer proposed to relocate the old residence of the red line woman, which was opposed by experts, who asked that the original site be retained.

It was demolished in July and August last year, and the green brick house of the Republic of China became a glass house

On December 29, 2020, a reporter from the New Express news came to the original Huiyuan Bridge Foot No. 2 and found that Ma Shizeng, the former residence of the Red Line Woman and the adjacent Jixiangfang No. 2 had been demolished and replaced by a newly built glass house, which was undergoing interior decoration, the new building was two stories high, only the west façade was bricked, and the rest of the façade was transparent glass.

According to neighbors who live nearby, the former residence of Ma Shizeng and Red Line Woman was demolished by the developer around July and August 2020, and then began to build a glass house.

Although the former residences of Ma Shizeng and Hongxinnu do not have the status of protection, according to Article 39 of the Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities of Guangzhou, when the activities of new construction, expansion and modification of the façade or structure are carried out in accordance with the law in the core protection area and construction control zone of the historical and cultural block, the construction unit or individual shall submit a specific plan for historical and cultural protection at the same time when applying for planning permission.

Before making planning permits, the municipal administrative departments for urban and rural planning shall solicit written opinions from the administrative departments for cultural relics and housing according to the specific conditions of the project, and when necessary, shall organize expert demonstrations and solicit public opinions.

According to Article 40 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Urban and Rural Planning, where building construction is carried out in urban or town planning areas, the construction unit or individual shall apply to the competent department of urban and rural planning of the city or county people's government or the township people's government determined by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for a construction project planning permit.

After the New Express reporter verified, the demolition of these two buildings was not approved by the planning department, nor was there any declaration of construction project planning permission.

According to the district planning department, it was the developer who demolished and built the new without authorization.

"Pity! pity! What a pity!" When he learned that the old house had been demolished, Pan Guangqing, who provided clues to the New Express reporter, sighed, "It was very surprising how the developer was so bold... Only tears..."

Shi Xiaoyu, a member of the Municipal Famous City Committee who participated in the argument and demanded that his former residence be kept at the original site, was both angry and helpless, and he said to the responsible person of the relevant department: "We must deal with it according to law!"

Shi Xiaoyu has participated in the expert demonstration meeting of the Yongqingfang transformation plan on many occasions, and has also stressed many times at the meeting: We must follow the procedures according to the laws and regulations, we must apply for approval, it is illegal not to follow the procedures, the planning and urban management departments must deal with them, and if they do not deal with them, they will not act.

Where construction is carried out in accordance with Article 64 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Urban and Rural Planning without obtaining a construction project planning permit, the competent department of urban and rural planning of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order the construction to be stopped; Where corrective measures can still be taken to eliminate the impact on the implementation of the plan, correction shall be made within a time limit and a fine of not less than 5% but not more than 10% of the construction project cost shall be imposed; Where corrective measures cannot be taken to eliminate the impact, demolition within a time limit, and failure to dismantle, confiscation of physical goods or illegal income, may also be punished with a fine of not more than 10 percent of the construction project cost.

The developer was fined 100,000 yuan for illegally demolishing the protected building

In fact, during the renovation of Yongqingfang, the developer illegally demolished the protected building and was punished.

In February 2019, in the demonstration section of the second phase of Yongqingfang, three traditional style buildings, clue 12 Fu West Street No. 87, 89 and 93, were demolished by the developer without approval, and a wall on the front façade was demolished by the developer. On May 6, 2019, the Liwan District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau made an administrative disposition decision: restore the original state of the house or take other remedial measures: If the original state is not restored or other remedial measures are not taken within the time limit, the competent urban and rural departments may designate a capable unit to restore the original state or take other remedial measures on their behalf, and the required expenses shall be borne by the parties concerned and fined 100,000 yuan. (Licheng Historical Penalty Character [2019] No. 2) (For details, see the New Express On May 23, 2019 ,"The Most Guangzhou, Most International Historical and Cultural Block" Enning Road Renovation Phase II Was Completed Before September 30, 2019, and the Demonstration Section Plan is being announced")

During the renovation of the second phase of Yongqingfang, some houses located on Qilou Street were demolished and rebuilt without planning permission.

According to Article 28 of the Regulations on the Protection of Famous Towns and Villages of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, the demolition of buildings, structures or other facilities other than historical buildings within the core protection of historical and cultural blocks shall be approved by the competent departments for urban and rural planning of the people's governments of cities and counties in conjunction with the competent departments for cultural relics at the same level.

According to the "Enning Road Historical and Cultural Block Protection and Utilization Plan", in principle, renovation buildings must not be relocated, and it is not appropriate to demolish and rebuild.

According to the "Guangzhou Qilou Street Protection and Utilization Plan", traditional arcade buildings should be preserved.

On August 9, 2019, the New Express reporter found that No. 151 and 153 Enning Road, which are located within the core protection area and belong to renovation buildings and traditional arcade buildings, were demolished with four walls and roofs, leaving only the arcade columns and the mountain flowers of the façade of the arcade.

But the construction plan for the two houses was only approved and announced on August 22, 2019, more than 10 days later.

Experts demanded that the renovation avoid big moves, but the houses were often demolished and rebuilt

Enning Road is the oldest surviving historical and cultural district in Guangzhou, with the most complete architectural preservation in various periods, located in the core area of Xiguan culture. In February 2016, Liwan District introduced Guangzhou Vanke in the bot model to carry out micro-transformation of the Yongqing community on Enning Road, but it was criticized for not performing the procedures in accordance with the law, such as the planning plan was not demonstrated by experts, the construction was not planned without planning permission, and the construction permit was accused of destroying the historical style, and also because the construction and renovation destroyed the residents' houses and commercial activities affected the lives of the residents in the local area, causing fierce community conflicts and infringing on the rights and interests of the original residents. (For details, see the New Express News on September 21, 2016 "Vanke in Enning Road such a micro-transformation, do you like it?") "The biggest problem with the renovation of Enning Road is that it has not yet started a protection plan", September 22, 2016 "He made this project beautiful, my window became like this" and other related reports. )

On August 16, 2018, Guangzhou Vanke continued the transformation of the second phase of Yongqingfang, and carried out construction and transformation in a total of 8 areas, including demonstration films, arcade films, Yuebo films, riverside films, north bank films, multi-treasure films, core films and golden sound films.

In the process of the second phase of the renovation of Yongqingfang, except for the protected immovable cultural relics, historical buildings, and Qilou Street, most of the houses included in the renovation (including some protected traditional style buildings) have been demolished and rebuilt or newly built.

Su Ping, a member of the Enning Road Reconstruction Expert Committee, who has participated in the demonstration of the plan many times, said: "When it comes to the transformation of a single body, experts have put forward quite a lot of opinions, asking enterprises to avoid transformation that is too big."

■ Planner: He Shan ■ Writer: New Express reporter He Shan Fang Rumin Photography He Shan

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