
In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

author:Peng Fei said history
I believe that everyone has seen the TV series "Bright Sword", and the prototype of Li Yunlong is Wang Jinshan, the founding lieutenant general of our country. Wang Jinshan was called Wang Crazy by everyone, but this crazy and crazy person had such a high talent in the military field, not only good at fighting hard battles and gnawing hard bones, but also in ordinary life he himself was also very divine. In 1937, Wang Jinshan concluded that the two soldiers were spies just by seeing two female soldiers greeting him during an ordinary inspection. So how amazing is this madman of the king? How did these two female soldiers expose their secret agents in front of him? Let's walk into the story of the mad general!

The mad general has just grown up

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

The image comes from the Internet

This man, who was called a madman, was a famous general in our country, and it was in the turbulent years of our country, so Wang Jinshan had seen all the devastated Chinese society since he was a child. When he was young, Wang Jinshan's side would always appear around all kinds of bandits and warlords to attack his village, watching this group of fierce and evil people Wang Jinshan secretly determined in his heart that he must change all this one day, and the hard life of his childhood also cultivated his fiery personality.

When Wang Jinshan was a child, his mother also left him due to an accident, and after his mother left, Wang Jinshan's life became even more difficult, and in order to feed himself, he had to go to a local landlord's house to herd cattle for the landlord.

Wang Jinshan's life after going to the landlord's house was also very, very miserable, and in the modern and modern period of China, people's concept of equality was relatively weak, and the housekeepers in the landlord's house did not regard him as a person at all, and once Wang Jinshan had any disobedience to him, he would pick up the leather whip and jerk it against his body.

In the face of such a miserable life, Wang Jinshan almost had no ability to fight back, and at the age of 15, his life finally ushered in the dawn, just in that year the Red Army entered his hometown, and after the arrival of the Red Army, Wang Jinshan also got rid of such a painful life, and watched this group of righteous Red Army soldiers also find their own goals in life.

The young Wang Jinshan was impressed by the kindness of the Red Army soldiers, and Wang Jinshan ran to the Red Army soldiers and begged them to say that he wanted to fight with this group of people, and the Red Army soldiers looked at the resolute teenager in front of them and agreed to his request. After entering the boot camp, Wang Jinshan has always worked very hard, not only in his usual exercises, but also always rushing to the front whenever there is a war.

Soon Wang Jinshan was appreciated by the leader, in a battle Wang Jinshan rushed forward as usual, when the enemy saw that the soldier on the opposite side was just a teenage hairy boy, they did not pay attention to him at all, the enemy took a pistol and shot at Wang Jinshan's side.

Seeing that Wang Jinshan quickly ran to the grass and hid, after the enemy's bullets were finished, he immediately ran out and kicked the enemy to the ground and quickly took away the pistol in the enemy's hand, after which Wang Jinshan began to fight with the enemy in close combat, the two quickly wrestled together, because Wang Jinshan's age was too young, he was also quickly at a disadvantage in this battle, looking at the situation in front of him Wang Jinshan was very anxious, he cleverly pulled the enemy down the cliff tens of meters high. At that time, Wang Jinshan thought in his heart that he could not defeat this enemy anyway, but it was better to drag him down together, and if he died, he could also pull a cushion back.

Heaven will always take care of those who are brave, and Wang Jinshan did not suffer any serious injuries after pulling the enemy down.

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

If you don't go crazy, you can't live

Wang Jinshan's comrades-in-arms quickly went to the cliff to look for him after finding him missing, and after some searching, they also found the injured Wang Jinshan, after listening to him talk about his experience, they gave Wang Jinshan the name of a Wang Crazy Man, in their opinion Wang Jinshan is really too bold, although everyone thinks that Wang Jinshan is a madman, but he himself is very satisfied with the title of this madman, Wang Jinshan said to the comrades around him that as long as I am crazy enough, as long as I am crazy enough, even black and white impermanence do not dare to take me. When I get to the battlefield, I must be invincible.

