
Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

author:Dining old cannon

An autumn rain and a cool one. As the weather gets colder, diners prefer steaming dishes. At this time, the restaurant will also launch a lot of seasonal banquet dishes, or keep warm with containers, or continue to heat up with the stove, or simply cook on the table, be sure to let diners warm their stomachs and hearts on cold days. Here are some for your reference.

Sauce pepper fish head stew

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Ingredients: 750 grams of male fish head, open flavor chili sauce (20 grams of wild mountain pepper, 20 grams of sauce peppers, 10 grams of yellow lantern peppers, 20 grams of minced garlic), 50 grams of chopped onion, 50 grams of diced garlic, 50 grams of minced ginger, 30 grams of green onion knots, 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken essence, 2 grams of pepper powder, 30 ml of broth, 50 ml of cooking wine, 1000 ml of vegetable oil (50 ml of actual consumption), 20 grams of lard


1. Chop the male fish head, add minced ginger, green onion knots, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, pepper and marinate until tasteful, set aside.

2. Heat the vegetable oil in the net pot, add the fish head pieces and fry until the appearance is golden brown.

3. Add lard in a casserole dish, sauté chopped onion, diced garlic and minced ginger until fragrant, add the fried fish head pieces, evenly drizzle with the open chili sauce, and then mix in the broth.

4. Finally, heat the casserole pot on the pot to taste, and finally collect the juice.

Nine View Bridge Blood Duck

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Ingredients: 650 grams of duck, 100 grams of duck blood, ginger slices, millet pepper rings 50 grams each, garlic 50 grams, dried red pepper segments 20 grams, green garlic 30 grams, cooking wine 50 ml, pepper 5 grams, salt 5 grams, monosodium glutamate 3 grams, chicken essence 3 grams, bone broth 500 ml, rapeseed oil 50 ml

1. Cut the duck into small pieces, cut the duck blood into cubes and set aside.

2. Heat the oil on the pot to 60%, add ginger slices, garlic, dried red pepper and stir-fry until golden brown, then cook the cooking wine, add bone broth and season, wait until half of the soup is left, add duck blood cubes and millet pepper rings, simmer until one-third of the soup is left, then add garlic and seasoning, you can put out the pot and plate.

Ancient steamed pig hands

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Ingredients: 2 pork hands, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 star anise, 10 grams of cinnamon, 10 grams of dried red pepper, 10 ml of braised soy sauce, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of chicken essence, 50 grams of laoganma hot sauce, a little coriander leaves

1. Clean the pig's hands, cook them in a pot of water, fish them out, smear them with braised soy sauce while hot, then set aside to dry and set aside.

2. Chop the dried pork hands into pieces and put them in a bowl, then evenly sprinkle the dried red pepper strips and spices, and add all the spices, and then add the old dry mother's hot sauce to the noodles.

3. Steam the bowl in the steaming cabinet for 90 minutes, then remove it and garnish with coriander leaves.

Dry steamed jar meat

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

This dish is made by cutting the meat of Suining's local traditional specialty jar into thin slices, and then steaming it with dried salt vegetables and sour cowpeas, which has a unique flavor and is mellow and delicious.

Take the jar meat out of the jar and cut it into thin slices, then arrange it neatly in a container with salt and sour cowpeas, cover it with plastic wrap, then steam it for about 30 minutes, then take it out and peel the plastic wrap when it is ripe and taste, sprinkle some shredded green onions, and serve.

Description: The jar meat is made by skillfully mixing various dried vegetables such as dried cowpea and dried green vegetables with five spices and other plant spices together with the roasted pork strips, and then in accordance with the way of laying a layer of dried vegetables and a layer of pork strips, it is sealed in the earth altar for several months, and then naturally fermented.

There are five keys to making jar meat: First, you must choose pork belly. Second, pork should be cut into strips of suitable size. Third, the pork strips should be put into a hot pan and fried until the surface is slightly yellow but not cooked. Fourth, salt and spice powder must be mixed with pork to taste. Fifth, after the pork enters the altar, it must be sealed well, and it can be sealed or poured along the altar. Jar meat can generally be stored for more than a year, and the more it is stored, the more fragrant it is.

Secret small yellow croaker

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

1. Clean the small yellow croaker, cut a few knives on both sides of the fish, drain the water, fry the 70% hot oil pan until the surface is golden and crispy, fish out the drainage oil and set aside.

2. Heat a little salad oil in the pot, sauté the pork fat and lean meat until the oil is spit out, then add ginger, garlic and millet pepper and continue to fry until fragrant.

