
You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

author:Chaos Record

It seems that no matter what country or era, there has never been a shortage of heroes, especially in times of war, and there are many heroes and deeds. In China from ancient times to the present, there are many heroes, whether it is Wei Qing, who defended the country in the Seven Wars of the Xiongnu, or the Huo who went to the end of the Xiongnu, who was sick with his family, or Wen Tianxiang who left Dan to take care of Khan Qing, the deeds of these heroes are familiar to us.

But the hero we want to talk about today is a little different, he did not heroically righteous in order to save the country, but he sacrificed himself as a person, saved the child who fell into the ice cave, and exchanged his life for Cui Ying's life, this hero is Luo Shengjiao, and what happened to this reborn child now?

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Luo Shengjiao

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a comprehensive victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and Chinese heroes have become a good story</h1>

In China's modern history, the most famous war should be the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, when there was a civil war between North Korea and South Korea, and after several games, the United States and other countries were involved in this war to varying degrees. At the request of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, my country went to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and began a military contest between the United States and the United States.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

As far as China was concerned at that time, under the condition that weapons and equipment and even logistical supplies could not be compared with those of the United States, our army drove the US troops from the Yalu River to the area south of the 38th Line with the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and not being afraid of death, and finally forced the US military to sign the armistice agreement and won a great victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

It was in this war that there were many well-known heroic stories. For example, in the Shangganling counterattack, in order to help our army win the opportunity to attack, he used his chest to block Huang Jiguang, who sacrificed heroically with enemy machine guns;

For example, in order not to expose the location of the lurkers, he endured the pain of burning fire, was hit by incendiary bombs fired by the United States, and did not move until he was burned to death, and for example, Luo Shengjiao, who jumped into the ice cave at minus 20 degrees, sacrificed himself to save people.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Spirit of Internationalism is celebrated</h1>

Among the many heroes who appeared in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, today we want to tell the story of the Luo Sheng Sect. Born in Xinhua, Hunan Province, Luo Shengjiao was born in 1931, joined the People's Liberation Army at the age of 18, and followed the troops to suppress bandits in western Hunan Province.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he followed the troops into the Korean War, and because he received a certain education in his early years, after arriving in Korea, Luo Shengjiao got a civilian job.

However, Luo Shengjiao was a heroic teenager, he was not willing to do only a civilian job, he also wanted to go into battle to kill the enemy, so Luo Shengjiao repeatedly reflected to his superiors, hoping to go to a more dangerous front line, but the leader did not agree, and also told him bitterly that "revolutionary work does not distinguish between the important and the heavy, and everyone has his own responsibilities."

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Luo Shengjiao's several requests to go to the front line were fruitless, so he had to accept the reality and served as a clerk in the reconnaissance company directly under the 141st Division, but when he engaged in civilian work, he was not limited to his own work, but actively exercised, and while completing his own work, he not only participated in bomb dropping training, but also often helped the Korean people in his free time, and his popularity among the Korean people was very good.

This life lasted until January 2, 1952, a cold morning, when the Korean teenager Choe Young and a few friends came to the Oak Swamp River to skate, in the process of chasing each other, Choe Ying accidentally fell, because the ice was not frozen, this fall directly crushed the ice beneath her, suddenly fell into the ice cave nearly 3 meters deep.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

The three North Korean teenagers who were fighting with Choi Ying had seen such a scene, and they didn't know what to do in an instant, and they cried out in a hurry. Luo Shengjiao, who was practicing bomb throwing nearby, heard this cry, and he instinctively felt that the situation was not right, and immediately rushed towards the river.

The three teenagers talked to Luo Shengjiao for half a day, and Luo Shengjiao couldn't understand it, but judging from their body language and the broken ice, Luo Shengjiao probably understood the original reason.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Although the winter in North Korea was exceptionally cold, and the temperature even reached more than minus 20 degrees, Luo Shengjiao did not think about it, so he took off his cotton coat, quickly jumped into the cold and bone-chilling river, and began to look for the implementation of the teenager Cui Ying.

The ice water was bone-chilling, but Luo Shengjiao, with this amazing perseverance, dived into the bottom of the water many times in a row, looked for Cui Ying, and forcefully lifted him out of the water, but the ice layer around the ice cave was too thin to withstand Cui Ying's weight, Luo Shengjiao just pushed Cui Ying up, and Cui Ying fell into the water again.

The cold river water, coupled with repeated rescues several times, at this time, Luo Shengjiao was already frozen and trembling, and his physical strength was about to be exhausted. But he did not give up, in order to save Cui Ying, he dived into the water again, desperately exerted his last strength, and pushed Cui Ying out of the water with his head and shoulders. At this time, Song Zhiyun, a comrade who found something was wrong, immediately dragged a telephone pole over, and Cui Ying hugged the pole and was finally pulled ashore.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

However, when Song Zhiyun turned back to prepare to save Luo Shengjiao again, he found that luo Shengjiao, who had exhausted the last bit of strength, had already been washed under the thick ice by the current of water and could no longer breathe.

