
In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

On June 11, 1979, on this ordinary day, a brief news from the People's Daily attracted the attention of the people of the whole country, and He Zizhen's extraordinary life was once again concerned by the general public.

The content of this news is that He Zizhen has become a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. At this time, He Zizhen was old, her health was already very poor, and the pain was constantly tormenting her. She was overjoyed when she heard the news, but so did the sadness.

Because she still had a wish, although she did not report any hope, she still made three requests to the organization. She was overjoyed that these three requests were immediately approved by the central authorities: agree!

He Zizhen, who got a satisfactory answer, burst into tears with excitement, so what three requirements did He Zizhen put forward?

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

In July 1926, He Zizhen joined the revolution and became a member of the Communist Party and the first female party member in Jinggangshan, thus beginning her extraordinary revolutionary career. The beginning of He Zizhen's revolutionary career can be said to be very admirable, and then we have to talk about another admirable figure, in October of the same year, this person who was closely related to He Zizhen's life appeared in her life.

In October 1927, He Zizhen and her Yongxin Red Guards went up Jinggangshan, followed by Mao Zedong's team leading the Autumn Harvest Uprising, which was not far from where He Zizhen lived, and the two people met by chance.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

At the first meeting, Mao Zedong was a little surprised, he did not expect that there was such a young girl in the "leading figure" of Jinggangshan, and he was still a cadre at a young age.

He Zizhen was just eighteen years old that year. He Zizhen was also watching this tall, thin man, his skin was tanned, his eyes were shining, he was wearing worn-out clothes but he looked particularly energetic, and his body exuded the breath of a revolutionary, and He Zizhen was unconsciously deeply attracted to him.

From that day on, they forged a deep revolutionary friendship. After a period of time together, their revolutionary friendship began to ferment.

Since then, the love story on Jinggang Mountain has quietly unfolded.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

In June 1928, they developed from a great revolutionary friendship to a revolutionary companion, and He Zizhen became Mao Zedong's second wife.

The two admired each other very much when they were together, He Zizhen was literate and capable, serious and responsible for revolutionary work, young and capable, while Mao Zedong, although he Zizhen was sixteen years old, was bold and knowledgeable. They often investigate together, visit the masses, and talk about poetry together, which is very romantic.

There will occasionally be many hardships on the road of revolution, but because they help each other, they also overcome all kinds of difficulties together. One of the things that Impressed He Zizhen most was that during the Long March, she was attacked in Guizhou, and she was injured in 14 places in order to cover her comrades-in-arms. At that time, she was seriously injured and unconscious, there was no way to treat, and she did not know whether to go or stay.

After Mao Zedong learned of this incident, because of the urgency of the war, although he could not come to see her, he still firmly told the organization that he could not keep her here under any circumstances. He Zizhen couldn't help but feel very emotional when he thought back on this, and it was precisely because of Mao Zedong's firm determination that he was able to survive.

In this regard, He Zizhen has always felt that Mao Zedong saved his life. So many years later, when He Zizhen recalled their past, he was still full of gratitude to Mao Zedong.

This friendship of sharing weal and woe has also left a deep imprint on their respective vitality. In such a war era, He Zizhen accompanied Mao Zedong through ups and downs, and the feelings of the two people were both revolutionary-like friendship and full of poetry.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

However, the more similar two people are, the more likely they are to contradict each other. Therefore, their marriage path is not as smooth as the love story in the novel.

Both of them are very individualistic people, each with their own ideas, neither of them will back down, and they often quarrel because of different views. He Zizhen seems to be gentle but very personal, and when she sees That Mao Zedong getting better and better, she gradually feels that her cultural level is lower than that of Mao Zedong, which makes her feel distressed.

At the same time, He Zizhen did not want to be just a mother, or Mao Zedong's secretary. She also wants to have her own career, and she also longs to realize another kind of life value.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

Therefore, prompted by various reasons, in 1937, He Zizhen decided to go abroad to study for further study, and a revolutionary couple in distress was separated.

He Zizhen never expected that his insistence on leaving would leave him with a lifetime of regrets. Mao Zedong was a man of great feelings, and once sent a telegram to persuade He Zizhen to return to Yan'an, but at that time, He Zizhen insisted on going to the Soviet Union and did not listen to Mao Zedong's dissuasion.

Soon after arriving in the Soviet Union, she threw herself into her studies, and when she first started studying, she received a telegram from Mao Zedong asking her to return to Yan'an. But at this time, He Zizhen felt that his study had just begun, how could he give up halfway. So he refused to return to Yan'an. He Zizhen did not expect that a momentary insistence on leaving would make her lose Mao Zedong forever.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

He Zizhen was pregnant when she left Yan'an, and gave birth to a son when she was four months old in Moscow. But misfortune fell from heaven, and her son died of pneumonia not long after he was born. It was a thunderbolt on a sunny day for her. It was because of this that she regretted it. She felt that her stubbornness had tired her son, and she was mentally broken, and she no longer had the same vigor as before.

However, not long after this incident, when He Zizhen was still suffering from the loss of her son, she heard the news of Mao Zedong's remarriage again. From then on, her spirit completely broke down, and she could no longer be interested in anything. He Zizhen began to blame himself, why he insisted on leaving Yan'an and leaving Mao Zedong in the first place. This incident has always been the biggest regret in He Zizhen's life.

After learning of He Zizhen's pain at home, Mao Zedong sent his daughter Li Min to He Zizhen in order to alleviate He Zizhen's pain, and in the company of his daughter, He Zizhen gradually felt joy.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

He Zizhen and Mao Zedong had a total of six children, but Li Min was the only one who survived. As a result, Li Min became the only link between He Zizhen and Mao Zedong, bringing a lot of comfort to He Zizhen's later life.

