
In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while


1. The name of Guan Yu's ancestors

After the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Guan Yu's faith rose, and in addition to the emergence of a series of stories about Guan Yu, many people began to examine all his identities around Guan Yu. They are different from the barnyard history created by Ichijing, and the author is also different from those who have fallen into obscurity, and they are often university scholars of the same era, university inquirers. They don't think they're making up stories, they're based on a very rigorous attitude to conduct a series of studies around Guan Yu based on the history. Many "scholarly works" have emerged in this regard, and the famous results are as follows:

Hu Qi's "Deeds of King Guan" of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Qintang of the Ming Dynasty, Jiao Gang's "Ancestral Records of the Former Han General Guan Gong", the Ming Dynasty Advisors' "Collection of Righteous Heroes and Wu'an Kings", Qian Qianyi's "Re-compilation of the Collection of Yiyong Wu'an Kings" during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhang Zhen's "Guan Di Zhi" of the Qing Dynasty, Peng Shaosheng's "The Complete Book of Guan Sheng Emperor" of the Qing Dynasty, and the anonymous "Notes on the Sermons of the Guan Emperor", and so on.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Guandi Sacred Traces

These works have made detailed examinations of Guan Yu's life, place of origin, and even his life works, and they all say that they have noses and eyes, just like the real thing.

For example, examining Guan Yu's place of origin, the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms said that Guan Yu was "Hedong Xieren", which was originally clear, but Guan Yu's fans still felt that it was too general and should be specific to the village, so they examined that Guan Yu's place of origin was Guan Yu's place of origin in Shanxi Xiezhou Baochi Lixia Feng Village (see Qian Qianyi's "Biography of Guan Sheng Emperor").

If you are precise about geographic location, you need to be precise about your timeline.

The first is Guan Yu's birthday, and they verify that Guan Yu was born on June 24, 163, the third year of Emperor Huan of Han 's reign (i.e., 163 AD) (see Wang Zhudan's Tombstone of GuanHouzu). However, this point did not form an authoritative view, in addition to June 24, there are also theories of June 22 births, May 13 births (see Liang Zhangju's "Three Kingdoms Chronicle Circumstantial Evidence").

In addition to Guan Yu's birthday, Zhu Dan, the Prince of Xiezhou during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, went on to examine the birthday of Guan Yu's child in the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu", and his first wife was Hu Shi, who gave birth to a son Guan Ping in the Han Ling Emperor Guang and the ninth year of the Fifth Moon. In addition to his sons, many genealogical biographies record Guan Yu's descendants, although the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" says that when the Shu kingdom fell, Pound's son Pang would go to Chengdu and massacre the Guan family, but these people who "did research" seemed not to see it, and they could still verify that Guan Lang of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Guan Kangzhi of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Guan Bo of the Tang Dynasty were all descendants of Guan Yu, and Guan Yu's descendants could find a group of descendants all the way down.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Xiezhou Guandi Temple

Down to the head, up to the head.

They verified that Guan Yu's ancestor was Guan Longfeng of the Former Xia Dynasty (this theory was first found in the New Book of Tang), and later there was Guan Ling Yin Xi of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (see Hu Qi's "The Deeds of the King of Guan").

Guan Longfeng was the chancellor of Xia Jie, the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty, and he consulted him many times, and Xia Jie finally got annoyed and killed him. Guan Yu is his descendant, but also a loyal heirloom, but Guan Longfeng is a descendant of the Dragon Clan, Guan Long should be a Dragon Dragon, even if guan long is written, the family name is also Guan Long, not Guan - of course, this does not matter, the person who made up the story naturally has his own interpretation of the routine: the posterity omitted it.

That Guan Ling Yin Xi is a bit unspeakable, this most famous deed is to stop Lao Tzu at Hangu Pass, let him preach the Tao Te Ching, and then in the legend he followed Lao Tzu out of the customs, and finally became a god, this is of course powerful, but Guan Ling Yin Xi This pass is obviously the Guan of HanGu Guan, not the surname of others, Ling Yin is an official, the correct interpretation of Guan Ling Yin Xi should be the ling Yin of Han Gu Guan, named Xi, and later with false rumors, some called him Guan Yinzi, some called him Yin Xi, he not only became a Taoist deity, Unexpectedly, he also made Guan Yu a distant ancestor. What's more, it is also verified that Guan Yu's grandfather is called Guan Zhen, and Guan Yu's father is called Guan Yi.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Emperor Guan's family portrait

How did Wang Zhudan verify the names of Guan Yu's father and grandfather? Because of two dreams.