Luo Shengjiao, who was only 21 years old, sacrificed his precious life to save a North Korean teenager he never knew. The deeds of Luo Shengjiao's rescue of people have been widely spread among the Korean people and touched many people, especially his internationalist spirit has been praised by the Korean people.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

However, the deeds of Luo Shengjiao's sacrifice to save people did not receive any recognition and any commendation from the troops at that time, in order to ask for merit for Luo Shengjiao, the people of Cui Ying's village came to the 141st Division where Luo Shengjiao was located to find the division commander Ye Jianmin, and an old lady grabbed Ye Jianmin's hand, told him that Luo Shengjiao was like his son, and excitedly expressed that he wanted to give his grave to this hero.

Another gray-bearded grandfather said in a choked voice his appeal, he hoped to hand over the remains of the Luo Sheng Sect to them, and they would be responsible for burial, because they wanted to give the Luo Sheng Sect a most solemn funeral.

After learning about the events of the Luo Sheng Sect under the petition of the Korean people, the remains of the Luo Sheng Sect were buried in the Buddhist body of DongShan in North Korea. Our army, on the other hand, posthumously awarded Luo Shengjiao special merit and gave him the title of "First-Class Model of Loving the People." North Korea also awarded Luo Shengjiao the Order of the National Flag of the First Class and the Order of Honor of the First Class soldier.

In order to commemorate the dedication of the Luosheng Sect to the Korean people, the Oak River where his last life passed was renamed "LuoshengJiao River", while Cui Ying's hometown of Ishidali was renamed "Luoshengjiao Village", and even the Buddha Body Cave Mountain where he buried him was renamed "Luoshengjiao Mountain".

Today, a special Roshengjiao Memorial Pavilion and a monument commemorating him have been erected on this Mount of The Rosang Sect, which clearly bears the inscription of Kim Il Sung, President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea: "The internationalist spirit of the Rasang martyrs will always coexist with the Korean people."

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Cui Ying was influenced throughout her life, and Luo Shengjiao became his example</h1>

After the sacrifice of Luo Shengjiao, although the local people were very grateful, the news of Luo Shengjiao's death also quickly spread back to the troops, but because the war on the battlefield was in a relatively fierce period at that time, it did not attract the attention of everyone, and the description of his sacrifice was simply recorded as a non-combat attrition.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Ye Jianmin

The reason why the spirit of Luo Shengjiao can be widely praised is also thanks to one person, Ye Jianmin, commander of the 141st Division, who believes that a heroic deed should not be buried, so when the Chinese People's Volunteer Army is concentrating its efforts on solving the "Autumn Offensive" of the US imperialists, Ye Jianmin is still busy in military work, trying to reflect the true situation of Luo Shengjiao's sacrifice to his superiors.

After the situation of Luo Shengjiao was reflected to the superiors, it attracted the attention of the leaders of China and the DPRK. The little boy Cui Ying, who was rescued by him, should have been an obscure life, was also rewritten by Luo Shengjiao.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Cui Ying

Cui Ying's family is not rich, maybe if there is no Luo Shengjiao, his life will be like a drop in the ocean, there will be no waves. But fortunately, Cui Ying met Luo Shengjiao, who not only saved Cui Ying's life and gave him the opportunity to live, but also planted a flame in the heart of little Cui Ying, changing Cui Ying's life.

After Cui Ying fell into the ice cave and experienced life and death, the spirit of Luo Shengjiao's self-sacrifice to save others made Cui Ying deeply moved, and as a young child, he had a special affection for the military since then, and Luo Shengjiao also became an example for him in this life, and it may be that since then, Cui Ying's idea of becoming a soldier like Luo Shengjiao has taken root.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > was never forgotten by salvation, and Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Sheng's parents</h1>

Cui Ying has never forgotten the grace of Luo Shengjiao to save herself, and Luo Shengjiao is not only his example, but also his "closest person".

Cui Ying had always wanted to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents and say a word of thanks in person. Such an opportunity finally came two years after Luo Shengjiao's death, and on March 14, 1954, the third North Korean delegation to China arrived in Beijing, and Choe Ying was a member of the delegation. Cui Ying followed the group and finally came to the second hometown he remembered, the hometown of the Luo Sheng Sect.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Arriving at Xinhua County, the car just stopped, Cui Ying opened the car door and couldn't wait to run to Luo Shengjiao's father, and Luo Dikai's old man was also very excited to rush to meet him, and the two hugged each other tightly.

