
The madman fought Wang Jinshan very hard, and Xu Xiangqian quickly won after taking command

author:Liu Xin reads history
The madman fought Wang Jinshan very hard, and Xu Xiangqian quickly won after taking command

Xu Xiangqian during the War of Resistance

In 1937, the Eighth Route Army fought against Japan, and it was a fight between the gods and immortals within itself.

The three fronts of the Long March to northern Shaanxi were reduced into one army in a short period of time, resulting in a large number of commanders who were on their own initiative having to temporarily collect divine powers.

Xu Xiangqian, the commander-in-chief of the Four Fronts Army, who commanded 80,000 people, only served as the deputy commander of the 129th Division after reorganization. It is said that the Red Army was originally planning to be reorganized into four divisions, and the fourth division was headed by Xu Xiangqian, but Chiang Kai-shek did not agree. There is also a theory that the original commander of the 129th Division was also Xu Xiangqian, because the troops were mainly from the Four Fronts, but Xu Qiangqian took the initiative to give way. In Xu Shuai's own words: "Revolution is to work for the party, to do whatever is called." We are revolutionary, not for the sake of being an official."

After the Eighth Route Army crossed the Yellow River into the hinterland of Shanxi, the most important thing was to establish a base area. Because the number of a division was too small, many Outstanding Red Army cadres went out independently to pull up the team. Soon appeared, a large number of armed forces such as the Wang Naigui detachment, the Qin Lai detachment, the Xie Zhang detachment, and the Zhao Tu detachment.

In 1937, after the Japanese army captured Taiyuan, it was found that it was surrounded by the troops of the Eighth Route Army, and if this problem was not solved, it would be difficult for him to make a difference in Shanxi.

In late December 1937, the Japanese 20th Division attacked the northern part of the Jinji-Yu base area in six routes. At this time, the Eighth Route Army was still busy with the construction of the base area, and Xu Xiangqian was still busy with the construction and teaching work of the Jinji-Hebei Yu Military and Political School. After the battle began, Xu Xiangqian urgently met with Liu Bocheng and gave full command of the battle.

The Japanese army was divided into six routes, and the general situation was:

The largest number of people set off from Shouyang, about 2500 people, and there were 3 aircraft, 10 flat-firing guns and curved guns, mainly attacking the 772nd Regiment of the 129th Division stationed in Songta.

More than 500 Japanese troops in the direction of Pingding launched an attack on the 769th Regiment of the 129th Division stationed in Xizhai.

More than 300 Japanese troops in the direction of Yangquan attacked Mafang via Shanglongquan and Guangyang.

More than 200 people were dispatched by Yuci and Changning to attack Mafang through the outskirts of The City.

More than 600 people were dispatched from Taigu and turned towards crystal slope through Fan Village.

More than 700 people were dispatched from Xiyang and attacked Heshun through the Guandi Temple.

A battle of this scale was really not much of a deal for Xu Xiangqian. The last time he besieged the Sixth Route, he faced 200,000 Sichuan troops, and he took 80,000 people to eat 80,000 people and won a total victory. Most of the troops participating in the war this time were soldiers he had brought before, and they all experienced the Long March, and their combat effectiveness had nothing to say.

The madman fought Wang Jinshan very hard, and Xu Xiangqian quickly won after taking command

On the contrary, the Japanese army, after entering China, except for the Eighth Route Army, has never seen a few units that can fight, so the two families met together and fought completely two kinds of battles. It can be seen from the distribution of Japanese troops that he still has not yet had a clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army.

In this battle, the most difficult thing should be the 772nd Regiment stationed around Songta.

In charge of the front line command was Wang Jinshan, deputy commander of the 772nd Regiment, who was also a member of the former Four Fronts Army, who fought very bravely, was known as a crazy general, and was one of the prototypes of Li Yunlong. However, after two days of fierce fighting, the troops also began to have problems, Wang Jinshan himself and the commander of the three battalions were wounded, and the helpless troops were forced to withdraw to the southern military city.

At the critical moment, Xu Xiangqian personally ran to the front line and sat in command. The same troops, Wang Jinshan's command was almost unable to resist, Xu Qianqian could go?

If not to mention that Xu Shuai was Xu Shuai, after going to the front line, he quickly saw the combat tactics of the Japanese army, and they were ready to adopt the sticky net type of luring and annihilating tactics, deliberately exposing the flanks to lure the Eighth Route Army to attack, and then wrapped one around, and suddenly pounced on the outer flank with its main force. After clearly seeing the intentions of the Japanese army, Xu Xiangqiang quickly issued orders to all the participating units, requiring the main force to cooperate with the guerrillas, the internal and external lines to cooperate, avoid the enemy's front, attack the enemy's weaknesses, and move to annihilate the enemy.

After xu xiangqian personally commanded by the 772nd regiment, it quickly joined the Pingding guerrillas in the inner line to attract a large number of Japanese main forces with small units, and then the main force went around the back of the Japanese army to launch a fierce attack, and the Japanese army could not take care of each other, and suffered heavy casualties. The same tactic was used twice in Longquan in Huguan County and In Xiyang County, and more than 500 Japanese troops were killed.

When the 772nd Regiment achieved certain results, the 769th Regiment, the Wang Naigui Detachment, and the Qin Lai Detachment attacked extensively on the outside, and the Attacking Japanese Army was exhausted.

You know, at this time, it was the weather in December in Shanxi, and the Japanese troops who had penetrated into the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains could not find the main force of the Eighth Route Army for many consecutive days, but they had been attacked by various small units, and they were soon dragged into a tired division. Originally prepared to eliminate the effective forces of the Eighth Route Army, destroy the prestige of the Communist Party, and shake the confidence of the army and the people to persist in the War of Resistance, what they did not expect was that after losing more than a thousand people, they did not take advantage of it at all, and after setting fire to the villages in Mafang and Xizhao, they retreated along the Zhengtai Road.

The madman fought Wang Jinshan very hard, and Xu Xiangqian quickly won after taking command

For the 129th Division, this was the first victory the troops had won south of Zhengtai Road.

Because it is too close to the New Year, this is also a New Year's gift from the Japanese army. This battle provided a good mass foundation for the follow-up work of the Eighth Route Army in southeastern Jin, and made everyone full of confidence in the final defeat of the Japanese army.

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