
In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

author:Zhiyuan Global

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, many heroic figures and heroic deeds appeared in the ranks of our Chinese People's Volunteer Army. It was precisely because of the sacrifice and dedication of these heroes that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was finally a complete success. The victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea not only helped the Korean people resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but also safeguarded China's territory from being invaded, thus greatly enhancing China's status in the international arena. The heroic deeds we want to tell today are the stories of the twenty-one-year-old hero Luo Sheng, who appeared in the primary school textbook, and at the same time, let's take a look at the story of the child who was rescued today.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

1. Enlist in the army and go to Korea

Luo Shengjiao was born in 1931 in Xinhua, Hunan. When I was a child, the conditions at home were not good, and I also relied on my relatives Luo Shengjiao to get a period of learning opportunities. However, after all, people are under the roof, although they have the opportunity to study, but Luo Shengjiao is in a relative's house, so he still has to work every day. At a young age, Luo Shengjiao had to take care of both sides, studying and working at the same time.

However, due to the social turmoil at that time, warlords were everywhere, and the people's lives were not peaceful, so it was not long before Luo Shengjiao lost the opportunity to study. By chance, in 1949, at the age of 18, he saw the news of conscription, and the patriotic and enthusiastic youth resolutely joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Because he had read some books before, he was already one of the few literate people in the army, so after a period of training, Luo Shengjiao was arranged to the reconnaissance company of the 141st Division of the 47th Army of the People's Liberation Army and held the position of clerk.

In 1951, when the Korean War broke out, Luo Shengjiao signed up for the Chinese Volunteer Army and rushed to the Korean battlefield, where Luo Shengjiao was still doing some civilian work. He repeatedly applied to the leaders of his superiors to go to the battlefield on the front line to participate in actual combat, but all of them were rejected by the leaders, after all, the civilian work in the army was also very important to the whole revolution. The leader said that the revolution does not distinguish between high and low, and everyone has their own responsibilities.

Luo Shengjiao not only stuck to his post, but also engaged in civilian work on weekdays, he often went to nearby villages to help the people in the village solve various problems. Luo Shengjiao was generous and honest, with a warm heart, and the surrounding villagers liked him very much, praising Luo Shengjiao for his helpfulness and kindness. However, Luo Shengjiao still has a dream of going to the battlefield, so he also strengthens his physical exercise on weekdays, simulates drills with his teammates every day, and is always ready to go to the battlefield.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

2. Jump into the ice water and save the North Korean teenager

In January 1952, in the middle of winter, heavy snow covered the entire city, and a thick layer of ice was formed on the lake. Luo Shengjiao was practicing bomb dropping in a clearing at the moment, when he suddenly heard a burst of children's cries, and he hurriedly followed the cries to find them.

There were originally three or four North Korean boys skating on the lake, but one of the children named Choi Young, who was chasing and fighting, accidentally fell. The ice on the lake surface shattered in an instant, Cui Ying accidentally fell from the ice cave, to know that this lake is three meters deep, not to mention Cui Ying's height of only one meter just over the head, that is, this cold lake water is enough to freeze him to death. The other children suddenly panicked, the surrounding area was quiet, there were no adults, they could only cry at a loss.

Mr. Luo couldn't understand what the children were explaining in Korean, but he probably knew what was going on based on the children's gestures. North Korea is located in the north of our country, and the winter is very cold, and the temperature on the day reached more than -20 degrees below zero. Since coming to North Korea, Luo Shengjiao has been living with these North Korean villagers day and night, and has long regarded them as their own. Therefore, despite the harsh conditions and dangerous situation, Luo Shengjiao did not hesitate to take off his cotton clothes and jump into this cold and bone-chilling river.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

Because the surrounding ice layer was too thin, Luo Shengjiao tried to drag Cui Ying out of the water several times, but the ice layer quickly broke again because it could not support him, causing Cui Ying to fall into the water again. Going back and forth like this several times, Luo Shengjiao never gave up.

After repeated efforts by Luo Shengjiao, he finally chose to risk his life and dived into the water to push the child out with his head and shoulders. At this time, Luo Shengjiao's comrades-in-arms also heard the news and rushed to the edge of the ice cave with the telephone pole, and the teenager took the opportunity to hold the pole and was pulled out of the water, and finally Cui Ying was rescued.

However, due to the cold weather, Luo Shengjiao's physical strength was also very rapid, and he no longer had the strength to soak his whole body in ice water. When his comrades tried to save Luo Shengjiao, he had already sunk under the thick layer of ice and disappeared. In this way, a soldier in the ranks of our great Chinese Volunteer Army sacrificed his 21-year-old young life to save a North Korean teenager he had never met.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

3. Martyrs' sacrifices are commemorated in later generations

After Luo Shengjiao's death, the news quickly reached the troops, and the troops sent someone to retrieve his body. At that time, the commander of the 141st Division was Ye Jianmin, and everyone thought that he had just accidentally drowned. At that time, the war was tight, everyone's attention was on the fierce battlefield, and on the front line of the war, the number of volunteers sacrificed hundreds of thousands every day, so such an accidental sacrifice of a soldier did not attract too much attention. But unexpectedly, the next day, many people from Cui Ying's village came to the 141st Division to ask for merit for Luo Shengjiao.

