
Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

author:Peter Pan food

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Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

In our daily lives, we are often troubled by all kinds of trivial matters and complicated interpersonal relationships.

It is often said that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%. Although this sentence sounds a bit extreme, it reflects a kind of helplessness and strategy of modern people when dealing with interpersonal relationships.

"Apathy" does not mean complete ruthlessness and disregard, but rather an attitude of remaining calm and reasonable.

Netizens shared in the comment area that they suffered a "bloody" lesson because of their enthusiasm, and they were also deeply emotional after reading it, and I have to say that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

It's possible that this person is indeed smuggling things, and the normal police will also investigate, so they won't help with such a scribbled sentence, right?

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

Mommy is protecting you! I don't want others to know your weaknesses, and I'm afraid of people who have a heart

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

There are good wives in the family

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

I feel sorry for your kindness, alas, the human heart is really ......

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

My daughter went to apply for a permit and came back to tell me that there was an old couple who cut the queue and couldn't wear studs for taking pictures, and asked my daughter to help her take them off, but my daughter refused, saying that she hadn't worn them and wouldn't get them

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

If you are short of two pounds, it is a bite back

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

That must be trying to trick you

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

This kind of thing happened to me, although I would have been a little mindful at the time, and it would not be after the past, after all, it was also kind

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

It's better not to borrow, I lent my phone to someone else more than ten years ago, and the phone was scammed

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

This one! I'm now afraid to go out and see the old ones, moving money

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

No, it's terrible

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

When I met the same model, I was thinking about whether it would be bad, she said no, they were all planted by themselves, and it didn't look good if they didn't take medicine! It's all good, take it back and take a look, it's basically bad underneath

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

There used to be a banana that stuck someone else in the news. There are allergies or something, but you can't give it

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

I didn't even dare to take it

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

I picked up an old man who fell today, because the electric car was pressing him, I didn't help him, he couldn't get up.

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

What does it mean to touch porcelain

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable
Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

Let him go to the counter

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

You can't eat other people's medicine,

Why do you say that being indifferent outside can reduce the trouble by 80%, netizens sadly sighed: People's hearts are unpredictable

I agree with it, how to define apathy

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