
Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

author:Don't drink for years

A "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" let us understand the magnificent disputes of the Three Kingdoms, and took us to taste the changes of life under the war, just so-called: success or failure turned to the sky, green mountains are still there, and several degrees of sunset red.

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

Those who occupy the C position of the Three Kingdoms have attracted too much attention, but who pays attention to those losers? Most of them are lost in the storm of history. Today, we will talk about the Cao Wei Sect Room from the cracks in history.

Although Cao Wei has always existed as a usurper in his speech, he inherited the Han Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, dominated the Central Plains, and his historical contribution was not insignificant.

From 220 AD when Cao Pi overwrote the Han Dynasty to 265 when Sima Yan usurped Wei, Cao Wei went through five emperors, namely Cao Pi - Cao Rui - Cao Fang - Cao Fu - Cao Yi, and Cao Wei ended as an orthodox dynasty.

Most people may only know this about Cao Wei, but the Cao Wei Ancestral Temple still existed under the Tianzi regulation for 214 years. In terms of etiquette, Cao Wei did not perish, but had no state power.

Sima Yan forced Cao Yan to take the throne, and instead of exterminating Cao Wei's chambers, he gave him full ceremonial status.

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

Cao Yan was made the Prince of Chen Liu by Sima Yan, with a palace in Yicheng (邺城, in modern Linzhang County, Hebei), allowing the use of the Tianzi Banner and preparing the fifth deputy car (the emperor's slave car, which can be understood as a spare vehicle, which is the original origin of the spare tire), still practicing wei zhengshuo, and the system of sacrificing heaven and earth and music was imitated the system of the early Wei state, and the petition was not called a subject, and the treatment of not worshiping was not worshipped.

In layman's terms, Sima Yan and Cao Yan were not kings and not subjects, but more like the main guests: Cao Yan came to the Jin kingdom as a guest as the king of a country, and the Jin state gave Cao Yan tianzi treatment. Of course, the premise is that the guest must follow the master and cannot be trespassed.

King Liu of Chen was once the title of Liu Xie, the Emperor of Han, and Cao Pi usurped Han and made Liu Xie the Duke of Shanyang. At the same time, Chen Liu (present-day Kaifeng, Henan) was also the place where Cao Cao's army began. Sima Yan made Cao Yan the Prince of Chen Liu, but he did not know whether to let him remember his ancestors or to mock Cao Wei?

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

After the Jin Dynasty unified the whole country, it began to perform tricks of death. During this period, Cao Yan, the king of ChenLiu, has been quiet and quiet, doing his duty as a guest.

During the Yongjia Rebellion, the Kingdom of Chen Liu also crossed south with the royal family of the Jin Dynasty, and then passed down from generation to generation, through the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Song, and until Southern Qi. During the Two Jin Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Chen Liu Kingdom guozuo lived for 214 years, which was longer than any other dynasty. It seems that Cao Pi treated the Han Sect Chamber kindly, and the descendants of Fuyin were also rewarded.

There are nine ChenLiu kings in the Kingdom of Chenliu, as shown below.

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

Since King Chen Liu was a guest, his sense of existence would certainly not be very high, so when the Sima clan declined, the Cao family found something to brush up on the sense of existence, such as persuasion.

When the Eastern Jin Dynasty was about to fall, Cao Qian, the king of ChenLiu at the time, led his ministers to persuade Him to demand that Sima Dewen, the late emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, cede the throne to Liu Yu, which was also a revenge for zu Shang's forced abdication.

Liu Song was about to die, and Cao Yue, the king of Chenliu, led a group of courtiers to persuade him to advance, and assisted Xiao Daocheng in accepting Liu Song's Zen concessions and establishing Southern Qi.

This almost became a professional persuasion, but this time Chen Liuwang made a mistake.

For Xiao Daocheng, the Kingdom of ChenLiu belonged to the former dynasty of the former dynasty (former dynasty, with brackets because of the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty). Although the two kings and three kings are satisfied, but the world is so chaotic, who still pays attention to these red tapes, and there is no need for chen liu kingdom to be that fig leaf. In August of the first year of the Southern Qi Dynasty (479 AD), Xiao Daocheng deposed Chen Liuguo.

Cao Wei Zong Temple ended.

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

Another: Two Kings and Three Emperors, a political etiquette system that began in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Successive dynasties have been knighted as descendants of the previous royal family, called the second queen and the third prince, giving the title of prince, giving it a fief, and sacrificing the temple to show respect, showing the succession of the dynasty and marking the orthodox status. The so-called "ke" means to show respect. The descendants of the first two generations of the feng are the second queen, and the descendants of the first three generations of the feng are called sankei. However, the later dynasties are not so particular about the previous dynasties, which means that there are many people who cut the grass and remove the roots.

Sima Dai Cao, Cao Wei Emperor's chamber has existed for more than two hundred years - you don't know about the Kingdom of Chen Liu

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