3. Mix the broth, add the beautiful fresh soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, a poinsettia of fresh soy sauce, dark soy sauce (a small amount, mainly play a role in color toning), salt, chicken essence and pepper, out of the pot in the pot with onion shreds, garnish the coriander on the table, light and heat up and eat

Stone pot boiling frog

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Ingredients: Bullfrog 700 g, open flavor hot sauce 70 g, green pepper ring 50 g, ginger slices 30 g, garlic slices 30 g, salt 5 g, chicken essence 3 g, pepper 2 g, oyster sauce 3 g, cooking wine 30 ml, broth 50 ml, vegetable oil 50 ml

1. Wash and chop the bullfrogs and set aside.

2. Heat the oil, add ginger slices and garlic slices and sauté until fragrant, add bullfrog pieces and fry until they are broken, drizzle with cooking wine, then add spicy sauce, salt and green pepper rings and stir-fry well, then add the broth and simmer.

3. When the soup is thick in the pot, add chicken essence, pepper and oyster sauce to collect the juice and put it into a hot stone pot, then serve.

Description: The open-flavored hot sauce is made by mixing 20 grams of wild mountain peppers, 20 grams of miso peppers, 10 grams of yellow lantern chili peppers, and 20 grams of garlic paste.

Crucian carp dumplings

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

1. Slaughter the crucian carp one by one to clean them. Put the lard into the pot and heat it to 70%, add the minced ginger, minced green onion and minced garlic and stir-fry until the crucian carp is golden brown, mix in the appropriate amount of water, boil until the fish soup is thick and white, and set aside. Take another dumpling skin, wrap them in the filling one by one, and knead them by hand to make dumplings.

2. Scoop in the casserole dish with the right amount of fish broth, add dumplings and cook, then add Chinese cabbage and cook for about 3 minutes.

3. Put the cooked crucian carp into a casserole dish, add tomato pieces and cook, add celery knots in between, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper, and garnish with celery leaves.

National flavor fat fish head

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

1. Cut the head of the silver carp in half and rinse it with running water. Put the taro in a pressure cooker and set aside. Heat cooked vegetable oil, lard and chicken fat in a pan and sauté them together with green pepper paste, yellow bell pepper paste, yellow mountain peppercorns, ginger rice and garlic rice (can be batched).

2. Put the taro in a small iron pot at the bottom, add the fish head and mix the broth, pour the stir-fried sauce on top, add oyster sauce, chicken juice, pepper, sugar, beautiful fresh soy sauce, Donggu soy sauce, cook for 15 minutes and turn off the heat. Drizzle with cane pepper oil and sprinkle with green onions, then serve in the original pot and light the heat to cook.

Cook the shredded fish in a pot

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

This dish is cooked in the hall, cooked in front of the guests, served hot, full of pot, spicy and delicious.

1. Cut the net fish into strips, sizing with ginger and shallot juice, cooking wine, salt, egg white and dry starch, and then shake it down into a pot of boiling water and slide it, remove it and drain it, and set aside.

2. In addition, mix the millet pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, meiji fresh soy sauce, oyster sauce, spicy fresh sauce, soy sauce and fresh soup into a sauce.

3. Put the clean sand pot on the card stove and heat it, inject a small amount of salad oil, add ginger rice and garlic rice to fry until fragrant, add leeks and slippery shredded fish, cook in the prepared sauce, use chopsticks to mix until the leeks are raw and evenly flavored, you can eat.

Three fresh handmade black rotten bamboo

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Ingredients: 200 grams of black curd bamboo, 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, 2 poached eggs, 50 grams of lean meat slices, 30 grams of small red pepper knots, 30 grams of green garlic segments, 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken essence, 100 ml of fresh bone broth, 30 grams of lard, 20 ml of rapeseed oil, and an appropriate amount of green onion

1. Cut the black bamboo and poached egg into pieces, clean the mushrooms and set aside.

2. Heat the pot, add rapeseed oil and lard to 60% heat, add black bamboo pieces and stir-fry, then add fresh bone broth and simmer.

3. Add the chopped poached egg cubes, lean meat slices and fresh mushrooms to the pot, then add the small red pepper knots and seasonings, simmer until the soup is thick, add the green garlic segments, put them out of the pot and put them in the container, sprinkle a little green onion and serve.

Horsefish slippery

Sauce pepper fish head pot, ancient steamed pig hand, stone pot boiling frog, pot cooking fish shredded, national fat fish head reading is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue. Pay attention to likes and forward comments is progress, achieve yourself to help others, the formula is not easy to come by, more forwarding

Inspired by the traditional Sichuan chicken heart, this dish is directly prepared by mixing fish grits with celery. The fish is tender, the celery is crisp, salty and delicious, the soup is thick and white, and the vegetables are fragrant.

1. Chop the net fish into a fine puree, add ginger and shallot juice, salt, pepper, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, egg white, water starch and lard, stir evenly, then add the celery grains and mix well, set aside.

2. Take the casserole dish on the heat, mix in the thick white fish soup and boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and pepper, put the water into the bamboo knot, and then put the fish into a ball, change the pot to low heat and cook into the taste, you can eat on the table.

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