
Clan culture - common sense of ancient Chinese kinship titles

Clan culture - common sense of ancient Chinese kinship titles
Clan culture - common sense of ancient Chinese kinship titles

In ancient times, all people of the same surname and foreign races of the opposite sex who were related by blood were called relatives. The specific titles are as follows:

Father of the grandfather (king father, grandfather). Grandmother, Queen Mother, Mother of Father. (Great-grandfather, mother) Maternal father and mother. (Great-grandfather, mother) Great-grandfather's father and mother. (The fifth life is from the throne, and the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and high ancestor are superior.)

Great-grandson Son of a grandson.

Grandson The son of a great-grandson.

Son of The Grandson. (The Second Fifth Dynasty refers to the next lord and grandson from the base position)

Brother of the father of the father.

Uncle The brother of the father.

Mother (aunt) Wife of a father.

Aunt (aunt) The wife of an uncle.

Aunt (aunt) Sister of the Father.

Uncle Uncle Uncle Husband.

From the grandfather (uncle, uncle) to the father's uncle.

From the grandparents (uncles, uncles) to the father's aunts, uncles.

From grandfather (cousin, cousin) from father to brother.

From grandmother (cousin, cousin) from grandfather's wife.

Uncle of the great-grandfather of the clan (the great-father of the clan).

The wife of the uncle of the great-great-queen mother's grandfather.

Son of a great-grandfather of the clan grandfather.

Son of a patriarchal grandfather.

Son of a clan brother and a father.

Sister-in-law's wife.

The wife of a brother-in-law.

Son of a brother from a son (nephew).

Daughter from a female (niece) brother.

Grandson from the Grandchildren.

Son of a nephew (nephew) sister.

Husband of a private sister.

Husband of the son-in-law (son-in-law, son-in-law).

A child of a sister of a father in the middle cousin.

Father of maternal grandfather (maternal father) maternal grandfather.

Mother of maternal grandmother (maternal queen mother).

The father of the great-

The mother of the great-great-grandfather.

Brother of the uncle (uncle) mother.

The wife of the uncle of the aunt (concubine).

Sister from the mother (aunt, aunt) mother.

Husband of uncle and aunt.

The child of the middle cousin (cousin) aunt.

Children of brothers and sisters from the mother, from the mother of the mother's siblings (aunts, cousins, aunts and sisters).

Father of maternal uncles (father-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, Taishan, and Yue-wong) wife.

Mother of the wife of the maternal aunt (mother-in-law, mother-in-law, Tai Shui).

Sister of an aunt (sister-in-law) wife.

Son of a brother of a wife and a nephew.

Father of the uncle (嫜, 公) husband.

Mother of the aunt (mother-in-law).

Aunt and uncle are the parents of the husband (commonly known as in-laws).

Uncle (uncle, uncle) Brother of the husband.

Sister-in-law of her husband.

The younger sister of the husband of the wife.

Jimph's sister-in-law.

Short for Di Ji and Concubine Gu's brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Ya, Lian Xiang (brother-in-law, brother-in-law), two Qiao and two sons-in-law call each other.

Ancient and modern relatives are called miscellaneous

How to call their relatives, when calling their relatives, we often hear or see the words "home, house, death, first, dog, small".

Home is used to refer to living relatives who are taller or older than oneself, and contains the meaning of humility and commonality. For example, calling one's father the father and the family strict, calling the mother the mother and the family ci, calling the father-in-law the family father-in-law, the grandfather the family ancestor, as well as the brother, the family sister-in-law, and so on.

She is used to modestly refer to relatives who are inferior to oneself, such as brothers, sisters, nephews, and relatives, but not to mention children and daughters.

First, it contains feelings of remembrance and sorrow, which is an honorific title for the deceased elderly, such as calling the deceased father the father, the ancestor, the first strict, and the first examination, the mother being called the first mother, the first concubine, and the first kind, and the grandfather calling the ancestor, and so on.

Death is used to address the dead and humble, such as dead sisters and dead children. For deceased husbands, wives, and close friends, they can also be called deceased husbands, deceased wives, and deceased friends.

In the old days, he humbly called his young children who were not deeply involved in the world, such as inuyasha and inuyasha.

Small people often use humble words to call their own side, such as calling their children, little girls, and so on.