In the "Tombstone of the Former Han General Zhuang Miao Hou Guan Sheng Emperor Junzu", it is said that a man named Yu Chang dreamed of Guan Erye shouting "Yi Bei", and when he woke up, he heard that someone had obtained two large bricks, which had words on them, and read them together, and there were five words on the left side, written "Born in Yongyuan II", three words on the right side wrote "Yongshou III", and seventeen characters in the middle wrote "First Examine Shi Pan Yilin Hermit Guan Gong, Secret Trial, And Ask the Spiritual Position of The Question", and there were three words next to it, written "Male Yi Confession", and the word "Daoyuan" written on the back.

Yu Chang combined his dream to feel that this brick was great, and hurriedly told Xiezhou Taishou, Xiezhou Taishou was named Wang Zhudan, and was surprised, because he had also had a dream in Zhuozhou before, dreaming that Guan Erye invited him to drink and said: "Please use the rafters to narrate my life for me." He turned back to Zhou Cang and told him, "Protect him from getting hurt." As a result, the next day Wang Zhu Dan went to a friend's house to drink, drunk, and fell from his horse to the stone unharmed, which made him understand that it was Second Master Guan who protected himself.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Guandi Sacred Relic

Seeing this brick today, he suddenly realized that it was the narrative life that Second Master Guan said had been fulfilled here. The two of them interpreted the text on this brick, this brick is the spiritual seat set up by Guan Yu's father for Guan Yu's grandfather, so Guan Yu's grandfather's name is Guan Zhen, this monument is guan Yi, then Guan Yu's father is Guan Yi, the character is far away. Obviously, the name comes from the Analects: "A scholar must not fail to carry out his duties, and the task is heavy and the road is long." "——Fully prove that the Guan family poetry book has been passed down.

Therefore, Wang Zhudan also made a play, saying that Guan Zhen was full of poetry and books, familiar with "Spring and Autumn", saw the corruption of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and could not bear to be in the same stream, so he returned to his hometown to be alone - this is a commonly used persona in the novel, and then the plot is a restless person at home, and this person is naturally the protagonist Guan Yu. Guan Yu grew up under the teachings of his grandfather, so he was well versed in the principles of loyalty and righteousness and loved to read "Spring and Autumn". After Guan Zhen's death, Guan Yi kept filial piety for three years, originally cultivating and reading heirlooms, but Guan Yu was not accustomed to Lü Xiong bullying Liang shan lu to see a roar, and wandered after killing people. Yamen looked for Guan Yi to ask for someone, and Guan Yi committed suicide by throwing himself into a well – that's why Han bricks were fished out of the well.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Emperor Guan's Sermon for Saving robberies

This unearthed cultural relics filled the gap in Guan Yu's history, but it also caused a commotion in the folk, and the rigorous scholars at that time did not recognize it, and because yongzheng wanted to be rewarded, the ceremonial department also discussed the name of Guan Yu's grandfather and father, and the conclusion was that it was not credible.

In fact, Wang Zhudan's counterfeiting behavior is not new, as early as the Song Dynasty, Guan Yu was just on fire when someone used it.

Hongmai's "Yi Jianzhi" says that during the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing, there was a fisherman salvaging a "Marquis of Shouting" in Dongting Lake, which was Guan Yu's seal of that year and was immediately enshrined in the Yuquan Mountain Guanmiao Temple. This is not to count, and later someone cut down a tree and dug up a Shouting Hou seal, which also said the engraving time "Han Jian'an Twenty Years". Hong Mai, as an elite class, expressed doubts about this, he said that Guan Yu is the Marquis of Hanshouting, Hanshou is a place name, there should not be one less Chinese character on the seal, and guan Yu was named as the Marquis of Jian'an for four years, how can it be engraved in the twentieth year of Jian'an?

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while
In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

Through such an analysis, it is obvious that this is a deliberate falsification of the good people who have listened to many stories, because at that time, many stories called Guan Yu The Marquis of Shouting, and deliberately ignored the word "Han". In the Ming Dynasty Jiajing version of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", this has evolved into a plot, when Cao Cao was crowned Guan Yu as the Marquis of Shouting, Guan Yu did not do it, saying that I did not lower the Han and did not descend, I must add a "Han" word in front of it, so that I am worthy of my wind bone - this Guan Er ye is really enough ah q.