Only then did Ye Jianmin know about The heroic deeds of Luo Shengjiao's self-denial. One of the North Korean bridesmaids was even willing to give up the cemetery prepared for her to the Luo Shengjiao, and Choi Ying's grandfather also asked the volunteers to hand over the body of the Luo Shengjiao to them and bury him with the most solemn etiquette in North Korea. Eventually, the Luo Sheng Sect was buried in the Buddha's Body Cave Mountain.

In order to commemorate the Luo Sheng Sect, the local residents renamed the river he saved people to "Luo Sheng Sect River", and the mountain where he was buried was renamed "Luo Sheng Sect Mountain". Not only that, but the government also built a memorial pavilion and monument for him on the hill, named after her. North Korea's leader at the time, Kim Il Sung, also personally wrote an inscription for the monument of The Ro Sheng Sect, which reads "The internationalist spirit of the Ra Sheng Sect martyrs will always coexist with the Korean people."

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

Subsequently, Cui Ying's village was also renamed "Luo Shengjiao Village", and the local villagers named the primary school in the village after Luo Shengjiao, and in order to publicize the deeds of Luo Shengjiao, a movie was also made on this theme to encourage people to learn the spirit of Luo Shengjiao's self-denial.

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea awarded Luo Shengjiao the highest medals that could be won by the volunteers who joined the DPRK at that time: the "National Flag Medal of the First Class" and the "Medal of Honor for Soldiers of the First Class."

After returning to China, the Headquarters of the Volunteer Army also posthumously awarded Luo Shengjiao special merit and conferred on him the honorary title of "First-Class Model of Loving the People.". Subsequently, he was also selected as one of the "100 Chinese Objects That Touched Since the Founding of New China" in the country, and in the past few years, he was also posthumously selected as the "Most Beautiful Strivers" in China.

The story of The Luo Sheng Sect soon spread throughout Korea and china. Both countries have set off an upsurge in all walks of life to learn from Luo Shengjiao and other heroes of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This twenty-one-year-old volunteer soldier, with his heroic deeds, became a well-known great hero of the peoples of the two countries in a very short time, and people felt sorry for this young life.

Later, in order to express her gratitude, the rescued child Choe Ying came to The hometown of Luo Shengjiao with the North Korean delegation that came to comfort him, expressed his unrequited kindness to his parents, and stayed in Luo Shengjiao's home for one night and gave him his gift.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

4. The fate of the rescued child

However, the things of Luo Shengjiao have been praised so far, what happened to the rescued child Cui Ying? As a child born in a remote and poor village in North Korea, I would have grown up to be an ordinary farmer like other children of the same age. But after experiencing that incident, the young Cui Ying was deeply infected by the spirit of Luo Shengjiao, and his life trajectory was also changed by Luo Shengjiao.

He received a good education, and when he grew up, he resolutely joined the Korean People's Army and became a platoon leader. Later, when He Long and others came to visit North Korea, it was Cui Ying who personally received him, and he was already a senior commander at this time. He thanked all the Chinese soldiers, saying: "My life and the lives of our Korean people are given Chinese the People's Volunteer Army, and I will always remember the deep friendship between the Chinese and Korean peoples, and I will always remember the hero of the Volunteer Army, Luo Shengjiao." ”

All along, Choe Young has been standing in her post and working hard to contribute to the motherland, and at the age of twenty-one, under his outstanding performance, he became a particularly young lieutenant in the Korean People's Army. At the age of twenty-three, he actively participated in the inter-Korean border conflict, and in the battle he performed prominently, made outstanding military achievements, and was awarded the title of "Hero of the Korean People" by the state. He has risen all the way since. Now he is serving as the general staff officer of the Cheongjin Military Region of the Korean People's Army, and he has the rank of lieutenant general, which can be said to be a terrible future life.

In 1952, the Luo Sheng Sect was sacrificed to save people, do you know what happened to the rescued teenagers?

Although some people live in this world, their souls are dead; some people are dead, but their spirits are still alive. I think that Luo Shengjiao is the kind of person who is the latter. Although he left us forever at the age of 21, his young life lived in people's minds. Life is only once for everyone, and we all cherish it immensely. But some people can give up their lives for others, which is really admirable.

The story of Luo Shengjiao's salvation deeply touched us, and perhaps Cui Ying is working so hard now to live for Luo Shengjiao in another way. We must learn from this fearless spirit of Luo Shengjiao, continue to pass on his deeds, and let more great heroes like him emerge in our society.

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