
On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

author:Talk about food moments
No matter which step people take, they always have to find some fun and think of a way. Yes, food is the fun I'm looking for, the way I think! Talk about food carvings and take the food you eat seriously together!
On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

In 2021, due to the epidemic, many places are encouraging everyone to celebrate the New Year in place. In Jiangxi is no exception, it is not necessary to reduce going out, since you want to stay at home, how can you miss a few delicious home cooking dishes? Today, teach everyone to make a ruyi peace roll, delicious and cheap and nutritious, which means peace and security in the Year of the Ox. It's easy to make, and the ingredients are easy to buy, even for novices.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

Folk have always had the saying of "radish cabbage to ensure peace", winter itself is the season to eat radish cabbage, so this Ruyi peace roll, naturally also chooses one of these two ingredients, it is radish. Many people hate that radish is not delicious, in fact, the method is wrong, if you eat stewed radish every day, the taste will be worse, but if it is cold or steamed to eat? The taste is completely different.

Spring Festival, when you encounter this cheap dish, don't miss it, buy more to make "meat rolls", and the banquet guests have more face. Radish is the current cheap dish, 1 yuan can basically buy a pound, if you live in the countryside, you may not need to buy, the family land is planted. If there is no radish at home, you can buy a little more, it is not expensive and relatively resistant to storage, when you want to eat, take out one, make it into a meat roll, and the guests will also have face.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

Friends who like to eat radish, you can match it with pork, pork is chopped in advance, and then accompanied by starch, which can increase its stickiness, but also make the meat more smooth and tender, roll it together, you can make a delicious banquet dish. The difficulty of this dish is that when making, the radish slices can be rolled up and the meat will not be scattered, so the step of putting salt in advance has become indispensable, and the specific methods we will take a look at it together!

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

Ingredients: 1/2 daikon radish, 80g pork, 3 chives

Accessories: 1 spoonful of sesame oil, 1/2 spoon of white pepper, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, corn starch to taste

Production process:

1, white radish rinse clean cut off the skin, when selecting radish is best to choose long radish, round radish is not easy to handle, peeled radish cut into slices, put salt and marinate it.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

2, pork clean, chop it into minced meat, you can also use a meat grinder, grind it into minced meat, put in half a spoon of white pepper, a little salt, half a spoon of oyster sauce, corn starch appropriate amount, grasp well with your hands.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

3, pickled radish will generally come out of the water, pour the water out, rinse the radish, so that you can remove the spicy taste of the radish, and then start to put in the meat filling.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

4: When wrapping the meat filling, roll it into a small rectangle, let the pork stick to the radish slices, the interface is inside the plate, and all the radish and meat filling are processed.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:
On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

5, the pot into the appropriate amount of water, the heat began to boil, and then put into our prepared ruyi roll to start steaming, generally only need to steam for 8 minutes to directly turn off the heat.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

6, take out the steamed ruyi roll, wash the green onion and cut into green onions, sprinkle it on it, drizzle with a little sesame oil, you can directly serve on the table and eat.

On the spot New Year, this Ruyi Ping An Roll don't forget to eat, cheap and nutritious, meaning the Year of the Ox Ping Ping An An Guide: Recipe Name: [Ruyi Ping An Roll] Food carving tip:

1, ruyi roll production, many people think it is more difficult, because the radish is not pickled, as long as you cut it thinly, after marinating the water, it is easy to roll up.

2, this dish does not need too many complex seasonings, just adjust the meat filling to taste good, after the pot, the overall taste is fresh and sweet, but also particularly nutritious.

[This article is original by "Small Talk Food Carving", and the pictures are taken by myself.] Without permission, it shall not be deleted, altered, misappropriated, and infringement shall be investigated】

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