
The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

author:A feast of literature and history

Introduction: Saigo Takamori, one of Japan's "Three Masters of the Meiji Restoration", showed his might in the Fall of the Curtain Movement, and successfully defeated several times his own shogunate army through excellent command of the Bochen War, and made the complete defeat of the shogunate in the "Fall of the Curtain Movement" an established fact.

After the war, Saigo Takamori received everything he wanted, such as honor, fame and fortune. In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, he advocated bringing the "spirit of Bushido" into the army, and was the most active Advocate of "Cutting the Belly" of the Japanese, which is such a founding father of modern Japan.

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

Saigo Takamori

After the establishment of the Meiji government, the colonies around the world had gradually been divided, and Japan, as a new power, could not compete with the old capitalist countries or Germany and the United States, which had risen as a result of the second industrial revolution.

For Korea, due to the defeat of the famous Japanese general Toyotomi Hideyoshi in his two "conquests of Korea", the "conquest of Korea" has always been a heart disease in the hearts of the Japanese. The whole country of Japan agrees, and the difference is nothing more than "urgent levy" or "slow levy".

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

In the 16th century, Li Shunchen and Laidao Tongzong

Okubo Ritsu and others advocated developing and stabilizing the country first, and then slowly taking action against South Korea; Saigo Takamori said: "You can't wait a minute, immediately send troops, and do the right thing." Saigo Takamori thus stood against most people, and the reason was that Saigo Takamori was only for his former comrade-in-arms, the vast number of subordinate samurai.

Japan was invaded by the capitalist world in the 1850s, and although the Meiji government was established later, it did not completely expel the Western powers from Japan. Thus, japan's "restoration" was nothing more than the disintegration of the power and material wealth of the middle class and the benefit of the people at the top and bottom.

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

Japanese junior samurai

From the following examples, we can see at a glance: in the fall of the curtain movement, the object of the struggle was the shogunate, because of the success of the curtain fall movement, the emperor gained the power that had been lost for hundreds of years, and the lords of the clans (similar to the Princes of China) who had contributed to the struggle gained a lot of land and wealth, the lower samurai gained honor, the common people gained the democratic rights they deserved, and the interests of the shogunate group sandwiched between these classes were damaged;

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

Japan in 1860

Subsequently, Japan carried out the reform of "abolishing the domain and setting up the prefecture", and the people whose interests were damaged became the former lords of the clan, they lost their former great power, the emperor thus strengthened the centralization of power, and the people and the lower samurai also gained greater rights; the subsequent military reform, the damaged party obviously became a lower samurai: ordinary people had the right and obligation to serve in the military, the emperor's army had a broader mass base, but the lower samurai lost their honor and dignity as samurai. Samurai are no longer their uniquely proud "identity."

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

Japanese soldiers

Saigo takamori did not hesitate in the slightest when he slashed at the decaying shogunate with the sword in his hand, but now he hesitated when he wanted to attack his former comrade-in-arms, the vast number of subordinate samurai.

The lower samurai would become almost identical to the common people, and what they were proud of would be lost. For Japan, a small country, there is only one solution to give them unlimited resources and power, and that is to gain the power and honor they have lost from other countries and regions.

In the face of the nearly complete partition of the world at the end of the nineteenth century, China across the sea also had "Tongzhi ZTE", and it is impossible to see how strong it is for the time being, and the only people who can shoot are Taiwan and North Korea. In order to meet the requirements of these inferior samurai, Saigo Takamori, who also started as a samurai, had no choice.

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

Inferior samurai

Saigo Takamori, who has a generous personality, is more than happy to solve their problems for the samurai of satsuma domain, and when he is sometimes unable to solve them, he will let these samurai take it upon himself in his family's cash cabinet. However, in the face of the loss of rights and honors of the samurai, only by "conquering Korea" as soon as possible can they get everything they deserve.

In order to solve the growing samurai problem, the Meiji government appointed Saigo Takamori's younger brother as a lieutenant general to lead 3,000 men to attack Taiwan in 1874, but unfortunately, the issue of the clan was not resolved.

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

The left is all abdomen, and the second left is the wrong person

In 1877, the disgruntled warriors of satsuma domain attacked the government powder magazine in Kagoshima, thus opening the prelude to the Southwest War.

At that time, Saigo Takamori was not in Kagoshima, he had nothing to do with this matter, he was very angry, sighed that he had become a rebel after a lifetime of wisdom, and returned to Kagoshima to lead the clans, in the name of "questioning the government", he marched north, and fought fiercely with the government army in Kumamoto Castle.

The person who advocates "cutting the abdomen" the most in Japan, when it is his turn, he has no courage

A Japanese soldier who cut his abdomen during World War II

In the end, the government army defeated Saigo Takamori's army, and Saigo Takamori had to retreat to Kagoshima and, if wounded, ask his men to cut off his own head. In the Meiji era, the Bushido cut-off of the abdomen and the idea of "Bushido" was brought into the army, and saigo Takamori, who regarded "cutting the abdomen" as the highest ideal, did not have the courage to cut the abdomen, which was ironic to think, which also gave him a big discount to his historical position in Japan.

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