
Turtle Encyclopedia 'Mississippi Map Turtle'


Map turtles are freshwater turtles found in the eastern United States and southern Canada.

Nickname: Water Husky

It is relatively small and has a jagged protrusion in the center of the turtle shell, and their shell pattern resembles a map, hence the name. Life expectancy can reach 15-20 years.

Turtle Encyclopedia 'Mississippi Map Turtle'

The Mississippi map turtle is the most common map turtle species in the pet market, and others such as the Texas map turtle, the Ka's map turtle and the melanoma map turtle are bred but the price is much higher.

Turtle Encyclopedia 'Mississippi Map Turtle'

The price of the map turtle is directly proportional to the degree of serration prominence on the back, so the most common Mississippi map turtle is the least prominent, and the high-priced melanoma and other back protrusions are much larger.

Turtle Encyclopedia 'Mississippi Map Turtle'

Map turtle and Brazilian turtle is the same, adult turtles prefer carnivorous, although also eat plants but prefer to eat fish, shrimp or insects, so the temperament is a more ferocious and active species among common pet turtles, the ability to grab food is very high, and it is easy to attack when mixed with other turtle species, even if the same species is raised together.

Winter can hibernate for the winter.

Map Turtle Family Tree:

Graptemys barbouri

Map turtle (graptemys caglei)

Graptemys ernsti

Map turtle (graptemys flavimaculata)

Northern map turtle (graptemys geographica

Map of Gibbonsi (graptemys gibbonsi)

Melanoma map turtle (graptemys nigrinoda)

-- Triangular map turtle (g. n. delticola)

Eye-spotted map turtle (graptemys oculifera)

Map turtle of Vohito (graptemys ouachitensis)

-- Sabine Map Turtle (g. o. sabinensis)

Pearl River Map Turtle (graptemys pearlensis)

Pseudo map turtle (graptemys pseudogeographica)

-- Map Turtle of Mississippi (g. p. kohni)

Map turtle in Alabama (graptemys pulchra)

Map of Texas (graptemys versa)

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