
Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

author:Florist Xiao Qi

Soon for the New Year, buy pots of kumquats and put them in your home, full of "golden fruits", auspicious and festive to welcome the New Year

Whenever the New Year, many flower friends will buy a pot of kumquat from the market or from the Internet, which is full of golden fruits, and then hang a few small lanterns, put them at home during the New Year, you can enjoy the fruits, you can also pick them to taste, very good, because its meaning is very auspicious. But we buy kumquat, many flower friends will not raise it, wait for its fruit to be completely ripe, when the time comes to raise a period of time when the fruit falls off the leaves, the whole plant will die, so how to potted kumquat in the family?

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

In fact, the kumquat pot is very simple, generally its fruit is hung on it, and the plants bought are all this kind of plant, so after we receive it, the fruit can be watched for a period of time, but the fruit hanging on it must be remembered, fertilizer moisture must be given to it sufficient.

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

The first point is to give it enough light, the more sufficient the light, the better, this is the plant of the rue family, including oranges and lemons and the like are necessary to know, see enough light to ensure that it is not a problem.

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

The second point is to ensure a good watering frequency, its demand for water is relatively large, especially hanging full of fruit, must not lack of water, general watering, pot soil dry to half, timely watering it thoroughly, do not let the pot soil dry thoroughly, if the watering is slightly improper, there will be a dry root situation.

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

The 3rd point is to reasonably give him a fertilizer, because his fruit hanging on the top of the nutrient consumption is particularly much, fertilizer is not sufficient, the later fruit to consume nutrients, the consumption is the plant and the nutrients in the root system, and finally the nutrient supply can not be on, the leaves are yellow and fall off, the root system is completely not absorbed, there will be problems, so the fruit hangs on it, the fertilizer should be guaranteed to give him 2 to 3 times a month, choose high potassium content, other elements are not missing, high potassium fertilizer has more flowers 12, It is very useful because potassium fertilizer can promote rapid fruit ripening, and the fruit will not consume nutrients after it is fully ripe. If you do not have a high potassium fertilizer on hand, you can use multi-element fertilizer, which is also possible, but it will be relatively weak.

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

Buy a kumquat with fruit, take it to the home as much as possible not to change the pot for him, give him a good-looking pot to raise on the line, and so on the end of the year to the consequences of the child on the top of the complete ripe, we do not want to appreciate the fruit, directly cut all the fruit for him, properly prune the branches, the thin branches of the weak branches for him to cut off, too long can be appropriate to give him a short cut, after the pruning is completed we can give him a pot.

Family potted kumquat, do 3 "small actions", golden fruit hanging on the branches, auspicious and festive

When changing pots, try to retain some protective soil, wash away 1/3 to 2/3 of the soil, replace the new soil directly to it on the line, the new soil must be based on the breathability of our original soil to mix close to each other, so as to change the pot for him, change the pot not too big. After the success of the seedlings, normal to give him more light, do not lack of water, fertilizer choice of multiple elements, or high phosphorus and potassium content, he can then flower again, after the blossom will be hung with golden yellow fruit, to the New Year is also very beautiful, because the amount of kumquat it flowering and fruiting is very large, the fruit hanging period is also very long, planted in a pot at home, very beautiful.

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