In the follow-up battle process, Wang Jinshan also maintained his own combat style and courageous attitude, and with his own meritorious service, Wang Jinshan quickly achieved the position of platoon leader.

After Wang Jinshan became an official, he still did not hide behind the troops but charged forward again and again. In the course of a battle, Wang Jinshan once again rushed to the front line, he became a living target of the enemy, in this battle Wang Jinshan was unconscious because of a gunshot wound, under the doctor's strong treatment, he finally saved a life, Wang Jinshan's spirit of not being afraid of death, not afraid of bloodshed and not afraid of sacrifice also infected many comrades in the army.

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

Although it is said that Wang Jinshan relied on his own courage and the support of his own spirit when he fought in peacetime, his ability in the military field was not spared, and Wang Jinshan, who killed decisively on the battlefield, was also meticulous and extremely careful in his life.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, our army also launched a fight with the Japanese army, and the war was always accompanied by a large number of casualties, and it was also anxious to see that the comrades around him were getting fewer and fewer.

In order to ensure the sufficient strength of the front line, our Party also began to recruit new recruits urgently, and after the order to recruit new soldiers was issued, the leaders of the various units also hurried to the nearby villages to recruit some young men and women.

Because the war on the front line was in a state of stalemate at that time, and the order to recruit new soldiers was issued in a relatively urgent manner, the commanders of the troops did not conduct strict examination when they summoned new soldiers, precisely because of the negligence in political review that caused a huge hidden danger later.

After joining the army, these recruits must first undergo training for up to several months, after which our army will arrange them in different units according to the characteristics of these recruits. Wang Jinshan has always attached great importance to the recruitment of new soldiers, that day he came to the place where this group of soldiers were trained, Wang Jinshan originally just wanted to see the training of this group of new recruits, but he did not expect to have an unexpected discovery after coming here.

Observe the nuances to eliminate the scourge

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

After coming to the training ground, Wang Jinshan told his comrades around him not to expose his identity, and he did not want to have any estrangement from these recruits because of his special identity. In this way, Wang Jinshan walked to the training ground, and after entering the training ground, Wang Jinshan looked at the training of the recruits in front of him and was very satisfied.

But just when Wang Jinshan was happy, two female soldiers came to his side, these two female soldiers first saluted Wang Jinshan and then shouted a word of chief good to leave, the people around them looked at these two female soldiers so polite and did not care too much, but just when these two female soldiers were preparing to leave, Wang Jinshan's face showed a different look. Wang Jinshan gave them a salute and said that the comrades had worked hard, and after saying these words, he went to other training regiments with the doubts in his heart to check on the training of other soldiers.

After turning around for a while, Wang Jinshan seemed to remember something, he quickly called the person in charge of the scene to ask who the two female soldiers really were, under the leadership of the person in charge, Wang Jinshan found these two female soldiers, and asked these two female soldiers straight to the point, where did you come from? What's it called?

The female soldiers showed a hint of panic in the face of Wang Jinshan's inquiry, and the two of them replied that they were from a nearby village, and that the Japanese had come and destroyed their homes and killed their relatives, and the more the two female soldiers talked, the more upset they became, saying that the Japanese not only took the money from their families but also coveted their beauty and wanted to defile them, but fortunately their neighbors rushed over and saved themselves.

After telling her story, the female soldier said that she would definitely train well to avenge her relatives, and his words quickly aroused the sympathy of other soldiers around her, but just when the surrounding soldiers began to wipe their tears, Wang Jinshan suddenly went crazy, and he asked people to quickly arrest these two women, and now, immediately, and immediately shot them.

These recruit comrades in the surrounding area looked at Wang Jinshan's faction and were very confused, they didn't understand where these two female soldiers had provoked Commander Wang to let him kill such a killer? The surrounding recruits, you look at me, I don't dare to come forward, at this time, a guard next to Wang Jinshan came to his side, and he carefully asked the commander of the Wang regiment, why did you kill them? We are obviously meeting for the first time, where did they provoke you? After listening to the guards' words, these two female soldiers seemed to see the rescue soldiers, and the female soldiers quickly said, Yes, Commander Wang, we have only come to your command after listening to the famous head of your anti-Japanese general, how can you bully people so much?