Second, Guan Yu even had mo bao

According to this story, Guan Yu should also have a seal of "Marquis of Hanshouting", which has not been unearthed, but has been used, and the ink treasure about yu in the Chaozhou and Fengshun Guandi Temples: Wind and Rain Erzhu. It is said that it was made by Guan Yu, one of the evidence is that it is written with "Hanshouting Houyin" and "Guan YuYin" (see Chaozhou Guandi Temple), the background of this painting is when he was trapped in Cao Ying, Guan Yu also inscribed two poems to clarify the state of mind, the wind in the bamboo wrote: "Do not thank Dongjunyi, Danqing independent name." Do not feel lonely leaves, and will not wither for a long time. This Dongjun is obviously Cao Cao, and bamboo is himself.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

In the rain, the bamboo carried "The great cause is repaired, the foot is as promised, the hero is full of tears, and the branches are raining." This song does not feel like it was written in Cao Ying, but rather like it was composed when he walked maicheng, this hero's tearful heart was obviously borrowed from Du Fu's poem, anyway, Guan Erye became a god after his death, Du Fu also belonged to him, and his sentence was to give Shaoling Ye old face.

In addition to poetry, there are also two famous sayings and aphorisms handed down, one is to read good books, say good words, do good deeds, and be good people, and the other is "May the heavens always be good people, and may people always do good deeds." In short, it is to persuade people to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, which sounds like an old lady nagging, not at all like a general who leads the army.

This is only one or two sentences, the most powerful is also the fabrication of letters, the Yuan Dynasty Hu Qi mentioned a "Book of Ci Cao" in the "Deeds of the King of Guan", it is said that guan Yu hung up the seal of gold left a letter to Cao Cao, Hu Qi said "examine its meaning, not like the Han Dynasty text", it was not included, but in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Guan Yu became a god, did not distinguish between right and wrong, there were many letters from Guan Yu.

There is "Book with Zhang Huanhou", Guan Yu wrote a letter to Zhang Fei during cao ying, describing his innocence, he called Zhang Fei a wing de in the letter, a lu filling, Zhang Fei in the history of the word is Yide, in the novel only wrote Zhang Yide, obviously this author is the master of the novel.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

There is also the "Guandu and Cao Shu", Guan Yu wrote to Cao Cao during the Battle of Guandu, advising Cao Cao to be loyal to assist Han Room - well, if he is loyal to assist Han Room, then why do you still have to go to your eldest brother, and follow Cao Cao to assist him?

There is also "Book with Zhang Liao", when Guan Yu was in Cao Ying, Zhang Liao repeatedly advised him to stay, and the two had a conversation, and this letter was a sign of his heart.

The Book of Bai Han Shouting Hou Fu Cao is mainly a seal of the Marquis of Shou Ting, a polite thank you to Cao Cao. Later, he learned of Liu Bei's whereabouts, and wrote to Cao Cao the "Book of Xie Cao, the Guixian Emperor", wrote a letter that seemed to be unsatisfied, and wrote another "Letter to Cao Cao", which talked about loyalty and righteousness, and at the same time thanked him for his encounter.

The above compilation of these letters all appeared in the same period, which is enough to show that these people are very concerned about Guan Yu's mood at this time, so they help him write a letter to Zhang Fei to declare his innocence, help him write a letter to Zhang Liao saying that he is not emperor Qin (Cao), help him write letters to Cao Cao one after another, they are proving Guan Yu's innocence.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

In addition, there is also the "Book of Answers to Lu Xun", which advises Lu Xun to fight against Cao with one heart. The "Book of Consolation to the Emperor" advises Liu Bei not to be discouraged when he fails, and it is really a scene everywhere.

Through the efforts of these literati, guan Yu's story was successfully confused with history, and not only the common people would regard the stories in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms as historical facts, but many literati could not distinguish them.

For example, the famous general Lu Xiangshengben at the end of the Ming Dynasty was also a scholar who was full of poetry, he led his troops through Henan's "hate this pass", it is said that Guan Yu passed one of the five levels in that year, and after passing, "immediately turned back to hate this pass", Lu Xiangsheng huaigu, wrote a poem "Over Hating This Pass". ...... Reverie and grandeur of the past, through the country and the cold of the years. ”

The university scholar Li Zhen lamented the three knots of the Taoyuan Temple, "The world needs gold to make friends, and gold is not much to make but not deep." Whoever knows the three knots of Taoyuan, the gold does not dissolve the knots of the same heart."

Yuan Ming specifically criticized this phenomenon in "Suiyuan Poetry", giving several examples, some lamenting Hua Rongdao's letting Cao Cao go, and some praising Guan Yu for having the determination not to be tempted by beauty to read at night with candles... But Guan Yu's faith was like a huge wave rolling in, and his voice was immediately drowned out.

In the Song Dynasty, The Seal of Guan Yu was fished out of Dongting Lake, and the Taojing of the Qing Dynasty dug out the spiritual seat of Guan Yu's ancestors, which was shaken for a while

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