
Newsflash | Quanjude: The company is not the only supplier of catering for Universal Studios employees

On the afternoon of September 23, at the collective reception day of investors of listed companies in Beijing, some investors asked Quanjude whether Quanjude is the only supplier of catering for employees in The Universal Film and Television Park Resort? Is there a possibility of turning a profit at the end of this year?

In this regard, Tang Ying, secretary of the board of directors of Quanjude, replied that the Group Meal Project of Universal Studios Partner Restaurant is the first operation project of the company to develop the field of group meals, and its operating entity is not the only supplier of Universal Studios staff catering.

The company is focusing on the annual operating indicators, actively open source and reduce expenditure, reduce costs and increase efficiency, keep the main line of innovation with the old brand, adjust the business structure, improve the operating effect, and strive to achieve accelerated recovery and growth of operating performance.

According to the financial network industry and economics, after six quarters of losses, Quanjude has achieved a profit of 4.6323 million yuan in the second quarter of this year.

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