
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

author:Sun Yunxiao

Recitation: Blue Rose

Dear parents and friends, hello everyone!

Welcome everyone to participate in the "'New Family, Heart Action' - Parent-child Daily Life 'Three Threes'" companion reading, companionship and companion growth activities of the New Family Education Research Institute.

The sudden heavy rain stirred up different ripples in the hearts of different people, and thus gave birth to different verses.


Yesterday I read Su Shi's rainstorm in The Beautiful Hall, and today, we will recite the Southern Song Dynasty poet Hua Yue's "Sudden Rain".

"The Rainstorm"

Southern Song Dynasty Huayue

Oxtail clouds splash thick ink,

Bull's head windswept axle.

The roaring waves roll on the beach in an instant,

A hundred thousand troops roared.

The shepherd boy's family lives in Xixiqu,

Invade early riding cattle to graze the north of the creek.

Hurriedly crossing the creek in the rain,

The rain is suddenly clear and the mountains are green.

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

to Parents:

The same is dark clouds and rapid rain, but it is a different expression. The magic of nature is that it will touch everyone's heartstrings, play their own music, and together with children, they must not only read poetry to experience the poet's emotions, but also observe life and understand their own hearts.

to kids:

After reciting the poem "Sudden Rain", looking for it in the poem, which words and sentences write the "sudden arrival" of the rainstorm, and what kind of experience did the shepherd boy encounter in the rain? The poem is then illustrated, and the landscape in the poem is depicted with a paintbrush.


Children born in "water" are the most fond of playing with water. Do you remember your own experience of treading water after the rain as a child? Today's three things a day, let's learn a fun dance "Treading on the Rain":

【Children's dance to step on the rain (including movement analysis) Dance teaching video encyclopedia ω】

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

(Image from the Internet)

Watch the video in its entirety with your child, then participate in learning with your child and relive the funny stories of your childhood.

With the cheerful sound of rain, dance briskly. Please combine your own experience and experience of treading water with your parents, start learning from one movement after another, step by step, and experience the fun of beautiful dance while learning.


Please parents and children talk about today's harvest, record it, and share it with everyone.

Listen to the child read today's morning poem, and talk with the child about the most memorable heavy rain for everyone, what was the scene that impressed the most at that time, and recorded it.

1. Recite "Sudden Rain", ask you to carefully observe the scene of rain, and complete a new work of your writing about rain.

2. Through learning the dance "Treading on the Rain", create new and interesting dance moves, dance together, and feel the physical and mental pleasure brought by dance!

Dear parents and friends, here is the "New Family, Heart Action" activity time jointly initiated by the New Family Education Research Institute and Lanmei Studio, welcome to actively participate.

We'll be here today, and tomorrow we'll see you!

(Copywriter: New Education Blue Rose Studio Meng Qiuqin)

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

WeChat: guobenedu

Kokumoto Education and Research Center

New Institute of Family Education

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

Sun Yunxiao

Chief Expert and Researcher of China Youth Research Center

Distinguished Professor of Capital Normal University

Expert of the Children's Work Think Tank of the Office of the Working Committee on Women and Children of the State Council

Executive Vice Chairman of the Family Education Professional Committee of the China Education Association

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

The Feeling of Life

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

WeChat : guobenedu Guobenedu National Education Research Center New Family Education Research Institute

Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three
Read "Sudden Rain", feel the rain | new family, heart action , parent-child daily life three three

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