
Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

author:Rambler said

In the pokémon world, there are many unique plants that have special functions, so some Pokémon have a close connection with these strange plants. Some of them are symbiotic and some are dependent. Now, let's take a look at who these Pokémon are.

1. Mosquito coil tadpoles and Assillet aquatic plants

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

Assilei aquatic herb is an herb that can be used to treat patients who inhale Bacillus flower paralysis powder. However, Assyle aquatic plants have very high water quality requirements, and they generally only grow at the bottom of clear and clean pools. The mosquito tadpole is a pokémon with very high water quality requirements, so they generally choose to live in the waters where the Assilei aquatic grass grows, so the mosquito tadpole can often be seen in the pool where the Assilei aquatic grass grows.

2. Scallion duck and plant stems

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

The scallion duck must hold a plant rhizome in their hands, which is not only their weapon, but also the material they use to build their nests, or their food in extraordinary times. Scallion ducks have a particularly strong sense of dependence on the rhizomes of this plant, so they are always looking for a better plant stem, and there are often scallion ducks fighting for plant stems.

3. Jamie and Gracethia flowers

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

Jamie is a Pokémon that wanders around and likes to migrate from place to place, so in addition to the earth form that crawls on land, it also has a sky form that flies in the sky. However, if Jiemi wants to have a land form to a sky form, she must use the help of The Grassitian flower, and only by inhaling the pollen of the Grassithia flower can Jiemi complete the form transformation, so the Jiemi are always looking for the Grassitia flower field.

4. Rogue panda and bamboo

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

The rogue panda is as savage as it is called, but once the bamboo it bites is not bitten by it, it becomes incapable of fighting or becomes withdrawn in temperament. Therefore, the small bamboo branch it holds is its spiritual comfort, and the rogue panda is extremely dependent on it. In the xyz chapter, Xiao Zhi once met a rogue panda with a destroyed bamboo branch, which became extremely decadent and depressed, until Xiao Zhi found a new substitute for it, and it was not until Xiao Zhi found a new substitute for it that it recovered its spirit.

5. Flower of the Flower and the Flower of the Goblin

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

As soon as She is born, she will find a fairy flower she likes, and then she will cherish it for the rest of her life. If the Flower Flower flower is not held in her hand or if its fairy flower is destroyed, then the flower will become weak and eventually fall ill and die. Therefore, the fairy flower is a very important thing for the flower beibei.

6. The Tree of Dreams and the Beginning of the World

Take stock of Pokémon pokémon that are closely related to various plants

In the theatrical version of "Lucario the Brave Of Dreams and Wavesguides", the dream life is in the tree of the beginning of the world, and the relationship with the sacred tree is symbiotic. The World's Initial Tree provides a place of refuge and a protective barrier for dreams, which can exert the power of the World's Initial Tree and heal the Sacred Tree with the help of external forces.

Do you remember which Pokémon have a close connection with plants?