
The woman was abducted as a daughter-in-law, and in order to escape and pick her up, she ran away for more than 20 years without her daughter

author:I don't know about the movie

After being abducted and sold, a mother actually took her own daughter as a hostage, as a shield for her own escape, and the father searched hard for nearly 30 years, can he find his abandoned daughter?

The woman was abducted as a daughter-in-law, and in order to escape and pick her up, she ran away for more than 20 years without her daughter

30 years ago, In order to make his wife and daughter live a better life, Wang Qiang, 58, was sentenced to prison for robbing 600 yuan in a near-hearted attempt. Seven years later, Wang Qiang was released from prison only to find that his wife had married someone else, leaving two of his three children at home, but his younger daughter was missing. He always believed that his wife and children lived with their parents, but he did not know that after he was imprisoned for 3 days, his wife Fang Dan disappeared, and a month later, the younger daughter Li Li also disappeared, and later Wang Qiang's mother learned through inquiries that Fang Dan married into a small town in Guiyang.

The reporter found Guiyang overnight, and sure enough, he found Fang Dan here, what happened that year? Where did daughter Lili go again? Fontaine is 55 years old this year, but his appearance is very good, there are almost no traces of age on his face, and from Fontaine's mouth we know the amazing truth.

When Wang Qiang was imprisoned, Fang Dan, who was only in his twenties, went out to work and encountered human traffickers who said that he wanted to take her to Guangdong to make money, and the naïve Fang Dan believed it. When she arrived in a small mountain village in Guangdong, she realized that she had been deceived, and the traffickers collected 4,000 yuan to sell her to a villager as a daughter-in-law. Fontaine was strictly guarded, but Fang Dan, who bore Wang Qiang 3 children, had already been sterilized and could not have children again, so the man asked her to take her little daughter and live with her.

Fang Dan's life in Guangdong was really sad, she decided to let her younger daughter accompany her, so she wrote to her sister, asking her sister to go to Wang Qiang's house to pick up her younger daughter who was under the age of one and send her to Guangdong. What Fang Dan did not expect was that after Li Li arrived in Guangdong, the family's care for themselves was much more relaxed, And Fang Dan took the opportunity to say that he wanted to go home to visit his relatives, and with Li Li as a hostage, they were relieved to let Fang Dan go, unexpectedly, Fang Dan never went back after this walk, leaving only his young daughter over there, not knowing what kind of life he was living.

Fontaine was forced to go back to her daughter, who was so frightened that she did not dare to set foot on it again. Fang Dan wrote a letter to Guangdong a few years later, but the family replied that Li Li was dead and that Fang Dan was in Guiyang and married to her current husband. After Wang Qiang learned the truth, his hatred for Fang Dan was more than a little.

He once went to Guiyang to look for Fang Dan, but Fang Dan was very determined to draw a line with Wang Qiang, because the two did not apply for a legal marriage license when they were together, and Fang Dan and her husband are the real legal couple, and Wang Qiang had to choose to let go. He misses Dan for the time when he once loved each other, but he is even more resentful of her abandonment of her daughter in order to protect herself. So is Li li no longer alive, as Fontaine said?

According to the address provided by Fontaine, the reporter rushed to Guangdong and found the baby home public welfare organization for help. Volunteers said there was a local girl named Mei Feng who was looking for her relatives, and she had been abducted and sold with her mother since she was a child, and then her mother disappeared. Mei Feng, who is 28 years old and has her own husband and family, recently found a letter from her grandparents, the same one that Fontaine sent that year.

Mei Feng recalled the situation and Fang Dan said a high degree of consistency, DNA results show that Mei Feng is Wang Qiang and Fang Dan's daughter Li Li, after Fang Dan left, the man's parents saw that Mei Feng was really pitiful, so they took on the obligation to raise her, as their own children to raise. Although Mei Feng is very lucky and does not suffer too much because of being abandoned, but the love of her grandparents cannot make up for the lack of parents, can she forgive her mother's actions?

Early in the morning, the family anxiously waited for Li Li to come home at the high-speed rail station, Wang Qiang's mother excitedly did not eat for three days, this reunion she waited for nearly 30 years, and finally Li Li's figure appeared at the exit of the station, Wang Qiang's mother hugged Li Li into her arms, and tears poured out like a flood. Li Li was a little overwhelmed, she had no memory of her family, but only responded mechanically to the enthusiasm of her brother and sister. After returning home, Li Li finally saw her father Wang Qiang, who did not know how to tell his thoughts, but followed his daughter diligently and refused to leave.

A big man who was nearly a year old cried like a child in front of his daughter, and he vowed that he would do everything he could to make up for more than 20 years of family debt. After a long time, Fang Dan appeared idly strolling, seeing that there was no wave in her daughter's eyes, mentioning that she had only begun to choke, and her mouth was still talking about her helplessness. When Li Li was asked whether she blamed her mother, she only calmly said that she had no hatred in her heart, perhaps because she had no maternal love since she was a child, so she could not mention so much hatred, and the trafficker had died in prison, and Li Li also chose to forgive.

Decades of pain and longing, all in the few glasses of wine on the dinner table, all become a dusty past, in this warm atmosphere, Li Li can only choose to let go and live a good life in the future!

Do you think such a mother is worthy of forgiveness?

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