
Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

author:Play phoenix under the plane tree

Guan Yu is in Chengdu and the Tomb Temple in Xiezhou

This article is written by Ni Fangliu

In the previous headline of "Playing Phoenix Under the Plane Tree", three or four guan yu tombs were written in a row (see "Folk called "Luoyang Guan Lin Guan Yu Tomb is fake", Luoyang Cultural Relics Bureau replied to this article), this article makes a conclusion about Guan Yu's tomb, talking about Guan Yu's tomb and ancestral temple in Chengdu and Shanxi.

Guan Yu was a Shu general, and Chengdu was the capital of the Shu state, and under normal circumstances, it was not surprising that the Yu Tomb was concerned, but Guan Yu was defeated and taken away from Maicheng, was beheaded and depressed, and in today's Hubei territory, he was buried separately in Dangyang and Luoyang, where did Guan Yu's tomb come from chengdu?

The appearance of Guan Yu's tomb in Chengdu is related to the reaction of the Shu lord Liu Bei after hearing the bad news.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Statue of Guan Yu "God of Martial Wealth")

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms does not record Liu Bei's reaction after learning of Guan Yu's beheading, and the Mingren Luo Guanzhong made a deduction and imagination of this matter in the seventy-eighth time of the novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Curing the Wind and Disease, The Divine Doctor Died, and Passed on the Death of the Widow and the Adulterous Male"——

Hearing that his Taoyuan brother Guan Yu was beheaded by Sun Quan, Liu Bei "shouted and fainted on the ground", cried and fainted, called for half a day before waking up, woke up and cried and fainted, that is, the so-called "crying three or five times a day, three days the water slurry does not enter, just crying bitterly"... Luo Guanzhong's statement was too exaggerated, and Zhuge Liang was frightened.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Liu Bei cried bitterly for Guan Yu, stills)

Liu Bei personally went out to the south gate to summon souls to pay tribute, and built a crown tomb for Guan Yu in the south of Chengdu. Later, Liu Chan posthumously honored Guan Yu as "Marquis of Zhuangmiao"

In the past, this was called "soul burial", the ancients superstitious people died of the soul is not scattered, the soul will be attracted home, into the pre-life crown and burial, the crown tomb is due to the soul burial and appear, this kind of corpseless tomb can often be found in modern archaeology.

Summoning souls to be buried in the Han and Wei dynasties was very popular among the people, when there were frequent wars, there were many war victims, and there were no bones, which could only be used as a tomb of commemorative significance. The Tang Dynasty Zhang's poem "Enlisting Women's Grievances", "No one collects white bones in thousands of miles, and the souls are buried under the family and the city", which refers to this custom.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Modern folk funeral scene)

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Modern soul-summoning burial superstition with rooster)

Because it was too popular to summon souls and bury them, Sima Rui, the Emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once guilty of being guilty of the gods, issued an edict prohibiting: "Fuzuka is in the form of a Tibetan, and the temple is in the form of a god." In this world, the soul is buried, and the god is buried. It is forbidden. ”

The tomb of Guan Yu in Chengdu no longer exists, but it is recorded in the ancient writers. The Song Dynasty Zhao Chen's "Chengdu Ancient and Modern Collection and Preface" quotes the "Huayang Chronicle" as saying, "The tomb is in the grassland, and the temple is in Hesheng." ”

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Chengdu Wanli old shadow, old photo)

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Chengdu Wanli Bridge close-up)

The grassland is in the area of the Old South Gate Bridge in Chengdu, which is also called "Wanli Bridge". Wu Zhendi of the Qing Dynasty said in the "Yulu of Yangji Zhai": "There are also tombs in the south of the Wanli Bridge in Chengdu, and it is said that the ancestors summoned the souls of those who were buried, and they were desolate for a long time. ”

By the way, the name of the Wanli Bridge also originated from the Three Kingdoms.

Legend has it that Zhuge Liang once held a banquet here for Fei Yi, who was an envoy to Eastern Wu, and Fei Yi sighed: "The journey of ten thousand miles begins at this bridge. The Tang Dynasty Li Jifu's "Atlas of Yuanhe Counties and Counties" (vol. 31) records this incident: "The Wanli Bridge builds a large river, in the south of the county (Chengdu). Shu envoy Fei Yi hired Wu and Zhuge Liangzuzhi. Sigh's 'The Road of Ten Thousand Miles Begins at This Bridge!' 'In the name of the cause. ”

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Fei Yi, stills)

The ruins of the Wanli Bridge are still there, and Guan Yu's crown tomb is gone, and in the past few years, Chengdu cultural relics workers have investigated in this area, but found nothing. For Chengdu people and Three Kingdoms fans, it should be a pity.

However, without the Chengdu Crown Tomb, Shanxi Xiezhou still has a place of soul return - trapped in Dangyang, the first burial in Luoyang, the soul returned to Xiezhou.

Xiezhou is Guan Yu's hometown.

According to the "Guansheng Emperor's Sacred Relics Atlas", Guan Yu was born on June 24, the third year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (160 AD), and was born in Changping Village, Xiezhou, Yuncheng City, Shanxi, which is located on the east bank of the Yellow River, under the Zhongtiao Mountain.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Changping Village "Guan Sheng's Former Residence" monument)

According to local legend, Guan Yu killed the local bully Lü Xiong at the age of 19 because of the anti-violence Anliang, so he avoided Hebei and became acquainted with Liu Bei. After Guan Yu fled, in order not to let his son worry, his father committed suicide by throwing himself into a well, and his wife Hu Shi took his son Guan Ping back to his mother's house for refuge.

At present, not far from Changping Village, there is also the ancestral tomb of Guan Yu, and there is a shrine temple in front of the tomb.

