
47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

author:Strictly keep telling history

The world inevitably has seven passions and six desires. There will always be all kinds of entanglements in living in the world, and family affection, love, and friendship are indispensable spiritual worlds for everyone. Whether it was during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression a hundred years ago or today, the most difficult thing for everyone to give up is the seven emotions and six desires. Especially during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the flames lasted for three months, and the family letter arrived at ten thousand gold.

In the era of war, no matter how inseparable the family affection is, it must be forgotten, and everything is important to state affairs. The most typical representative is the great man, in his life there are several important women, there are his married wives, there are comrades who fight with him, each of which is his inseparable past.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her
But as a great man, he still had to give up and turn to national affairs. One of them had a huge impact on his life, and she was He Zizhen. He Zizhen is a lover and a comrade-in-arms to a great man. In 47 years, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later the great man completed it for him.

I. Life of He Zizhen

He Zizhen was born into an ordinary family in Xinxiang, Jiangxi. He was well educated from an early age, so he was open-minded, because the conditions in his family were average, and he did not study all the time. Coupled with the fact that in that chaotic era, the often oppressed landlord class and bureaucrats were arrogant, and the people were often overwhelmed.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

It is precisely because He Zizhen went out of school to see all these worldly changes, and his heart was full of ideas of justice and struggle. So she dared to fight and pursue justice from an early age. So she embarked on the path of revolution. He Zizhen is very independent, even if she is alone, she still maintains justice in Jinggangshan.

As a patriotic and enthusiastic young man, He Zizhen participated in the revolutionary team of Jinggangshan and officially joined the anti-Japanese action. At that time, Jinggangshan did not establish a base area, but there was a nest of bandits running rampant and oppressing the local people, so He Zizhen launched an action to suppress bandits there.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

At that time, the great man also happened to go to Jinggangshan, and when he saw a heroic young man, he thought it was a bandit for a while. Later, I realized that this was a patriotic man, and although He Zizhen was heroic and heroic, he was beautiful and lovely, which made the great man impressed at first sight.

Later, the great man established a revolutionary base area in Jinggangshan, and the two became familiar with each other, often talking together and talking very harmoniously. For the great man, He Zizhen was a progressive young man with great ambitions, like a confidant with a red face. In He Zizhen's heart, the great man was like a beam of light, shining into his heart.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

Although He Zizhen did not read many books, her thinking progressed, her comprehension was very high, and she could know a little about what the great man said, and the two talked happily. I have to say that there is always a unique charm in the body of the great man, which attracts He Zizhen to slowly approach.

And the great man was also attracted by he Zizhen's unique charm, so the great man launched a strong pursuit of He Zizhen, and under the premise of not affecting state affairs, the two were together and married. In life, He Zizhen is meticulous to great people, and in the revolution, great people are also the direction of He Zizhen's progress.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

2. He Zizhen's marriage

Such characters are destined to be less and more together, and they all have their own things to do. In particular, great people, although they have their own families, they still have to be busy with state affairs. It is rare to take into account the feelings of the family.

Soon after they got married, He Zizhen became pregnant. But at this time the war was in full swing, and the great man was even more indifferent to her and the child who was about to be born. And He Zizhen is also very understanding, knowing that the great man runs hard, and he does not worry about this kind of thing, and he gave birth to a child alone.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

After many years like this, He Zizhen was also unusually busy, and on the one hand, she had to deal with many revolutionary matters for great people. On the one hand, it is necessary to take care of the family. It is such a great lady who sacrificed herself to save the people for the sake of the country. But no matter how reasonable people are, they will not remain silent after a long period of indifference, and finally, He Zizhen broke out when he gave birth to his last child.

He Zizhen went to the Soviet Union

Because the great man could not take care of his family for a long time, the husband and wife also gathered less and more, resulting in He Zizhen's backlog of emotions more and more, and at this time He Zizhen was pregnant with their last child, but on the verge of despair, she really could not bear the burden of life and decided to go to the Soviet Union alone.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

Soon after, He Zizhen gave birth to a boy in the Soviet Union, named Liao Wa, but because the mother was devastated during pregnancy, the child was born in poor health, and soon after he fell ill and died, and He Zizhen's spirit also became more and more broken, which may be the reason for living alone for a long time.

Soon after, the great man heard about her current situation and felt deeply remorseful, so he sent their daughter Li Min to the Soviet Union to accompany her mother. But the great man did not know, at this time He Zizhen's mental state was extremely poor, after Li Min went, He Zizhen often scolded her when she moved, and when she was in the Soviet Union, she sent many letters to the great man, but did not get a reply.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

Later, the revolutionary fighters became more and more urgent, and the great man could no longer take care of He Zizhen, who was far away in the Soviet Union, so he wrote a letter and sent it to He Zizhen, and when He Zizhen received and left the book, his heart was full of mixed feelings. Naturally, she was very reluctant, but she could not go against the wishes of the great man.

In 1947, He Zizhen returned to China with his daughter and Li Min, and the great man at this time already had the current wife by his side. When the traitors were in charge, He Zizhen could only be prevented from recuperating outside. During her recuperation, her only wish was to be able to meet great men. So a request was made to the central authorities, but it has not been answered.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

Until the fall of the Gang of Four later, He Zizhen eagerly made a request to the central government, but the great man was reluctant to see her. Maybe it was out of sorry for her and unwillingness to face the facts. In the end, 12 years after He Zizhen returned to China, the great man still decided to see her under the pleading of everyone, and the two did not have much language when they met, but their hearts were full of mixed feelings.


Even great men cannot give up their children's love, let alone ordinary people? The War of Resistance Against Japan is imminent, and even if the great man and He Zizhen are in love with each other, they cannot give up their small family and think about everyone. So he gave up his love, his affection. He Zizhen was also heartbroken because of this, and their national righteousness was really touching.

47 years ago, He Zizhen returned to China and made a request to the organization, and 12 years later, the great man completed the task for her

He Zizhen went to the Soviet Union alone because of a momentary anger, thinking of the great man. In order to make up for their apologies to her, the great people sent their daughter Li Min to the Soviet Union to accompany their mother. By the time He Zizhen thought about everything and wanted to return to China to meet the great man, it was too late.

When the founding of New China was founded, He Zizhen made a request to the organization and wanted to see the great man, but the great man at this time did not have the courage to see her. Under the pleading of the people, the great man finally agreed to see her. After the two met, there was not much to say, but it was like a lifetime.

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