Wang Jinshan looked at the two clever Japanese female soldiers in front of him and scolded the police officers, but you still stay by my side every day, can't you see it? Where are the villagers nearby? These are obviously two Japanese female spies!

The police officer looked at the two nervous-looking female agents in front of him and did not know what to do, although he was confused but did not dare to ask more, just after Wang Jinshan said this sentence, the recruits around him stood up to speak for the two female soldiers, everyone said that these two female soldiers could not be Japanese secret agents, after joining the army, they have always behaved very hard, and they usually get along with them very harmoniously, and they are definitely not female agents in the mouth of The Commander Wang.

At this time, the female soldiers also helped to make a gesture and said that Commander Wang, you said that I was a female agent so indiscriminately, and you still wanted to shoot me, and it was clear that you didn't like me and wanted to use my official position to suppress us, and I knew that you were such a person, so I wouldn't come to join the army, and you didn't have to shoot me, just let me go back to my hometown to everyone to worry about it.

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

The words of these two female soldiers quickly aroused the approval of the surrounding soldiers, and after saying this, the two female soldiers also shed crocodile tears, but Wang Jinshan was not confused by their set.

Wang Jinshan first sighed, and then she explained to everyone that the two female soldiers said that they were women from nearby villages, but the accents of the prawns in this village were very far-reaching, and where did you listen to the way the two of them spoke? And if you listen carefully, the tail note when they speak has a bit of a Japanese feeling.

The people around them felt that what Commander Wang said also had some truth, and at this time, the two female soldiers also defended themselves and explained that the people in their families were not locals, so they did not speak local dialects, and after the Japanese came, they learned a few words of Japanese with the Japanese, and they did not mean it.

At first, they said that the Japanese came and killed her family and wanted to insult her, these two people should hate the Japanese to the bone, so why did she speak Japanese?

After exposing their lies, Wang Jinshan said his second point of judgment, he said that when he came to this new barracks, he did not let anyone report, these recruits present did not know themselves, and he also met with these two female soldiers for the first time, so how did these two female soldiers recognize themselves?

The two female soldiers replied that they had long heard of the name of the commander of the Wang regiment, and they could see the arrogance of the commander of the Wang regiment from a distance, so they tacitly accepted that this person was the famous commander of the Wang regiment.

Wang Jinshan ignored them, and then he said the ironclad evidence of his judgment, he said that just as the two female soldiers saluted him, he found that the hands of the two female soldiers were not at all like the hands of the village women who usually did farm work, and he also found that there was a thin cocoon at the tiger mouth of the two female soldiers, which should be the calluses left by the long-term use of pistols.

In order to prove to everyone that his statement was correct, Wang Jinshan also told the soldiers around him that this group of Japanese women usually wear clogs in Japan, and there will be a layer of calluses left by long-term wearing clogs on their toes, and we will take off the shoes on their feet to see that there must be cocoon marks on their feet. After Wang Jinshan finished speaking, everyone quickly took off the shoes of the two female soldiers, and it turned out that Wang Jinshan was right, and these two female soldiers were Japanese.

Later, our army also launched an investigation into these two female soldiers, and after investigation we found that these two people were agents sent by the Japanese to inquire into our military intelligence, fortunately, Wang Jinshan discovered the problem of these two female soldiers, otherwise if they stole important information of our army, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In 1937, when Wang Jinshan inspected the troops, the two female soldiers saluted and said hello, but why were they ordered to be arrested and executed?

Although Wang Jinshan was called crazy by everyone, he was only crazy about the enemy, and his attitude towards soldiers was always very humble.

In addition to this incident of female soldiers, Wang Jinshan has also made great contributions to our party, but I wonder what you think of this crazy general?

The content of this issue ends here, thank you very much for reading, like friends can like and follow, we will see you in the next issue.

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