
Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

author:Cute pet war

I believe that many cat owners have seen cats suddenly running around the house. This makes many owners unable to understand what is wrong with the cat, so why does the cat suddenly run around the house? There's a reason for that!

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

1, the cat is releasing energy

In fact, the first thing people notice about this problem is dogs. Some studies have shown that the problem of the dog's sudden wandering behavior is actually releasing a lot of energy. The cat's sudden stalking is also due to this reason. Cats eat freely throughout the day, and after accumulating so much energy, they need a chance to release the energy, which usually manifests itself as a sudden scurry.

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

2. Carry out anaerobic exercise

The behavior of felines is a short-lived hunting behavior, such as tigers, lions, cheetahs and cats are the same, cats in a short period of time to carry out sudden scurry, in itself in line with the habits of cat economic kinematics. Usually, cats eat and drink, so they have accumulated enough energy and naturally carried out rapid anaerobic exercise.

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

3. The cat is hunting

Cats are very good hunters, they can not only catch mice, birds, etc., when the cat hears something, the reaction will be very intense. So when cats suddenly run around the house, maybe it's because they're looking for bugs we can't see.

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

4, the cat feels excited

When a cat gets excited about something, like seeing its owner come home, eat delicious food, etc., it will suddenly run around the house. It is also an act of cats to celebrate.

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

5, too much energy

Some cats are naturally energetic, which is also related to the cat's personality. Especially cow cats, American shorthair cats, Siamese cats, etc., they are always over-energetic, so it is normal to suddenly run around the house.

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

6. Emotional abnormalities

The cat suddenly runs around the house, probably due to the cat's stress, mood abnormalities. If the cat can also be accompanied by frequent hair licking, loss of appetite and other symptoms, it means that the cat's emotional problems have some abnormalities. If your cat will have this situation, then the pet owner needs to pay attention, it is best to find out the reason for the anxiety and stress of the cat in time, and the owner should comfort the cat in time. They should interact more with the cat to ensure the cat's mental health.

Reward it with some snacks during interaction, which can divert the cat's emotions and relieve its stress. However, the reward snack is best to choose a special feeding cat, interested pet owners can refer to the following blue words to understand:

"Cats love to eat snacks, hurry up"

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

7, the cat in estrus

Cat owners know that both male and female cats do bad things during estrus. Then the cat can run around the house like crazy, which is one of the manifestations of estrus through the cat. This explosive behavior relieved the cat's physical discomfort and released her desire.

When cats are in heat, due to changes in hormones in the body, they will lose a lot of nutrients, their resistance will deteriorate, and their appetite will decrease. At this time, the owner must pay attention to supplementing nutrition for it, and it is recommended to choose a cat food with high meat content and rich nutrition as a staple food. Now there are many cat food brands, do not know how to choose, want to choose a high-quality cat food, you can take a moment to see the following article:

How to choose a high-quality cat food? Enough is enough to read this article

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house

Conclusion: Does your cat suddenly run around the house?

Is your cat "crazy"? Why is it suddenly running around the house