
After he was a loyal subject, he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and became the first civil servant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and his wife did not dare to say a word when he was robbed

author:Han Zhou reads

Text/Lin Yan

After he was a loyal subject, he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and became the first civil servant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and his wife did not dare to say a word when he was robbed

Portrait of Fan Wencheng

Fan Zhongyan, a famous writer, thinker and politician of the Northern Song Dynasty, had a seventeenth grandson, named Fan Wencheng, Zi Xiandou, Hui Yue, a native of Shenyang, Liaoning (now part of Shenyang, Liaoning), born in the twenty-fifth year of the Ming Dynasty (1597), and loved to read since childhood.

The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records that in the forty-third year of the Wanli Calendar (1615), the eighteen-year-old Fan Wencheng took the examination for Xiucai.

In the forty-sixth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1618), after the Jin army captured Fushun, Fan Wencheng and his brother Fan Wenyi [cài] took the initiative to pay tribute to Nurhaci and surrendered to Houjin.

After Nurhaci thought that the Fan brothers were famous courtiers, he said to the Beylers around him, "You must treat them well!" ”

When Nurhaci and Huang Taiji successively attacked the Ming Dynasty, Korea, and Mongolia, Fan Wencheng repeatedly accompanied the army to give advice and advice, and also dressed up in battle, once participated in the battle with "firearms", and also played the role of a general who plotted against the Ming Dynasty, and served houjin with a dead heart.

In August of the fifth year of Tiancong (1631), Emperor Taiji led an army of 70,000 to attack the Ming Dynasty's Dalinghe City, Fan Wencheng was ordered to persuade the Ming army generals to surrender, but was refused, he rode on his horse alone to the city wall platform, knowing the stakes, the generals finally chose to surrender, this battle captured more than 90 people such as students, men, women, etc., more than 40 heads (horses) of cattle, horses, and donkeys, the Emperor Taiji was very happy, and immediately rewarded all these booty to Fan Wencheng.

After the Shunzhi Emperor ascended the throne, the regent Dolgun led an army to attack Beijing, heeded Fan Wencheng's advice to appease the people of Jingshi, and ordered "Do not kill innocents, do not loot property, and do not burn the house", which finally stabilized the people's hearts in the capital.

Fan Wencheng was ordered to persuade the former Ming officials and gained the trust of the officials and the people.

After he was a loyal subject, he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and became the first civil servant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and his wife did not dare to say a word when he was robbed


At the critical juncture when the Qing Dynasty entered the Central Plains, Fan Wencheng endured the humiliation of his wife being bullied by the banner lord in spite of his personal grievances, assisted Dolgun to stabilize the situation, and made great contributions to the unification of the world in the Qing Dynasty.

According to the Manchu Qing Eight Flags system, Fan Wencheng also entered the flag, as the white flag, the flag owner is Nurhaci's fifteenth son, "one of the eight iron hat kings" Of Yu Prince Duoduo, Duo Duo is absurd, fond of female color, cruel and tyrannical, once personally created the "Yangzhou Ten Days" massacre, his hands were stained with the blood of the people of Jiangnan, during which he killed Shi Kefa, the governor of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

Fan Wencheng served as a scholar of the Secretariat Academy and a minister of parliament, which can be called the founding merit of the Qing Dynasty, and the official position is much larger than that of Duoduo, but in the white flag, it is only the flag of others, and when he sees Duoduo, he must get off his horse and prostrate himself, and he must also call himself a slave.

In October of the eighth year of Chongde (1643), Duo Duo found that Fan Wencheng's wife was quite beautiful, so he sent someone to the Fan Mansion compound to forcibly bring Fan Wencheng's wife back to Prince Yu's mansion and occupied it for three months.

According to the provisions of the eight flags system, the people under the banner owner are their own slaves, and it is legal to occupy any woman in the flag.

Fan Wencheng neither dared to be angry nor dare to speak, but DuoDuo did not have the slightest intention of releasing Fan's wife, and Fan Wencheng, who could not bear it, finally plucked up the courage to complain to the regent Dolgun, who was greatly annoyed by the arrogant behavior of his younger brother Dolgun.

The Qing Shilu records: "Yu County's King Duoduo plotted to seize the wife of the scholar Fan Wencheng, and the incident occurred, and the kings, Belle, and the chancellor Ju Xun were sent to the court. Dodo was fined one thousand taels of silver and fifteen cattle. Prince Hauge of Su sat and did not send it, and fined him three thousand taels of silver. ”

Dorgon ordered the kings, Belle, and the ministers to be interrogated severely, and the evidence was conclusive and true.

Dorgon then ordered a fine of one thousand taels of silver for Duoduo, fifteen cattle records (one cattle record for ten people in its grass-roots units), and immediately returned Fan's wife to Fan Mansion.

Dorgon gave Fan Wencheng enough face, and also took the opportunity to strike at the arrogance of the prince's forces, and Fan Wencheng has since been more determined to fight for the Qing.

In the seventh year of Shunzhi (1650), Dorgon died of illness, and the following year, the Shunzhi Emperor began to liquidate Dorgon's henchmen, and Fan Wencheng was dismissed from his post and raided, and soon restored to his original post.

After he was a loyal subject, he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and became the first civil servant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and his wife did not dare to say a word when he was robbed

The Kangxi Emperor

In August of the fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1666), Fan Wencheng died of illness at the age of seventy, and the Kangxi Emperor personally wrote a memorial and gave him the nickname "Wensu".

However, the Kangxi Emperor still looked down on Fan Wencheng from his bones, and many years later, the Emperor Listed Fan Wencheng in the "Biography of the Second Minister".

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