
The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

author:Kan anime

"Pokémon" series of works theatrical version of the animation "Pol Kenion and the clever Margiana" will be released in China in July The news has been spread on the Internet, how many years of dream of the moment is about to be displayed in front of the eyes, countless Pokémon fans rejoice and celebrate, which means that you can watch the theatrical version of the Pokémon animation in China in the future! 【Anime】

The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

Before the release of the film, Xiao Jian will take you to review the past theatrical version of the animation, which can be reviewed this summer.

The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

Sherabi travels through time and space

Released in 2001, the theatrical version of the anime tells the story of Dr. Ohki's childhood (Yukisei), who accidentally travels through time and space to protect the hunted Sherabi to the future 40 years later and meets Xiao Zhi and others. In order to save Sherabi, Xiao Zhi and his party fight desperately with Xuecheng, and finally with the help of Shui Jun, Xuecheng and Sherabi are finally able to return to their own time. The interesting thing about this anime is that the elf ball used by Xuecheng is different from the current one, and it is very old. Friends who want to know the history of Pokémon can't miss this theatrical version. 【Anime】

The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

The Wishing Star of the Seven Nights, Kira Prays

The theatrical version, released in 2003, occurs when Xiao Zhi and Xiao Yao and others are traveling. Xiao Zhi and his party heard the news that Kira prayed that he would only wake up once every thousand years, and in order to see the appearance of the millennium comet, Xiao Zhi and the others went to the playground of the celebration. Katsumi can hear Kira's voice that no one else can hear, and becomes friends with Kira. But the magician of the playground is actually a member of the Magma Regiment, and he tries to use Kira to wake up Gulado, and the awakened Gulado does not obey the instructions of others, but instead runs away. In the end, with the efforts of Xiao Zhi and others and Kirach, this evil plan was finally broken. This anime has the appearance of the Pokémon Absolut, the Wandering Night Spirit, and the Tropical Dragon that are not often seen in the TV version, the plot is very tense and exciting, it is very worth watching, and the lullaby that Xiao Haruka hums in the play is also a very classic song. 【Anime】

The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

Visitor to the Rift Space dai ochis

The theatrical version released in 2004 still occurs when Haruka is in the procession. Xiao Zhi and the others came to a high-tech city, there is a building called "Battle Tower" in the city, Xiao Zhi casually pulled a stranger on a whim to participate in a 2-on-2 battle, but Xiao Chao on Xiao Zhi pulled, will not command the Pokémon battle, and as a result, Xiao Zhi was defeated miserably. Knowing that Xiao Chao can't get along with Pokémon normally, Xiao Zhi (who is nosy) decides to help him overcome this problem. It was at this time that the mysterious alien Pokémon Daiochis appeared in the city, his purpose being to find companions who could not move freely, and such a blatant act apparently angered the Rift Sittings that inhabited the outer layers of the Earth, and the great war was about to break out. This theatrical version of the animation two-sided war plus the battle scene of the urban high-tech riot is very well depicted, and there are positive and negative electric beats, as well as the appearance of the real selling cute as a small Kirby beast, which is very interesting. 【Anime】

The new theatrical version is released in China, which Pokémon theater version have you seen?

Lucario the brave of dreams and waveguides

In the theatrical version released in 2005, the time is the same, Xiao Zhi and his party came to the ancient city to participate in the festival, after the dinner, Xiao Zhi accidentally awakened Lucario, who was sleeping in the scepter, and encountered the legendary Pokémon - Dream. The theatrical version tells the story of what happened to Lucario and his master in ancient times, when the master of the war, "The Brave Of the Waveguide", Aaron, disregarded the world's opinion and single-handedly ended the war and bore all the evils. Lucario, who found out the truth, eventually lost his life due to life exhaustion, which is also an example of the death of a very rare Pokémon in the Pokémon worldview. In this theatrical version, there are three pillars of gods that guard the world tree. 【Anime】

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