Six relatives Six relatives are six kinds of relatives. There have always been many opinions on the six relatives, and there are roughly the following kinds, one refers to fathers and sons, brothers, sisters, nephews, marriages, and marriages. The second term refers to father and son, brother, husband and wife. The three terms refer to parents, brothers, and wives. The four sayings refer to parents, brothers, brothers with fathers, brothers from grandparents, brothers from great-grandparents, and brothers of the same race. The five sayings refer to father, mother, brother, brother, wife, and son, which is a more common term in modern times, and the six relatives in modern Chinese also refer to relatives.

Ancient brother ranking title In ancient times, Bo, Zhong, Uncle, and Ji represented the ranking order between brothers, with Bo as the eldest, Zhong as the second, Uncle as the third, and the season ranking being the smallest. The father's brother is called "uncle", the father's second brother is called "middle father", the middle father's brother is called "uncle", the youngest uncle is called "Ji father", and later the father's brothers are collectively called "uncle".

Ancient and modern wife titles We now call a man's spouse a wife. From ancient times to the present, there are nearly forty kinds of names for wives.

Xiaojun and Xiaojun were originally called the wives of princes, and later used as common names for wives.

Empress The Emperor's wife.

Zi Tong The emperor's title for empress.

Lady The wives of ancient princes were called madames, the wives of one or two officials in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the wives of ordinary people in modern times, and are now mostly used in diplomatic occasions.

Jing's Wife In the old days, he humbly called himself his wife, and also modestly called him "Jingren", "Jing room", "Jing woman", "Humble Jing", "Mountain Jing". "Meanness" means poverty.

Lady The ancients used a generic name for their wives.

Chaff describes a wife who suffers together when she is poor.

Insiders used to call others their wives. The written language is also called "insider" and "internal help". Honorific titles for other people's wives are called "Kennaisuke".

In the old days, the wife of the businessman was called "the inner treasurer", and there were also called "inner masters".

Mrs. The old society generally called the wives of officials, or the powerful and rich people called their wives "wives" to people, which now has the meaning of respect, such as "your wife is coming."

Wife refers to the wife and children. In the early days, there were "wives" and "wives", also known solely as wives, and some people often called virtuous wives and loving wives in their letters in order to show affection.

Old partner refers to the elderly couple's party, generally referring to the woman.

Mothers-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law Some places call wives mothers and children, or mother-in-law, or mother-in-law.

Tangke Some places in Jiangnan are commonly known as wives as tangke.

Daughters-in-law In rural Henan, wives are commonly called daughters-in-law.

Wife The common name of the northern urban and rural areas is mostly used for oral language.

Old Love Because calling "wife" is too vulgar, calling "lover" is difficult to say, so it is called old love in a compromise way.

After the death of the wife, he married another wife.

The family, the people in the house, and the cooks are all dialect names for wives.

Some rural areas call wives women, or children mothers.

Lovers men and women call each other.

Right Guest A title for a wife in the Exi Mountains of Hubei Province.

Dude, partner The modern city is the common name for the wife.

In addition, in the old days, concubines were called "side nephew", "partial room", "little star", "lady plus", "woman", etc.

Ancient and modern titles for husbands We call a woman's spouse a husband. In addition, the titles of husbands are also zhangren, jun, grandson, official, husband, lover, pawn, front person, treasurer, outsider, lang jun, wife, old man, that mouth, man, old love, the boss, etc.

Ancient and modern titles for parents Parents are also known as Gao Tang, Tsubaki's parents, under the knees, Kao Yu and so on.

Ancient and modern titles for couples In ancient and modern times, the titles of husband and wife include knotted hair, mandarin duck, couple, spouse, partner, lianli, Qin Jin, and the good of a hundred years.

"Mandarin duck" originally referred to brothers, and in ancient China, Mandarin ducks were compared to brothers. Mandarin ducks are originally birds of the same fate, amphibious and double-lived, so the ancients used it as a metaphor for brotherhood and friendship. Later, the use of Mandarin ducks to compare the couple began with the Tang Dynasty Lu Zhaolin.

In ancient China, when we were young, we married each other, which was called knotting hair. Later, because of the "knotted hair" as a marriage, it refers to the original couple.

