
Chu Han Hero Chapter VI Gao Zu Zhi Shou Guang Wu General · Misery Cihou · Du Lieutenant Class

author:History of Ding Liezhi

Weary, an ancient place name, first appeared in the "Records of History", is a person's title of marquis. At present, the author can only reluctantly find a paragraph of proof that confirms the existence of the county in the "Literature Examination":

The Five Counties of the Jinle Lingguo (漯次, Yangxin, Luowo, Xinle, leling) Volume 317 Youdi Kao III

However, this is already a record of the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, the author can only say that the name of the county is likely to be newly established because of a person, but at that time, the county should be called the county of the county. Of course, although it is also recorded that the name of The County had this name as early as the pre-Qin period, the author has not been able to find its source, so at present it can only be inferred.

Tired of times, I don't know how everyone will feel when they read these two words? Anyway, as far as the author is concerned, it is very uncomfortable, but, no matter what, whether everyone wants to or not, the second marquis is a person who can't get around in the Great Han Gong Hou, why?

Because as far as the author has found so far, at least two other gonghou have clearly written four words in their records: "Than the second marquis." ”

Therefore, in order to better describe them, the author can only write about him first, and he is tired of the Hou Ye class.

Chu Han Hero Chapter VI Gao Zu Zhi Shou Guang Wu General · Misery Cihou · Du Lieutenant Class
Yi Shen stayed in the first year of the previous year, entered the Han Dynasty, and guarded Guangwu and Gonghou with the capital lieutenant. Chronology of the Princes of Gaozu

The above content is all the records before the marquis of the second marquis.

Caution? According to Yan Shigu's commentary, caution is to be cautious.

However, the author does not agree with Yan Shigu's view, so here we can refer to the record in the "Book of Lou" written by the famous scholar Zhang Taiyan in modern times:

Prudent General, as the official name of the Chu han Dynasty, the counselor of Yu Ming. (Ming "Chronicle of Officials": Chief Officer, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Staff General, No Grade, No Quota.) This staff officer is three with the chief soldier and the deputy general soldier, and the name of the prudent general is still the same. Shi Gu's saying that "prudence is the general" is very twisted. Han Chu stable generals, crossbow generals, assassin generals, etc., are named after their duties, and there is no one who can stand up for empty words. With caution as the third, the general words of Zhou, Qin, and Han, so Dong Shi used it) "Lou Shu Guan Tong Part I"

As Zhang Taiyan argues, he regarded Jian Jian as a staff general of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, Zhang Taiyan believes that the names of generals set up in the early Han Dynasty have their uses. Therefore, as far as the author is concerned, I still agree more with Zhang Taiyan's point of view, and the cautious general here is the official position held by Hou Ye after joining Liu Bang.

In other words, he joined Liu Bang on the way to Liu Bang's army to attack Guanzhong, and because he might have a certain strength or background, he was appointed by Liu Bang as a cautious general.

However, as Zhang Taiyan argued, prudent general means general, so after joining the Han camp, he should have become a subordinate officer of a certain general.

In this way, according to the historical records, soon, Liu Bang's army invaded Guanzhong to destroy Qin, and then Xiang Yu arrived in Guanzhong, divided the princes, Liu Bang became the king of Han, and naturally went to Hanzhong with a large army.

After that, there was no other record in the history books, and it was directly pointed out that the marquis's certificate of the ya class was pointed out, that is, Guangwu was guarded with the official position of a capital lieutenant.

Literally, it does seem to be holding a city, as if the merits are not bad.

However, the problem is that the place that the class guards is very unusual.

Guangwu, it sounds like everyone may not be impressed, but what if the author says that there is a gap? At this point, it is estimated that many people will understand it.

The so-called Guangwu refers to the Guangwu Mountain, and the characteristic of the Guangwu Mountain is that it is bounded by a small river.

In the battle of Xingyang in the third year of the Han Dynasty, the main battlefield was in the area of Guangwu Mountain, and this small river separating Guangwu Mountain was the famous chasm in later generations.

In this way, at this point, I believe many people will understand what a great achievement it is for the Ye class to be able to defend Guangwu.

Until the fourth year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang risked his life and used himself as bait to firmly hang the main force of Xiang Yu's army in the Area of Guangwu Mountain. And Liu Bang relied on generals like Yan, and it was these generals who firmly held Guangwu and forced Xiang Yu to retreat, until the second half of the fourth year of the Han Dynasty, Xiang Yu could no longer stay up, so he decided to negotiate peace with Liu Bang. The result of the peace talks was that the Guangwu Mountain Divide was bounded, the east was Chu, and the west was Han, and the world was divided from then on.

However, as a result, we all know that it is advisable to chase the poor and poor, and then there is the overlord Bieji on the banks of the Wujiang River.

In short, it was precisely because of his outstanding performance in Guangwu that he was able to be crowned marquis.

Indeed, just according to the records in the Chronology of the Emperors and Princes of the Gaozu Dynasty, it seems that the story of the Ya class can be ended.

However, it is clear that it is not so simple.

As I once said, human history has always been linked by cause and effect, and there are no people who appear for no reason, and there is no thing that appears for no reason.

