
Liu Yuanxin, a student |: I am really not kind

author:Nirvana Sanshui

Text/Liu Yuanxin

Liu Yuanxin, a student |: I am really not kind

For my table mates, I felt quite comfortable for the first few days. But later, I found out that we were not on the right plate.

The same table is very smelly and beautiful, and loves to show off.

Every day she took out many things and laid them on the table, and when she couldn't put it down, she rushed to my desk.

Does this make me feel like she's rich? Is there a lot of stuff?

Once or twice I endured, three times and four times I suffered, but five times and six times I was angry, reached out and drew a vertical line in the middle of the table: "Let's divide the soldiers into two provinces, your things do not go beyond the boundary, once they are out of bounds, this thing belongs to me!" ”

For the first time, she smiled and agreed.

But after agreeing to it, after a long time, he began to play tricks and began to scare me: "What about the transcendent realm?" This table is not your home, can it be managed? ”

I always had a bad temper, and when she was so intimidated, I exploded on the spot: "Are you rich?" Is it great to have money? You don't see that I am letting you, good men don't fight with women, do you know? Do you really think you're a dish? Tell you, you're not even a sprout in my place! ”

My voice was loud and heard by the whole class.

I was not relieved, and in the gaze of my classmates, I added: "In my place, stray cats and stray dogs have a higher status than you!" ”

After saying this, I felt relieved and sat down to start writing my homework.

But I realized that my table mate was blushing and her eyes were red at that moment, and I felt that she wanted to cry, but did not cry.

Anyway, she's also a girl, and I'm really rude to do it. However, if I can take this opportunity to change her behavior of drying things, I think it is also very good, it is worth it.

In order to correct her shortcomings, I will not be kind to her once.

Liu Yuanxin, a student |: I am really not kind

Teacher Sanshui said——

I remember that at the beginning of the school year, the school distributed books for students.

I called out to five boys to count the number of books together and move them into the classroom.

When counting the numbers, the other four boys, counted three or four times, the number is not the same, this boy, just counting once, has checked all the numbers.

Because of this move, he was appointed by me as the class president, mainly to coordinate interactions with the school.

Since he was the head of the class, every time there was a notice on the school's horn, he would fly past.

When the school leaders saw me, they always said to me: Your little class leader is very powerful.

Indeed, this class leader of mine is very powerful, and I hope that he will continue to be able to give strength, not only in the office of the class leader, but also in learning.


At this moment, the child is in the seventh grade.

When I read this article, my smiling face is still vividly presented in front of my eyes, and he is very excited in the classroom.

Grinning unconsciously, at that time, many girls in the classroom were intimidated by him, and a few girls were really scared by him.

Such boys are called "poisonous tongues" on the Internet. The opening of the "poisonous tongue" is easy to hurt the girl.

Today, the "poisonous tongue" that has been in the seventh grade is still toxic? Is it still a daily scare on girls? Bring people's delicate girls to tears?

I forgot when I saw him, I grew taller, and I grew a lot stronger, compared to the fifth grade when I was two people.

I just hope that as he grows up, he can be gentler, simplify his poisonous tongue kung fu a little, and stop hurting more girls.

Of course, behind this girl who does not hurt, I hope that he has a good future.

Liu Yuanxin, a student |: I am really not kind