On September 9, 1976, the great leader Chairman Mao passed away.

The news came too suddenly, at this time He Zizhen was recuperating in Shanghai, and after getting the news, she did not respond for half a day, as if she had nothing to do with herself, which made her daughter Li Min very surprised. But after a while, He Zizhen began to talk to himself again, as if he could not accept the fact that Mao Zedong had died. She suddenly began to cry loudly, crying and saying sadly: Why did she leave without seeing her again?

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

Despite her grief, He Zizhen's life went on, and after she had a hard time cheering herself up, fate once again played a joke on her, and she was paralyzed by a stroke and has been bedridden ever since. However, she did not fall, the old comrades who learned the news came to visit one after another, saw many familiar faces, He Zizhen's mood was much better, looking at these old comrades-in-arms, He Zizhen fell into a deep memory, and could not help but think of Mao Zedong, who was both a comrade-in-arms and a lover.

At this time, He Zizhen was seriously ill, and there was only one thought in his heart that he wanted to see Chairman Mao. Mourn your former comrades-in-arms and loved ones. This is also the wish that He Zizhen has always had in her heart, and it is also the driving force that prompts her to face life positively.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

In fact, when New China was just founded, He Zizhen, who had returned from the Soviet Union, wanted to meet Chairman Mao. At that time, Chairman Mao also promised to let her come to Beijing to meet her. However, due to organizational reasons, the train had not yet arrived in Beijing, so it was arranged by the organization to transfer to Shanghai. She did not expect that this wish would never be realized for more than a decade.

It was 1959 that we saw each other again. Mao Zedong and He Zizhen, who had been separated for many years, met briefly on Mount Lu. At this time, He Zizhen had been tortured by the disease and aged a lot, and the past was vividly remembered, and no matter how much he had, he only had heartache and regret.

After 22 years, I finally met Chairman Mao. But the whole meeting process was only a short hour, and she still had a lot of words to say, and she had to separate again.

Although this meeting seemed to be a wish, He Zizhen's sorrow did not diminish. The content of their conversations is also not well understood. Only since then, He Zizhen is still entangled in the disease, but has become deep and simple, and her daughter Li Min has been accompanying her to recuperate in Shanghai.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

Later, her condition gradually improved, and He Zizhen wanted to go to Beijing again, but her application was not approved by the organization, so she could only endure the mood of wanting to go to Beijing.

Immediately after receiving the news of Chairman Mao's death, He Zizhen's wish was completely shattered.

In June 1979, a brief message from the People's Daily attracted the attention of the people of the whole country and brought great good news to He Zizhen's life. At the suggestion of He Zizhen's comrades-in-arms, the Second Session of the Fifth NATIONAL COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference adopted a proposal to add her as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. This news was a great comfort for He Zizhen, who was seriously ill in bed. She sincerely thanked the party and the state for caring for her and thanked the central authorities for always remembering her.

Soon, she calmed down from the joy, because she still had a wish. She carefully expressed the wish that had been buried in her heart for many years, and put forward three requests to the central authorities: "I want to go to Beijing, I want to see Chairman Mao, and I want to see Tiananmen Square." I thought that it would not be passed as usual, but what I did not expect was that the central government immediately received her request after getting the news and said: Agree!

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

Soon, the Party Central Committee took He Zizhen from Shanghai to Beijing by special plane. In the more than 30 years since the founding of New China, she finally set foot on the land of Beijing for the first time. This heroine of tenacious and indomitable struggle on the road of the Chinese revolution could have long been able to live in the capital of New China, for which she fought. But This is how Zhaohua made people, and it was many years later that she saw Tiananmen Square with her own eyes.

After coming to Beijing, the central government arranged for her to be admitted to the ward of the Platon General Hospital for recuperation. Daughter Li Min, in order to make her life in Beijing more comfortable, is busy. When sending her to the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, everyone was afraid that there would be an accident, and they all accompanied her by her side, worried that she would cry out at the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and comforted her one after another. Although her speech was not very clear at this time, she still nodded seriously.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

She sat in a wheelchair and was pushed into the memorial hall by her daughter. At the moment of entering, the excitement overflowed into words, and he happily took a photo with his daughter with chairman Mao. But when the wheelchair slowly pushed into the hall of worship and saw Mao Zedong again, He Zizhen could not control his inner excitement. After 20 years, goodbye to the deceased, but the end of the world has been separated, two worlds. Although her daughter told her not to cry, He Zizhen could not control her tears. Because she knew that from now on, the parting was forever.

At this moment, He Zizhen opened his heart knot. Her former comrade-in-arms, former lover, once regretful, once walked together on Jinggang Mountain, once walked together on the slow Long March Road, will only be forever sealed in memory.

In 1979, He Zizhen made a request to the central authorities: to visit Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in Beijing

Later, He Zizhen went to visit Mao Zedong's former residence, and the moment he walked in, his emotions were once again uncontrollable, and he cried in the room where Mao Zedong once lived.

Later, He Zizhen lived in Beijing. In the first few months of her arrival, the mood was very pleasant, although it was sad to see Chairman Mao for a while, but on the whole, the stay was still satisfactory.

But she decided to return to Shanghai, where she was used to living. After He Zizhen decided to return to Shanghai, the central government also quickly approved her request and told her that she was welcome to return at any time.

However, He Zizhen never left Shanghai again after returning this time.

Because she saw Tiananmen Square in Beijing with her own eyes, visited Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, Chairman Mao's studio, and Chairman Mao's residence, her wish has come true!

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