What was the name of Guan Yu's father and grandfather? What is not recorded in the history books, in fact, guan yu's wife Hu Shi did not know it before.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Statue of Lady Hu of Guan Yu enshrined in Guan Yu's hometown)

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Xiezhou Spring and Autumn Building "Guan Gong Night Reading Spring and Autumn" statue)

During the Ming Dynasty, Xiezhou expanded the Guanmiao Temple and set up the "Guan Lady Hall", but the main hall was built to find the problem, and no one knew the surname of Lady Guan. So the local Yixiu wrote the vice Yang Lian -:

Born Ho Clan, No Year, Gefke Kaoyi;

The husband is loyal, the son is filial, but it is not a virtuous!

However, in the Qing Dynasty, something strange happened in Guan Yu's hometown, not only did he know what Guan Yu's wife's surname was, but even Guan Yu's family lineage and birth were revealed.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Guan Yu XieZhou Ancestral Temple)

According to the Qing Dynasty Liang Zhangju's "Yue Lian Cong Shu • Temple Ceremony" quoted in the "Zhen Lang Puppet Pen", in the seventeenth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1678 AD), a man named Yu Chang in Changping Village, Guan Yu's hometown, was studying at the Pagoda Temple of Guan Yu's former residence, and he had a dream in the daytime, dreaming that Guan Yu taught him the two big characters of "Yi Bei", and he was very surprised after waking up.

Just happened to see someone in the Dredging Well, digging out a huge brick, the brick was broken, Yu Chang saw that there were words on the brick, quickly put it together, the brick inscription was actually the birth and death of Guan Yu Zukao's two generations, as well as the wife and son records.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Tomb of Emperor Guan, emperor of The Foothills of Zhongtiao Mountain on the east bank of the Yellow River)

Guan Yu's grandfather was named Guan Zhen (關審), courtesy name Qizhi (字問之), born in the second year of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Emperor Yongyuan (90 AD); Guan Yu's father was named Guan Yi (關毅), and the character Daoyuan was far away.

Guan Yi was a filial son, and after his father's death, he spent three years at the tomb. Emperor Huan of Han gave birth to Guan Yu on June 24, 160, the third year of the reign of Emperor Huan of Han. When Guan Yu grew up, he married Hu and had a son, Guan Ping. Guan Ping was born on the thirteenth day of the 13th month of the fifth month of the first year of Guanghe (178 AD).

The brick inscription not only fills in the gap in Guan Yu's family lineage, but also completely subverts history.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Modern archaeological site)

It is generally believed that Guan Yu was born in the countryside, and after becoming famous, he has always appeared in the image of "martial saint", the so-called Guan Gong playing a big knife. Before he was born, he removed the tyranny and anvil, and after his death, he was a "god of martial wealth" in folklore, like a "rough man". However, the brick text shows that Guan Yu's family lineage is not ordinary, it is a scholarly Xiang mendi, zu Shangtong "I Ching", reading "Spring and Autumn", poetry and books are passed down from family to family.

According to the situation of the brick inscription, looking down the nearby mountainous area, the tomb of Guan Yuzu's tomb was found.

Yu Chang immediately reported the discovery to Zhu Dan, the then governor of Xiezhou, who also made a "Record of the Tombstone of Guanhou Zu" for this purpose.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(The Genealogy of the Kwan Family)

It is worth noting that in the 1990s, a rare "Guan Family Tree" was found in Deng County, Henan Province, which was collected by Guan Xigui, who claimed to be a descendant of Guan Yu, and later handed over to the cultural relics department of that year. The ancestral situation of the brick inscriptions recorded in the "Guan Family Tree" is basically the same as that of Guan Yu's hometown.

Guan Yu's birthplace, Changping Village, and the temple tomb of Yu in Huizhou were established earlier.

At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, a shrine was built in Guan Yu's former residence, and became a temple in the Jin Dynasty, commonly known as "Changping Guandi Temple", also known as "Guandi Family Temple".

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(The Sacred Ancestral Hall in Guan Yu's hometown enshrines statues of Guan Yu's mother, grandmother and great-grandmother)

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Statues of Guan Yu's father, grandfather and great-grandfather enshrined in the Sacred Ancestral Hall in Guan Yu's hometown)

In Xiezhou, 20 miles west of Changping Village, there is also a Guandi Temple, called "Xiezhou Guandi Temple", which is a grand scale and now covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters, forming a very complete architectural complex.

The Guandi Temple in Xiezhou is known as the "Ancestor of the Guanmiao Temple" and was also built in the sui dynasty. Fortunately, it was unspoiled during the 1960s movement and is now a national key cultural relics protection unit.

Liu Bei's reaction after learning that Guan Yu had been killed frightened Zhuge Liang, and he summoned his soul to be buried at the south gate of Chengdu. Attached is the "Tombstone of Guan Houzu":

(Guandi ancient stele rubbing, chuan Wu Daozi painting)

Hou ZuShi Pan Gong (侯祖石磐公), Zhen Zhen (讳審), Zi Qingzhi (字問之), and Emperor Yongyuan (帝永元二年庚寅生), lived in Baochili, Changping Village, Xie Prefecture. Gongchong Mu Haodao, trained his son with "Yi" and "Spring and Autumn", died in the third year of Emperor Huan's Yongshou Ding You, who died at the age of sixty-eight. Zi Zhenyi, the word is far away. Sex to filial piety, father is not, three years to the tomb. After being spared mourning, he was born on June 24, 24, the third year of Emperor Huan's reign. Hou Chang, married to Hu Shi, was born on the thirteenth day of the 13th month of the fifth month of the first year of the Ling Emperor Guang and the first year.

(Note, the original inscription does not exist, and when the "Zhenlang Even Pen" records this matter, it is also recorded according to the impression, so the text is called "roughly so")

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