
Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

author:Read Spring and Autumn by candle

Legend has it that Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, and this has to start with Shan Xiongxin and his brother.

Shan Xiongxin was a reckless hero in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and there were indeed people in history, but due to the spread of commentaries and popular novels, two different images of Shan Xiongxin's history book and commentary were formed, and even Shan Xiongxin's birthplace was different.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

In this article, we will focus on Shan Xiongxin in the commentary, why did he reincarnate three times against the Tang Dynasty? Since it is a commentary, let's not take it seriously, and we should talk about it after tea and dinner.

Without further ado, let's get down to business. In real history, there is indeed a person named Shan Xiongxin, and the history books record that Shan Xiongxin was a native of Jiyin, Caozhou, that is, a native of Cao County, Heze, Shandong.

The book "Speaking of Tang" describes Shan Xiongxin as the owner of Erxian Zhuang in Bali, Luzhou, Shanxi, located in the western suburbs of Changzhi, and according to legend, Shan Xiongxin and his brother Shan Xiong were loyal to righteousness and wealth, so the village where they lived was called Erxian Zhuang.

I think Shan Xiongxin is from Cao County, Heze, Shandong. Historical records record that Shan Xiong Nobunaga was very tall and powerful, and later joined Xu Shijie of the same county, which is the prototype of Xu Maogong in the book "Speaking of Tang", and the two defected to the peasant rebel army of Wagang Mountain led by Li Mi.

Because Shan Xiongxin fought bravely and bravely, he was known as the Flying General.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

It is worth mentioning that the two books "Speaking of Tang" and "Sui and Tang Dynasties" are popular novels written by Qing Dynasty literati. In the book, Shan Xiongxin is described as the general scoop of the green forest in the nine provinces of the Great Sui Dynasty, a gangster figure, who was nicknamed the red-haired spirit official Shan Xiongxin, also known as The Little Guan Yu of Yi Bo Yun Tian.

The reason why Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, the novel gives the answer. The book describes Shan Xiongxin's older brother, Shan Xiongzhong, who, while riding a horse and hunting, encountered Li Yuan, the Duke of Tang, who was pursued and killed by the Sui Emperor Yang Guang.

Li Yuan mistakenly thought that Shan Xiongzhong was the second group of killers sent by Yang Guang, and in a hurry, he shot and killed Shan Xiongzhong with a bow and arrow.

To tell the truth, this is a result that no one expected, but Shan Xiongxin is the boss of the underworld, although it is manslaughter, he can't swallow this breath, and he has to let Li Yuan pay for his life. Li Yuan naturally refused, so Shan Xiongxin began to fight with the Tang Dynasty.

Later, Shan Xiongxin became the door-to-door son-in-law of Wang Shichong, one of the anti-Tang Qunxiong.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

Because his brothers, that is, Jia Liulou's 26 friends, all defected to the Tang Dynasty, in this way, the brothers and their masters became rivals.

In a battle, Shan Xiongxin single-handedly broke into the company camp, intending to kill Li Shimin. At that time, Li Yuan had died, and Shan Xiongxin meant that the father's account was still there, and he wanted to write off the door.

As a result, Shan Xiongxin ventured forward and was whipped by Wei Chigong, and Shan Xiongxin was captured alive by the Tang army that poured in.

There is a way that the tiger fell to the plains and was bullied by dogs, and none of the former worship brothers dared to come out against Li Shimin, and they all advised Shan Xiongxin to surrender, and even Xu Maogong said: "Brother, the person who knows the times is Junjie, his arms cannot twist his thighs, and if you surrender, you will not be embarrassed by the brothers." ”

Shan Xiongxin looked at Third Brother Xu coldly and said word by word: "If you want me to surrender, you can do it, unless Li Shimin returns one life after another." ”

Some people may have to ask: Why didn't The second brother of Qin Qiong qin come out? You must know that when Qin Qiong fell, it was Shan Xiongxin who generously saved his life.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

It turned out that there was a reason why Qin Qiong did not show up, and Xu Maogong took Qin Qiong away by escorting grain. Xu Maogong expected that Shan Xiongxin would not surrender, so he consulted with Li Shimin, and if Qin Qiong was at home, he would try his best to stop Shan Xiongxin, who had vowed not to surrender.

In order to protect Qin Qiong, Xu Maogong took him away by escorting grain. On the second day after Qin Qiong left, Li Shimin and Xu Maogong decided to behead Shan Xiongxin, after all, keeping him was a scourge.