When I wrote about Yuan Ang, a famous minister during the han Dynasty, I don't know if you can notice a confusion that I wrote in that article, that is, who is Yuan Ang's brother there?

In there, Yuan Ang's rise from the beginning to the rise is all because of a person's relationship:

When he was a high queen, he tasted as a Lulusha person. And Emperor Xiaowen ascended the throne, and Ang's brother Ren Ang was made a middle lang. The Biography of Yuan Anglie

As recorded above, Yuan Ang was a member of the Lü family at that time, and should have disappeared when Zhu Lü fell, but it was the protection of his brother that allowed him to come back from the dead and re-enter the Han court.

Then, after Yuan Ang offended Zhou Bo, zhou Bo's words once again confused the author:

Hou Daihou looked at Yuan Angyue: "I am kind to my brother, and this court will destroy me!" "The Biography of Yuan Anglie"

At this time, Zhou Bo was already a Han Chancellor, however, when he saw Yuan Ang cursing himself at the emperor, he said to Yuan Ang, you little boy, I have such a good relationship with your brother, but you actually destroyed me in front of the emperor? Are you really mad at me?

These two records made the author at the time puzzled, who was Yuan Ang's brother? The fact that he was able to rescue Yuan Ang from the Zhulu Rebellion before shows that Yuan Ang's brother must be a member of the Han Chugong Houtuan and has great energy. Later, through Zhou Bo's mouth, we can indirectly see that Zhou Bo actually has great respect for Yuan Ang's brother.

Therefore, all of this points to a point, Yuan An's brother is also a meritorious marquis in the early Han Dynasty, otherwise, all this of Yuan Ang is really difficult to explain.

However, unfortunately, at that time, because the author was looking according to the surname of Yuan, the search was fruitless at that time, and there was no Gonghou surnamed Yuan in the early Han Dynasty.

However, to this day, the author came across the record of Yuan Ang in the Book of Han:

Silk. His father, Chu Renren, was therefore a group of thieves and migrated to Anling. "The Wrong Biography of Hanshu Ye Angchao"

To be precise, at that time, the author did see this paragraph, but there was no reaction at that time, so in fact, it should be Ye Ang.

Therefore, all this is related to the author's inference, and the second marquis and the yao ang just happen to be the same surname.

However, it is not that this inference is not problematic, the only problem here is that although the history books do not specify the surname of Yuan Ang's brother, it does indicate that the person is called Duo.

In this regard, the author's only explanation is that it is very likely that the word of the class is exactly 哙, otherwise, it is impossible to explain anything else, and it is even more unlikely that it is Fan Duo here. After all, Fan Duo died of illness as early as the sixth year of Emperor Xiaohui, so the only possibility is that either there is a mistake in the record here, or this duo here is a class.

Well, this can only be a hypothesis anyway, but I think this hypothesis is at least logically completely smooth.

At that time, he joined Liu Bang as a cautious general, and it was likely that he was a cautious general under Zhou Bo, so he had a very good relationship with Zhou Bo. Moreover, Ye Was still alive in the first year of Emperor Xiaowen's reign, so he had the conditions to rescue Yuan Ang. Therefore, to say that Ye is Yuan Ang's brother is fully logical, both in terms of surname and conditions.

In short, the author's conclusion here is that The brother of Ye Ang is the Yan class, and among the characters in the early Han Dynasty, only the Yan class may be the brother of the Yan Ang.

In this way, from the series of experiences after Yuan Ang, at least from the opposite side, we can see that the power of the Vice Hou Ye class in the Han Court is also really not small.

Of course, if you want to really link the story of Ye Ang, it will require the author to refer to other materials in the future, and all this is currently limited to the conjecture state.

Okay, let's talk about the end of the class:

The first year, the first year of Hou He. For six years, Hou He plotted a rebellion and the country was removed. Chronology of the Princes of Gaozu

In the first year of Emperor Xiaowen of Han, that is, after the Rebellion of Zhulu had just been quelled, He died shortly after he rescued Yuan Ang and made him Langzhong.

Obviously, after his death, he should have had a nickname, but because of the incident that happened in the sixth year of Emperor Xiaowen of Han, there was nothing left.

In the sixth year of Emperor Xiaowen of Han, it is recorded here that the son of Ye He, who inherited the title of Marquis of Yizi, rebelled, so his titles and fiefs were abolished.

But what really happened that year?

In November of the sixth year, the king of Huainan plotted a rebellion, and the abolition of Shu was serious, and he died. Book of Han and The Chronicle of Emperor Wen

In this year, in fact, the real source of the rebellion was the rebellion of Liu Chang, the prince of Huainan, the brother of Emperor Xiaowen, and what was linked to this incident was actually not only the family of the second marquis, but also a number of feudal princes.

Therefore, it seems that the rebellion of Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, was not as simple as the author judged at the time, and what was behind it still needed to be slowly sorted out and then explored.

After all, the sixth year of Han seems to be the moment when Emperor Wen of Han comprehensively suppressed the Marquis of Han, and at this time, the only son of Han Gaozu besides Emperor Wen of Han suddenly rebelled with a large number of Gonghou disciples, so all this is really worth playing.


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