
What to do about anemia 5 medicinal liquor prescriptions to easily treat hypothyrosis

author:99 Health Net

This article guide: It is said that women are made of water, in fact, for women, sufficient qi and blood is very important! So what about anemia? What is good for a woman to eat without enough flesh? Let's find out.

Alcohol can also cure anemia Female anemia is recommended for 5 wine prescriptions

For us, wine is like one of the most enjoyable drinks, some wines are effective, but they are used less. But if it is used well for a long time, it can also help women replenish blood. Anemia is a symptom of most women, so how can women anemia replenish blood? You can try the following liquor recipes to effectively help women treat anemia.

What to do about anemia 5 medicinal liquor prescriptions to easily treat hypothyrosis

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What to eat for anemia? 5 wine recipes are recommended

1. Ejiao wine

Ejiao is one of the first choices for women to replenish blood, and correspondingly, made into ejiao wine, it also has a good blood tonic effect. How to make ejiao wine? Let's take a look.

It needs 60 grams of red glutinous rice, 20 grams of ejiao, 40 grams of honey, and 15 to 20 ml of rice wine. After adding the red glutinous rice to the appropriate amount of water to boil into porridge, adding ejiao, honey and rice wine to stir evenly, while eating it when it is warm, can help women replenish blood and treat anemia.

Directions: Take 3 times a day for 10 consecutive days for a course of treatment.

2. Shouwu Guiyuan wine

Guiyuan is also one of the foods for women to replenish blood, and the addition of Shouwu and rice wine will have a better effect on blood replenishment. First of all, 250 grams of cinnamon balls, shou wu and chicken blood vines, and 1500 ml of rice wine are needed. After 10 days of soaking cinnamon meat, shou wu and chicken blood vine, you can drink it, and remember to shake it twice a day after soaking. The practice of Shouwu Guiyuan wine is relatively simple, and its main effect is to be used for anemia.

Directions: Drink 15 to 30 g each time, morning and evening.

3. Meat skin rice wine

Was you shocked to see the skin of the flesh? In fact, when the meat skin is boiled with wine, the taste is great. The material needs 60 to 90 grams of pork skin, and the appropriate amount of rice wine is enough. Put the pork skin in a saucepan with water and rice wine, cook until the skin is rotten and ready to eat. This meat skin rice wine is mainly used for hemorrhagic anemia.

Directions: Add brown sugar to mix and serve.

4. Yellow essence goji berry wine

What is Huang Jing? If it is not clear, you can go to the pharmacy to buy, generally speaking, the pharmacy will have a sale. The main ingredients of yellow essence goji berry wine are yellow essence and wolfberry, which each needs 13 grams. It is super simple and can be taken after soaking in wine. For sake, it is generally more appropriate to use rice wine. The effect is to tonify qi and blood.

Directions: Drink twice daily, just drink appropriately.

5. Mussel wine

Mussel wine is a little more troublesome than other liquor recipes, and the raw materials and methods are slightly more troublesome. First of all, you need 60 grams of mussels, 25 grams of leeks, 100 grams of pork ribs, and a moderate amount of white wine. Wash the mussels first, soak them in wine to make the mussels swell, wash the leeks and cut them into pieces, and wash the ribs and cut them into pieces. Place the mussels, ribs and leeks in a bowl and steam them. In fact, the method is also very simple, not troublesome. The efficacy of mussel wine is to treat anemia and also improve blood circulation in the human body.

Usage: When eating, you can add some condiments according to your own preferences.

Classic dietary remedy for anemia in women

1. Boiled egg with jujube

Ingredients: 20 g goji berries, 10 dates, 2 eggs.


1: Cook the goji berries, dates, eggs and water in a pot.

2: After the eggs are cooked, remove the shells and remove the eggs and cook them together for 10 minutes.

Effect: Tonify fatigue, improve qi and blood, strengthen spleen and stomach.

2. Carp blood soup

Ingredients: 4 black beans, 2 slices of ginger, 10 red dates, 1 carp, a small piece of tangerine peel, pepper to taste.

1: Remove the scales, gills, fins and internal organs of the carp and clean them, add a little oil to the pan and fry slightly until golden brown.

2, put the black on the dan and wash it, put it in the pot, no need to put oil, fry until the bean coat is cracked, then wash it with water and set aside.

3: Pitted red dates, peeled ginger, washed tangerine peel and set aside.

4: Bring water to a boil, first add black beans, red dates, tangerine peel, ginger and cook for 10 minutes, then turn to simmer for an hour and a half, and finally add carp and cook for 30 minutes.

Effect: Nourish yin and blood, benefit liver and kidneys, calm the eyes, strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, diuresis and reduce swelling.

3. Ejiao sesame walnut soup

First, 250 grams of ejiao, 250 grams of sesame seeds and 150 grams of walnut meat are pounded together, and then 50 grams of cinnamon balls and an appropriate amount of rock sugar are added, and steamed together for two hours in water. Eat two tablespoons each time heated.

Function: This product has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and calming the nerves and benefiting the blood.

4. Red jujube sheep bone glutinous rice porridge

Ingredients: 1 to 2 sheep shin bones (pork bones are also available), 30 red dates, 1 cup of glutinous rice.

1. Crush the shin bone (or pig bone) of the sheep.

2. Pitted dates.

3: Add the above ingredients to the appropriate amount of water and boil in a pot.

Effect: Tonify the spleen and blood, nourish the kidneys and bones.

Conclusion: Although anemia is not necessarily a woman, most women have anemia, so everyone should know more about these common sense. Women's blood replenishment is very important Oh, I hope that the above introduction of these women's anemia methods, can help everyone away from the trouble of anemia, qi and blood will be good!

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What to do about anemia 5 medicinal liquor prescriptions to easily treat hypothyrosis

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