Husbands did not mean a woman's spouse in ancient times. In ancient times, when men were twenty years old, they held a crown ceremony called husband, which was an ancient ritual. In addition, in ancient times, burly men who were eight feet long were called husbands. At the turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the meaning of "husband" expanded, not only to adult men, but also to male children and even baby boys.

"Niangzi" Small Talk Niangzi is a kind of love name for the husband to the wife, and before the Yuan Dynasty, it was wrong to call the wife "Niangzi". Before the Song Dynasty, "niangzi" specifically referred to unmarried maidens, meaning today's girls.

In the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanzong favored Yang Guifei, and Yang Guifei's status in the harem was unparalleled, and she was called "Niangzi" in the palace. The lady here obviously does not refer to a girl anymore, but it cannot be understood as a title for the wife.

By the Yuan Dynasty, married women were commonly referred to as "niangzi". In the Ming Dynasty, it was generally customary to call young women "niangzi", and it had a delicate taste.

With the popularity of calling wives "niangzi", ordinary women are also called a certain bride, such as calling midwives "old brides", calling witches "teachers", calling prostitutes "flower girls", calling women with unclear relationships between men and women "husbands", and despising women as "mothers-in-law", etc., and calling them "bridesmaids".

Zhangren "Zhangren" is now commonly referred to as father-in-law. But in ancient times, "zhangren" did not only refer to the father-in-law. There are four main sayings of "Zhangren": first, "Zhangren" is an honorific title for the elderly and predecessors; second, "Zhangren" refers to the parent or master; third, "Zhangren" is the woman's title for her husband; fourth, "Zhangren" represents her father-in-law.

In our folk, the husbands of the sisters are commonly referred to as "lianxiang", and the origin of "lianxiang" is related to the famous poets Du Fu and Hong Mai in China.

The earliest to appear in the pen was Du Fu. In his later years, he lived in Chuandong and became acquainted with an old man surnamed Li in the local area, and the two families were still relatives. The two were very compatible, and for three days the two ends exchanged letters or chatted and drank together, and later Du Fu wanted to go out of the gorge to go down to Huxiang and wrote a poem entitled "Send Li Fifteen Zhangbie", recalling the friendship process, and one sentence was "People and business are in harmony, and they are connected with each other." This is just a description of being close to each other, and it doesn't have the kind of relationship that came after that.

At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Hongmai had a cousin who was a guest of Shiquan Prefecture, not very proud, his wife's brother-in-law was a festival envoy in the Jianghuai area, writing a letter of recommendation to recommend to serve in the capital, Hongmai's cousin was very grateful, Tuo Hongmai wrote a xie qi for him, which had a sentence of "connecting the plackets". It can be seen that during the Song Dynasty, the title of "lianxiang" was already in use and had the same content as now.

The origin of the title of father-in-law and mother-in-law Ancient emperors often came to the top of the famous mountain, set up altars to worship the heavens and the earth and mountains, and the Jin Dynasty was enfeoffed with hundreds of officials, and the history was called "Feng Zen". Tang Xuanzong Li Longji once "sealed Zen" Taishan, and Zhongshu ordered Zhang Xiang to be a "sealing Zen envoy". Zhang divided his son-in-law Zheng Yi from nine pins to five pins. Later, When Emperor Xuanzong asked about Zheng Yi's promotion, Zheng Yi was speechless. Huang Ha, who was next to him, sneered at him: "This is the power of Tarzan." Emperor Xuanzong was very unhappy to learn that Zhang Xiang was favoritism, and soon demoted Zheng Yi back to the original Jiupin. Later, when people learned of this, they called their wives and fathers "Taishan". Because Taishan is the head of the five mountains, he is also called "father-in-law", and at the same time, he also calls his wife and mother-in-law "mother-in-law".

The origin of the "East Bed" East Bed refers to the son-in-law. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xi Jian sent his disciples to Wang Dao's house to find a son-in-law. The doorman came back and said, "The young people of the Wang family are all good, but when they heard the news, they all pretended to be reserved, and there was only one young man, who was on the east bed and only cared about eating, as if he didn't hear us talking." Xi Jianyi heard this and said, "This person is the good son-in-law I am looking for!" This young man was the later great calligrapher Wang Xizhi. Since then, people have called the son-in-law "East Bed".

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