
Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus


Turtles of the genus Otoko are currently a new favorite object. Strange eye circles, beautiful colors, slim figure, great swimming skills. 100% pure wild blood (except for the four-eyed seedlings that have been artificially present for the past two years). Win everyone's love.

Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus
Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus

Members of the genus Oculomorphic turtle == Eye spotted water turtle + Four-eyed spotted water turtle + Quasi-eye spotted water turtle. Because the mimetic eye spots are three-line closed-shell hybrids, the number is small. I won't discuss it here.

First of all, we must understand the eye spots and the living environment and habits of the four eyes before we can raise them well.

These two species of turtles mainly live in the environment of clear forest streams. Even in the tropics or subtropics, the cool temperatures of streams make them unaccustomed to high temperatures.

Therefore, in the summer, it is particularly important to pay attention to the fact that their food intake sometimes declines because it is too hot / and aquatic plants account for a large proportion of their diets. Dr. Shi Haitao has confirmed this in his research. They occur when caught or stimulated by someone to excrete immediately. This indicates that their gastrointestinal function is weak in all turtles. So the fibers of plants are an essential part of them. The proportion of vegetarian fruits should be greater than 50%.

Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus
Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus
Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus
Dedicated to friends who love the genus Ophiuchus

As for the water quality problem, it is not as difficult as everyone thinks. Water in a stream? Flows through rocky, cobblestone surfaces. Slightly soluble in many calcium carbonate substances. Therefore, the water is weakly alkaline. Most of your tap water or boiling water is acidic, so this is the root of rotten nails. Mix with soda (sodium thiosulfate) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). If possible, it is equipped with nitrifying bacteria. It is also very cheap to buy in the store. Because even if the pH in the water can be adjusted, the toxic ammonia substance in the feces of the turtle turtle's urine will still poison the turtle. Nitrifying bacteria can just break them down, turning them into inorganic salts that are good for plants to absorb.

Even a clumsy approach was used. I have some snails in the water conservancy, because even if I don't open the filter 24 hours a day, the snails will eat a lot of bb.

It is also recommended to use on filtering. Waterfall-like, rapid flow of water mimics the pristine stream environment. These two species of turtles are very fond of. The four eyes and eye spots of the puppet family like to play surfing like this. Run to the bottom of the waterfall and enjoy.

Again, I hope that everyone will take good care of the little four and spotted spots at home. Thanks!!!