Then Cui Ying saw the tears in Luo's mother's eyes, and rushed forward to hug Luo's mother tightly, Luo Shengjiao's brothers and sisters, Luo Wanxiang, Luo Liangxiang and Luo Shengming also excitedly hugged Cui Ying, and for a time the 5 people on the scene hugged each other tightly. They greeted each other without a hint of strangeness, and Cui Ying, like a child who had not returned home for many years, was finally reunited with her parents and siblings.

At night, Cui Ying was reluctant to luo's father, and slept in a bed with luo's father at night. The next morning, Mother Luo was very concerned and asked Cui Ying if she was sleeping well and whether she had been bitten by mosquitoes.

Cui Ying replied with a smile in standard Chinese: Very good, very good.

After breakfast, the North Korean delegation came to Luo's house to resign. On the occasion of parting, Luo Pa luo mama and Cui Ying exchanged gifts, and Cui Ying also solemnly expressed her gratitude to Luo Shengjiao's parents.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Cui Ying grew up to become "he" and stood out as a benchmark</h1>

Cui Ying never forgot The grace of the Luo Sheng Sect to save herself, and after visiting the parents of the Luo Sheng Sect, he returned to North Korea to become a soldier. Cui Ying, who became a soldier, performed well in the army and soon became a platoon leader.

In 1960, Marshal He Long and other military leaders took people to Korea to participate in the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's entry into the Korean War.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

North Korea also specially arranged for Choe Young, who has been promoted to the position of platoon leader, to come and welcome her. However, at that time, there were a large number of people, and no one knew what this small platoon leader was doing, and later the DPRK specially arranged a meeting between Choe Ying and Marshal He Long and others, and everyone knew that this was the little boy that Luo Shengjiao had saved.

After knowing the causes and consequences, many members of he long's team came up to greet Cui Ying, and an August 1st commemorative medal was worn on Cui Ying's chest by the members of the entourage who came with He Long.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

Cui Ying saw this commemorative medal hanging on his chest, remembered the warrior who fearlessly saved his life, he was moved to tears, excitedly said that he could never forget that it was Luo Shengjiao who rescued himself from the cold river, he would never forget this kindness in his life, let alone the hero Luo Shengjiao.

Later, Choe Ying also fulfilled her promise, always taking Luo Shengjiao as an example, devoting herself to serving the motherland with a conscientious work attitude in the army, and became a lieutenant in the Korean People's Army at a young age, and he was also twenty-one years old that year.

At the age of twenty-three, the border conflict between the DPRK and the ROK broke out again, as a lieutenant of the Korean People's Army, he bravely rushed to the front line, because of his bravery in battle, he made a military achievement in this conflict, and finally won the title of "Korean People's Hero", directly promoted to the third level. He also became a "hero", and now Choe Young is serving as the general staff officer of the "Cheongjin Military Region" of the Korean People's Army, with the rank of lieutenant general.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks:</h1>

In fact, everyone is very fragile in the face of life and death, but there are always some people who can overcome their instinctive fears in the face of righteousness, even if they face death, they will not hesitate.

Such people are not only respected, but also live out the breadth of life, although their lives may be very short, but their spirit can be passed on forever, inspiring every generation and becoming an example for everyone.

Just like Cui Ying, he could have become an obscure ordinary person, but because of the influence of a hero, his whole life was modeled after Luo Shengjiao, and eventually became a hero like Luo Shengjiao, who contributed to the country and the people.

You only know that Luo Shengjiao sacrificed to save people, but the rescued teenagers did what happened later, do you know that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won in an all-round way, the Chinese hero became a good story Luo Shengjiao sacrificed himself to save people, the spirit of internationalism was praised Cui Ying's life was affected, Luo Shengjiao became his example and salvation will never be forgotten, Cui Ying traveled thousands of miles to visit Luo Shengjiao's parents Cui Ying grew up to become "him", outstanding as a benchmark conclusion: Reference: Reference:

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > references:</h1>

Nie Yingrong,Shen Jiaoli. Luo Shengjiao: An International Communist Fighter Who Sacrificed Himself to Save Others[N]. Changsha Evening News, 2021-06-20(002).

Liu Meng,Liu Zongyu,Deng Zhiqian. Analysis on the Value of Cultural Relics Donated by Luo Dikai, Luo Shengjiao Memorial Hall[J].Oriental Collection, 2020(21):73-74.

Liu Xiangshang. Luo Shengjiao's sacrifice was characterized as an "accident notification"[J].Literature and History Expo, 2008(08):54-56.

[4] Yuan Mei,Chu Rong. The Teenager Who Sacrificed His Life to Rescue by Luo Shengjiao—— Cui Ying's Trip to China[N]. China Archives Daily, 2000-06-22(003).

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