
The Tao Te Ching: Only when it is appropriate can it be sustained for a long time

author:Li Tan Tao Te Ching

Lesson 25: Dear Ones

Name and body. There are many goods and goods. Get sick with death. Therefore, if you love very much, you will spend a lot, and if you hide more, you will die. Contentment is not humiliating, knowledge is not lost, can be long-lasting.

The Tao Te Ching: Only when it is appropriate can it be sustained for a long time

"Contentment is not disgraceful", and those who know that satisfaction is not a disgrace. From a humanitarian point of view, easy satisfaction is not a manifestation of self-improvement. Others may want to scold you for not showing up. But whether it's someone else sees you as not being motivated or someone else scolds you for not showing up, it's not a shame. Being able to face the contempt and insults of others calmly shows that your morality has increased. Really do things, do better than others.

"Know and stop", everything must be appropriately stopped, do not overdo it, too much head is harmful. This tells us not to be dissatisfied, otherwise it will be harmful. Old desires are fulfilled, new desires come again. If you pursue fame and fortune too much, the more you have, the more you want to think more, and you have to fight for things that are beyond your own ability, you must also grab, and as a result, you will be fought down by others, and you may lose everything. If you know how to be satisfied, you will feel happy no matter what the circumstances.

Good things become bad things when they are overdone. For example, if you see people in difficulty, no matter who they are, they all go to help. In case you meet a desperate bad guy, you help him raise his body well, he will have the energy to do bad things, is this not to aid and abett abuse? Therefore, we must stop doing things in moderation, and leave room for progress and retreat.

"It can last a long time", so that it can last forever. Do everything properly and handle all kinds of relationships well, so that it is possible to stick to it for a long time. For example, if you want to cultivate morality, you must give priority to work and study, and you must not affect normal life, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

The water is poor

The Tao Te Ching: Only when it is appropriate can it be sustained for a long time

Tao Te Ching: Contentment is always happy

Contentment is not humiliating, knowing that it is not a disgrace, and knowing that it is not a disgrace to know that it is not a disgrace, and that everything must be done in moderation, so that it can be maintained for a long time.

People are not satisfied, it is all caused by desire. A friend of mine is already very rich, but not satisfied, desperately trying to earn money, overworked, resulting in serious physical damage, and now also very regretful. Disparity creates disaster. Lesson TWENTY-FOUR says that "no evil is greater than dissatisfaction" the scourge is caused by dissatisfaction. So we should not do anything excessively, but stop in moderation, otherwise it will go in the opposite direction.

My living conditions are very general now, the retirement salary is small, I don't pay attention to eating or wearing, I am very content and satisfied with my daily rough tea and light meals. After cultivating morality, I looked down on material life, did not pursue, did not compare with others, and did not have pressure, which made me feel inner peace and calmness. People must learn to be content, and contentment can always be happy!

Quiet and unhurried