
Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

author:Cover News

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Cover reporter Chen Yuanyang

Bashu culture has a long history. Sichuan and Chongqing are one of the regions with the longest duration and widest distribution of grotto statue art in China, and the grotto statues with different characteristics are all over the land of Bashu, most of which are in the Tang and Song dynasties, such as Guangyuan Thousand Buddha Cliff, Anyue, Dazu stone carvings, etc.

According to the data, at present, there are 2134 existing cave temples (including cliff statues) in Sichuan, ranking first in the country. Among them, Anyue County, Ziyang City, which has the reputation of the capital of Chinese Buddhist sculpture, is the county with the most grottoes in Sichuan.

Visit the Sichuan-Chongqing Grottoes and touch the Bashu culture. From now on, Cover News West China Metropolis Daily will launch a series of reports on "The Secret Land of Sichuan and Chongqing That You Don't Know", searching for grotto carvings and other monuments in Sichuan and Chongqing, and excavating the "secret place" story behind these famous places.

The first stop of the search came to The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue County.

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

YuanjueDong Scenic Area

One of the representatives of the Anyue stone carving

"One Buddha, Two Bodhisattvas" is the most famous

As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, stone carving art forms represented by cliff tomb wall carvings appeared in Anyue. Since the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Anyue stone carvings have appeared on a grand scale and exquisite skills, represented by the statue of the grotto temple Moya, the art of "Anyue Grottoes".

"The Anyue Grottoes are the main body and representative of the Anyue stone carvings, and the nodes of the Sichuan-Chongqing grotto system and the epitome of the development of grotto art in the middle and late Chinese period." According to the relevant person in charge of the Anyue County Cultural and Guangdong Tourism Bureau, there are currently more than 230 local cave temples and stone carved immovable cultural relics, 15 caves of stone carved Buddhist scriptures, more than 400,000 words, and 4 national key cultural relics protection units at 10 points, which are famous for "ancient, many, fine and beautiful". Yuanjue Cave is one of the representatives.

Located on Yunjue Mountain, about 1.5 kilometers southeast of Anyue County, Yuanjue Cave was named after the twelve Yuanjue carved grottoes excavated in the Song Dynasty, and was announced by the State Council as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units in 2006. The grotto statues are concentrated in the south and north rocks of Yunju Mountain, the statue area is 186 meters long, there are 1933 large and small statues, 25 inscriptions, the most famous is "one Buddha and two bodhisattvas".

Zhou Chun, an Anyue stone carving explainer who has just finished the interpretation task, led the reporter to visit, and in the 18 years of commentary, she has lost count of how many times she has come to the Yuanjue Cave.

Entering the scenic spot, the first thing to pass is the Jiaozhong Temple, which was relocated from elsewhere, with elements such as strips of stone, wooden beams, and small green tiles, which is one of the most complete bucket-type wooden structure ancient temple buildings in the Ming Dynasty in eastern Sichuan. Then, after picking up the stairs, we came to the north rock carving area where the "one Buddha and two bodhisattvas" were located.

The so-called "one Buddha and two bodhisattvas", Zhou Chun explained, are the statues of Guanyin in the Pure Bottle, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Guanyin on the Lotus Hand.

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

Statue of Guanyin in a pure bottle

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

Statue of The Lotus Hand Kannon

The first thing that catches the eye is the bottle guanyin, which wears a flower crown on its head, wears a jewel, carries a bottle in its left hand, and holds a willow branch in its right hand. In the middle, Shakyamuni Buddha, with his whole head and body slightly to the right, is smiling and his eyes are looking down. Further behind is the Lotus Hand Guanyin, a statue wearing a very delicately carved crown of fully hollowed-out Buddha, standing on the double lotus platform, with a kind face, wise eyes, a relaxed demeanor, a strong Tang Dynasty relic, a plump posture, and a rounded face.

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

Tourists visiting

The image of the flying sky is comparable to the Dunhuang murals

Originated from the Northern Song Dynasty "Ge You Lie"

During the Two Song Dynasties, it was one of the peak periods of Anyue stone carving, and the theme of the statue at this time had a strong esoteric thought, the statue-making technique had matured, and the perfect statue-making style completely got rid of the influence of Gandhara art, forming the characteristics of localization and secularization.

"The stone carvings of Yuanjue Cave have strong local characteristics." For example, Zhou Chun said that the statue of Guanyin in a pure bottle gives people the feeling of standing on the lotus in a state of freedom and relaxation, and the focus of which is the bottle in his hand, "The subject matter in the past is to hold, and this Guanyin is carried." ”

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

A flying statue that surrounds the Buddha statue

In addition, the flying sky on both sides of the top of the net bottle Guanyin is also very distinctive. Zhou Chun explained that in ancient Indian mythology, Feitian was the protector of the Dharma, generally a man and a woman. After being introduced to China, Feitian gradually became localized and more feminine. "The Dunhuang flying sky we are familiar with is generally holding or carrying a flower basket or rebounding the pipa, but the group of flying skies in Yuanjue cave is holding a 'bonsai'."

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

Flying statue of Yuanjue Cave

Visit The Yuanjue Cave in Anyue, Sichuan: The Flying Statue is comparable to the Dunhuang Mural And it is as leisurely as "Ge You Lie"

A flying statue shaped like "Ge You Lie"

The reporter noticed that the two sides of the flying sky echoed each other from the left and the right, one facing inward and one outward. "It's as if the flying sky is floating around Guanyin, creating a feeling of surround." Zhou Chun mentioned that the flying statue on the right side of the statue of Guanyin in the pure bottle was lying on its side, half lying on the auspicious cloud, holding a vessel with lotus buds in both hands. "It's a lot like what people say now, 'Ge You Lie', it feels very comfortable."

In addition to the flying sky, the stone statues of Yuanjue Cave are also engraved with plant flowers and grass patterns. Against the backdrop of these flowers and plants, with the graceful flying sky, people feel the potential vitality from the static stone carvings. In addition, although statues such as Guanyin in the Jing Bottle were carved in the Northern Song Dynasty, the mineral pigments on the flying sky are still brightly colored, and the color is no less than that of the flying sky in the Dunhuang murals.

Some scholars believe that the difficulty of chiseling the flying sky of the stone carving is incomparable to that of the mural flying sky, and the craftsmen not only have to pay the pain of thinking about the structure of the flying sky, but also have to pay the labor of chiseling the body. From this point of view, the stone carved flying sky of Yuanjue Cave is more extensive than the existence and aesthetic value of the mural flying sky.

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