
Sichuan Famous Chinese Medicine Explains the "Twelve Hours" of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care

author:Cover News

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Some people say that the day of Chinese is divided into twelve hours, all of which have a fixed number, and if you understand twelve hours, you will understand the day of Chinese.

Traditional Chinese medicine health care pays attention to spring and summer yang, with the rise of temperature, the sunshine time is prolonged, people's yang qi is more exuberant, at this time is also the best time for the maintenance of people with yang deficiency physique. Professor Wu Jie, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Sichuan Province and director of the Center for the Treatment of Diseases at the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that physical health is also related to the twelve hours.

Sichuan Famous Chinese Medicine Explains the "Twelve Hours" of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care
Sichuan Famous Chinese Medicine Explains the "Twelve Hours" of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care

The time is 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock in the morning, which is the most exuberant time of the large intestine through the qi, this time is the most suitable time to get up, the summer get up is not earlier than 5 o'clock, the winter get up is not later than 7 o'clock, which is in line with the Chinese medicine summer late sleep early rise, winter early bed and late rise of the health law.

Morning row is a healthy manifestation of the function of the large intestine, patients with constipation problems can choose to carry out physical exercise at this time, encourage the large intestine to pass through the qi, enhance the function of transmission. Patients who do not form stools for a long time can choose to do moxibustion at this time, and the warm yang is solid. From 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. is the most vigorous time for the stomach through the qi, if there is usually a lack of appetite, or a cold stomach, stomach discomfort after eating raw and cold food, you can choose to do moxibustion at this time to warm the stomach yang.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but also a meal that will not gain weight, friends who diet to lose weight can strengthen nutrition at breakfast. Patients with poor spleen and stomach function can also carry out physical exercise at this time to encourage the spleen and stomach yang qi and enhance the spleen and stomach function.

At 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is the most exuberant time for the spleen to pass through the qi, the spleen is mainly responsible for digesting food, if there is indigestion usually, or the stool is loose and not formed, you can choose to do moxibustion at this time to enhance the spleen and stomach transport function. The food ingested at breakfast will be digested at this time, so there is no risk of gaining weight when eating more for breakfast. The spleen and stomach, as an important organ that converts food into energy in the body, is extremely important for maintaining good health.

From 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 a.m., it is the most exuberant time of the heart meridian qi, the main blood of the heart, the main god, mainly responsible for the operation of the blood in the whole body and maintaining normal mental activities. If there are palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cold intolerance and mental state atrophy and other heart and yang deficiencies, you can choose to do moxibustion at this time to invigorate the heart and yang.

Chinese medicine pays attention to sleeping meridian, that is, at noon 11:00-13:00 can take a nap for half an hour, sleep at 23:00 at night, 1:00-3:00 is the liver menstrual time, the liver main blood, but also an important detoxification organ, long-term overnight stay up will damage the liver.

From 13:00 to 15:00 in the afternoon is the most exuberant time for the small intestine to pass through the meridians, and the small intestines walk around the shoulder blades, so if there is cold pain in the shoulders, limited mobility or fear of wind in the shoulders, you can choose to do moxibustion or do shoulder exercises and rehabilitation exercises at this time to warm the meridians.

From 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon is the most exuberant time for the bladder through the meridians, the bladder meridians go up to the top of the head, down to the small toes, through the dorsal midline of the human body, so if there is neck and waist pain and discomfort, the waist of the vest is afraid of cold, etc., you can choose to do moxibustion at this time.

From 17:00 to 19:00 in the afternoon is the most exuberant time for the kidney meridian qi, at this time, the use of the ignition Guiyuan moxibustion method, moxibustion Yongquan, Taixi and other kidney meridian acupuncture points, it is suitable for the treatment of yin deficiency fire wang type menopause insomnia and sweat evidence.

Elderly patients should pay attention to strengthening the kidney tonic, and can choose to exercise TCM exercises at this time, such as: Taijiquan, Taiji Sword, Baduanjin, etc., to enhance physical fitness.

Cover news reporter Zhou Jiayi

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