Before his execution, Shan Xiongxin only drank the send-off wine that Cheng bit jin. At that time, Cheng Biting Jin comforted: "Brother Shan Wu, you can rest assured, reincarnated as a human in the next life and then find Li Shimin to settle accounts, at that time, the brothers do not know anyone, they should take revenge, they should complain and complain, let go of their hands and feet to kill it in the dark, or out of evil!" ”

Shan Xiongxin heard that it made sense, laughed and led the punishment away.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

In the book, it is implied that Cheng bites Jin is the fate of the Heavenly Son, and his words are the holy will, and sure enough, Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times and died in the Tang Dynasty.

Shan Xiongxin's first reincarnation became the Eastern Liao general Gai Suwen.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

In history, there was indeed such a person, Gai Suwen was a famous general at the end of Goguryeo, and in ancient times, Goguryeo was a small country next to the northeast and the Korean Peninsula. Shortly after Li Shimin became emperor, Gai Suwen killed the old king and became the regent, becoming the real person who had the final say, and then he led his troops and the Tang Dynasty to die.

According to historical records, Gai Suwen, that is, the incarnation of Shan Xiongxin, led an army to surround Chang'an, and Qi Guoyuan, who was wrapped in straw belly, held a pair of sledgehammers, urged the horse to come to Gai Suwen, And Gai Suwen looked at it and said angrily: "Annoying and hateful, straw bag belly, qi Guoyuan of the past, you voted for the Tang Dynasty and dared to show off your might in front of me, I first beheaded Er and other dogs, and then sacrificed a flying knife to behead the commander-in-chief of the Twenty-sixth Road." ”

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

Gai Suwen effortlessly slashed Qi Guoyuan with a flying knife. Jia Liulou 26 friends, at this time is the 26 Road commander-in-chief, these people gathered chicken feathers to make a duster to rush up together, the result was Gai Suwen, that is, the embodiment of Shan Xiongxin, a knife under the horse, since then the Tang Dynasty has no jia Liulou twenty-six friends.

The above is the process of Shan Xiongxin's first reincarnation.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated as Su Baotong for the second time.

Su Baotong is a fictional character in "The Three Biographies of Tang Dynasty", and there is no such person in real history. The book says that Su Baotong was the grandson of the famous Tang Dynasty general Su Dingfang and the son of Su Feng, the prime minister.

In traditional novels, Young Paul Cheng was killed by the design of the traitorous minister Su Dingfang, and in real history, Su Dingfang was a famous general who could fight in battle, his identity was under Cheng Biting Jin, his moral character was good, and he was not a traitor.

In the novel, Luo Tong, that is, Luo Cheng's widow, avenged his father and killed Su Dingfang. Later, Su Baotong avenged his grandfather and defected to the Western Regions, and finally became the Grand Marshal of the Western Regions, and then led the troops to attack Tang.

In addition, the book describes that the young Su Baotong once accidentally killed Qin Qiong's only son, Qin Huaiyu, who was the dragon-riding son-in-law of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi. The meaning of the novel is: "Shan Xiongxin finally repaid qin qiong's revenge for not saving him."

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

The second reincarnation of Shan Xiongxin caused Qin Qiong to cut off his children and grandchildren, and later when Xue Rengui marched west, Su Baotong beheaded the Tang pioneer officials, who were Wei Chigong's two sons, Wei Chi Baolin and Wei Chi Baoqing. What the novel is meant to mean is that Shan Xiongxin repaid the revenge of the Royal Garden being whipped and captured by Wei Chigong.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times as An Lushan.

We all know that An Lushan launched the An Shi Rebellion, and the Tang Dynasty went from the An Shi Rebellion to the decline. The book says that An Lushan beheaded Xu Maogong's great-grandson Xu Chengzhi, and finally An Lushan opened Xu Maogong's mausoleum and whipped the corpse, repaying Xu Maogong's revenge for Plotting and plotting against Li Shimin.

In history, there was indeed a case of Xu Maogong being whipped in a coffin, but it was not An Lushan but Wu Zetian who did this.

This was because Xu Maogong's grandson Xu Jingye opposed Wu Zetian's title of empress, and Wu Zetian publicly whipped Xu Mao, who had been dead for more than ten years, in order to vent his anger, which meant that Xu Maogong did not educate his grandson well and should be punished.

Shan Xiongxin was reincarnated three times against Tang, why did he and Tang Dynasty have a feud with each other?

In summary, it can be seen that the theory of Shan Xiongxin's three reincarnations is pure nonsense, and it is a Qing Dynasty novelist who appended it according to some historical materials in history.

Text/Reading Spring and Autumn by Candle

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