
Quanjude Zhou Yanlong: The long-established cultural creation is promising, and the Universal Studios store can DIY roast duck

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Wang Ping) Zhou Yanlong, general manager of Quanjude Group, said in an interview with the Beijing News Service Trade Fair on September 5 that the epidemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the catering industry. Quanjude, as a long-established brand, is also actively innovating, and the "China Must-See" restaurant in Heping Store, the "Light and Shadow Restaurant" in Qianmen Origin Store and the Quanjude Store at Universal Studios Beijing are all displayed in front of consumers with a new image.

Zhou Yanlong was appointed as the general manager of Quanjude Group in December 2019. In his view, "As a long-established brand, what you have to do is to be honest and innovative." What should be observed and what should be created? If we use the concept of business, I think we should return to the people, goods, and fields of catering. He explained that "people" refers to the management team, "goods" is the dishes of catering, and "field" is the business scene. "What kind of business philosophy to use, what kind of product image to use, and what kind of occasion to show it are new problems that the old brand has to face." From the beginning of the epidemic to the present, we have spent nearly a year and a half to launch some innovative pilots. For example, the 'China One Must' restaurant on the first floor of Quanjude Heping Store focuses on a simple Chinese decoration style, which is close to the dishes and service models of young consumers. Now Heping Store has become the most active of the big stores, the best store with the best business of individual accounting. ”

What form to use to show the cultural elements of the old brand is crucial. In March this year, Qianmen Origin launched its first light and shadow restaurant. Zhou Yanlong told the Beijing News reporter that the light and shadow restaurant is a bold attempt: using sound and light to show the taste of old Beijing, the love of the old brand and the central axis culture, although the current attempt is a "small test of the cattle knife" but has gained.

At Universal Studios, Quanjude Restaurant is displayed in front of consumers with a new image. Zhou Yanlong introduced that the dishes operated by this restaurant are completely different from other stores in Quanjude, not only have traditional Chinese meals, but also gather snacks from all over the world, and present the core products of Quanjude - roast duck in a youthful, convenient and walking way: customers can diy, choose their favorite duck cakes, duck meat parts, side dishes and sauces, hold the duck rolls rolled on the spot, eat while walking, eating and playing. Universal Studios restaurants are completely different from other stores in terms of decoration style, opening the terrace where consumers can enjoy delicious food and enjoy the beauty of Universal Studios.

It is worth mentioning that since the trial operation of Universal Studios Quanjude Restaurant, Quanjude's cultural and creative products have been welcomed by tourists. Zhou Yanlong said that this made Quanjude realize that the old brand also has great potential in the development and derivation of cultural and creative products.

Beijing News reporter Wang Ping

Edited by Qin Shengnan Proofreader Wei Zhuo

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